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Access and Security Issues
Q1: Some applications that ran under J2EE SDK 1.3
beta 2 stop running under the 1.3 FCS release with the
following message: java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA
NO_PERMISSION 0 No. Why does this happen and what
can be done about it?
When your application ran under the 1.3 beta 2
version of the reference implementation (RI), security permissions may
not have
been checked. For example, the beta 2 RI allowed
calls to enterprise beans that required username-password permission,
when the client provided no username-password
With 1.3 FCS release, the J2EE SDK became strict
about checking adherence to the security policies of J2EE components.
How can you make your application run under the
FCS release?
1.If you don't want security checks, do the
Use the deploytool to build a deployment
descriptor that does not require a strict security policy:
Under the Security screen of the EJB wizard
or the Security tab of the EJB inspector in deploytool, click
Settings..". Under the box "Client
Authentication", make sure "Support Client Choice" is checked instead of
or "Password".
2.To require the application pass security
checks to run, do the following:
When an enterprise bean specifies
"Certificate" or "Password" as the method of Client Authentication, use
a J2EE
application client, instead of a stand-alone
Java application, to access the bean. You will need to login as a valid
Frederik Hansen wrote:
> Hejsa
> Jeg har hentet J2EE 1.3 SDK, og også fået flere af eksemplerne til at
> køre, men nu har jeg lavet min egen EJB (en SessionBean) og når jeg
> forsøger at kalde nogen methoder på Home'et kommer denne fejl:
> java.rmi.AccessException: CORBA NO_PERMISSION 0 No; nested exception is:
> org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
> org.omg.CORBA.NO_PERMISSION: minor code: 0 completed: No
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
> at
> Hvad har jeg overset? Jeg har ikke gjort noget ved security opsætning,
> så default skulle alle jo have adgang til methoderne, ikk? Min client er
> en standalone application (altså ikke noget med JSP, og sådan). Jeg
> bruger heller ikke "runclint", og logger som sådan heller ikke ind. Det
> har jeg dog prøvet (med guest/guest123) med det havde samme virkning..
> Nogen der kender til noget dokumentation, hvor der er en lang liste over
> almindelig fejl og deres løsning? (En slags "troubleshooting")
> --
> Venlig hilsen
> Frederik Hansen
> Sun Certified Programmer
> for the Java(tm) 2 Platform
> email : frederik@roirex.dk
> www :
Venlig hilsen
Frederik Hansen
Sun Certified Programmer
for the Java(tm) 2 Platform
email : frederik@roirex.dk
www :