"Kenn L. Schjødt" <kenn_s.fjern-for-email@worldonline.dk> skrev i en
meddelelse news:3be852b4$0$223$edfadb0f@dspool01.news.tele.dk...
> Følgende indlæg er givet gruppen for at påvise at man kan finde historie
> eks-medlemmer fra nærmest alle trossamfund og ikke fordi jeg synes det er
> interessant at bringe eks-medlemmers fortællinger. En del evangeliske
> kristne har bragt kritiske sites om Sidste Dages Hellige og jeg vil blot
> påvise at det sammen kan findes om fundamentalistisk kristendom.
> Følgende historie om kristen fundamentalisme er fundet på:
> Bla. siger Sherry Burgdorf fra Minnesota følgende om sine tidligere
> trosfæller:
> "Informed choice and critical examinations of the Bible are what Burgdorf
> resorted to because inconsistencies she found would have to be proved true
> or false. Burgdorf found, documented in other texts and through her own
> research, concepts she could no longer ignore with blind faith, such as
> subjugation of females, original sin, and others.
> She insists that fundamentalists, who follow the literal words of the
> can become militant, manipulative, self-centered, and extremist to the
> where they can be compared with Middle East Islamic extremists who are
> dedicated to a militaristic, anti-female society. Harsh words from a woman
> who used to extol the inerrancy of the Bible.
> And even as a former fundamentalist, Burgdorf said she can not dismiss
> positive aspects of the faith, such as the love and charity of God and the
> importance of the Christian family. "Most fundamentalists are good,
> well-intentioned people with a devotion to God," Burgdorf said, "as I was
> myself." But when these well-intentioned people take literal meanings from
> the Bible, their practices can, in fact, turn evil, she said."
"Uh, jeg føler mig ramt?"
Ja, det er da rigtigt at ALLE religioner eller ideologier kan kamme over.
Det er der intet nyt i.
Men fundamentalisme findes som sagt ALLE steder, så du kunne jo begynde med
at fortælle, hvordan du selv oplever fundamentalisme i SDH?
Jeg kan da selv give dig masser af historier om fundamentalisme i og udenfor
Folkekirken til gengæld.
Anders Peter Johnsen