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ATI svarer igen på NVIDIA
Fra : Jacob

Dato : 26-09-01 17:34

Følgende sider har spændende ny info om ATI

www.xbitlabs.com/news/ (sep. 26)

Det ser ud til at min påstand fra 5 sep. om at ATI 8500 kommer til Danmark
anden uge i Oktober holder vand. NVIDIA lancerer i øvrigt Titanium familien
1 Okt. læs mere i Xbitlab linket.

RADEON 7000 32MB AGP - $79
RADEON 7200 64MB AGP - $99
RADEON 7500 64MB AGP - $199
RADEON 8500 64MB AGP - $299


Jacob (28-09-2001)
Fra : Jacob

Dato : 28-09-01 13:50

> Følgende sider har spændende ny info om ATI
> www.xbitlabs.com/news/ (sep. 26)
> www.reactorcritical.com/
> www.rage3d.com/#1001446404
> Det ser ud til at min påstand fra 5 sep. om at ATI 8500 kommer til Danmark
> anden uge i Oktober holder vand. NVIDIA lancerer i øvrigt Titanium
> 1 Okt. læs mere i Xbitlab linket.

Læs i øvrigt www.rivastation.com/r7500_1_e.htm for god test af ATI 7500. Jeg
har kopieret konklusion her:

The RADEON 7500 is a very convincing card. It can outperform its direct
price competitor, the GeForce 2 PRO, in almost every benchmark. In light of
this, its 16Bit weakness is almost not worth mentioning. The dual display
features, however, can't be lauded enough - they are unique in this
performance segment. The most impressive thing about this card has to be its
price, though: a "mere" DM 399 or $199. And knowing the business, street
prices are going to be even lower. Talk about a thorn in NVIDIA's side!

Of course, the 7500 comes nowhere near the performance of the (twice as
costly) GeForce 3 - except in the overdraw test "Villagemark". Then again,
that's not the price segment it is competing in. ATi's champion for that
match is the upcoming RADEON 8500, which should reach final silicon towards
the end of this month. That chip will also integrate such new TM features as
Truform, Smartshader and Smoothvision.

NVIDIA isn't resting on its laurels, though. The release of its new brand of
Titanium cards is only days away, so the competiotion remains as exciting as
ever! ATi's opening move was more than impressive. A full review of the
R7500 and the new Hydravision sofftware v2.5 it ships with will follow as
soon as final retail cards become available.


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