"Lars" <nomail@nomail.com> skrev:
> PNG understøttes dog kun af nyere browsere. (Fra Netscape 4 og Explorer 4).
Tja, man kan så diskutere hvor godt det understøttes af selv de
nyeste browserversioner som jo efterhånden er oppe i version 6 hvad
Internet Explorer og Netscape angår.
»Web-browser support for PNG (or the lack thereof) remains the major
thorn in the side of PNG developers and web designers who would like
to use PNG. Although most browsers now support PNG images natively
the "Big Two'' (Netscape and Internet Explorer) having finally caught up
in late 1997 (early 2000 for MSIE on the Macintosh)--the level of support
is downright pathetic. Users want alpha transparency, which allows one
to do nifty effects like drop-shadows and anti-aliasing against any back-
ground, but users of the now-dominant web browser, MSIE 5.x for
Windows, are still locked in the dark ages of GIF-style binary trans-
parency. (And it's implemented in such a way that any palette index that
isn't completely opaque is treated as completely transparent--depending
on your image, say goodbye to most of it! To make up for that, MSIE for
Windows doesn't support 32-bit RGBA transparency at all.)«
Mvh. Madsen
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