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Nobel physics prize honours accelerating U~
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 04-10-11 23:24

Nobel physics prize honours accelerating Universe find

4 October 2011 Last updated at 10:02 GMT

[ ... ]

a.. Gravity acting across vast distances does not seem to explain
what astronomers see

b.. Galaxies, for example, should fly apart; some other mass must
be there holding them together

c.. Astrophysicists have thus postulated "dark matter" - invisible to
us but clearly acting on galactic scales

d.. At the greatest distances, as the Nobel laureates found, the
Universe's expansion is accelerating

e.. Thus we have also "dark energy" which acts to drive the expansion,
in opposition to gravity

f.. The current theory holds that 70% of the Universe is dark energy,
25% is dark matter, and just 5% the kind of matter we know well

BBC Universe: Dark matter

BBC Universe: Dark energy

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael.
Coming up news: Iran hit by a Asteroid. Iran is no more (Jer.49,34-)
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