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new travel images; website refurbished
Fra : Oost West Thijs Best

Dato : 22-01-11 14:52

Back home from my latest assignment, a 4WD trip through Western
Australia. A few results can be seen in my online portfolio, e.g.
http://www.thijsheslenfeld.com/frame.php?itemId=299284 and

In the meantime we also upgraded the site; easier to navigate, less
images (but a lot of new ones never published on the site before) and
all images now much bigger to give you, well, a better picture!

Please feel free to have a look: www.thijsheslenfeld.com

Michael (22-01-2011)
Fra : Michael

Dato : 22-01-11 07:53

On 22 Jan., 14:52, Oost West Thijs Best <office-
butnosp...@thijsheslenfeld.com> wrote:
> Back home from my latest assignment, a 4WD trip through Western
> Australia. A few results can be seen in my online portfolio, e.g.http://www.thijsheslenfeld.com/frame.php?itemId=299091,http://www.thijsheslenfeld..com/frame.php?itemId=299284andhttp://www.thijsheslenfeld.com/frame.php?itemId=299527.
> In the meantime we also upgraded the site; easier to navigate, less
> images (but a lot of new ones never published on the site before) and
> all images now much bigger to give you, well, a better picture!
> Please feel free to have a look:www.thijsheslenfeld.com

I have not seen your picture before, i´m quite impressed,!
Regards Michael

AS (24-01-2011)
Fra : AS

Dato : 24-01-11 19:17

"Michael" <mr_tux2005@yahoo.dk> wrote in message
> I have not seen your picture before, i´m quite impressed,!

Agreed here too.

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