Local authority to plough £320,000 maintenance fees into road safety
Posted: 31 July 2009
by Visordown NewsSWINDON COUNCIL has made UK traffic law history by becoming
the first English authority to scrap the use of its fixed speed cameras.
The council is to reinvest the £320,000 spent each year on maintaining its
five cameras into road safety.
"Because the amount of money we were putting into cameras wasn't delivering
the results we required, we decided to make the focus road safety rather
than enforcement," said Conservative councillor Peter Greenhalgh.
"We'll be working with the road safety partnership, investing in education
programmes and working with the Institute of Advanced Motorists to improve
driver training facilities and with schools and colleges. We are also trying
to deliver improved programmes for drivers who have been caught
transgressing the speed limits," he said.
Despite the council's bold move, Wiltshire Police will still continue to
operate mobile units.