On 2009-05-11 00:29:59 +0200, Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> said:
> LaunchServices og LaunchServices.QuarantineEvents samler groft sagt
> opstartopl. på forskellige ting i systemet - bl.a. også på forsk.
> launchdeamons. Hvis der så sker en fejl i en sådan applikation vil de n
> blive 'sat i karantæne' og starter ikke.
Det er da vist lidt af en røverhistorie. Hverken Apple eller jeg er
enig for det første har LaunchServices og LaunchDaemon intet med
hinanden at gøre. Dernæst er LaunchServices en anden størrelse end du
giver udtryk for: (Saxet fra
"Mac OS X Launch Services is an API that enables a running application
to open other applications or their document files in a way similar to
the Finder or the Dock. Using Launch Services, an application can
perform such tasks as:
Open (launch or activate) another application
Open a document or a URL (uniform resource locator) in another
Identify the preferred application for opening a given document or URL
Register information about the kinds of document files and URLs
an application is capable of opening
Obtain appropriate information for displaying a file or URL on
the screen, such as its icon, display name, and kind string
Maintain and update the contents of the Recent Items menu
Although most of these services are normally performed by the Finder,
other applications may also find them useful for purposes such as
opening email attachments, following URLs embedded in a document,
running helper applications, or opening embedded document components
that were created by another application or require it for viewing or
Many of Launch Services’ capabilities were formerly provided by the
Desktop Manager. With the advent of Mac OS X application bundles,
however, the Desktop Manager has lost its usefulness, since it is not
knowledgeable about bundled applications and simply ignores them.
Similarly, Launch Services’ facilities for dealing with URLs were
formerly implemented through the Internet Config API. Launch Services
replaces and supersedes the Desktop Manager and Internet Config with a
new API providing similar functionality, but designed to operate
properly in the Mac OS X environment.
Launch Services was created specifically to avoid the common need for
applications to ask the Finder to open an application, document, or URL
for them. In the past, opening such items in a way similar to the
Finder required knowledge of several APIs, including the Desktop
Manager, File Manager, Translation Manager, Internet Config, Process
Manager, and Apple Event Manager. The Finder also had implicit
knowledge of the desktop database and other information not available
elsewhere for determining the correct application with which to open a
given document.
Launch Services removes this specialized knowledge from the Finder and
isolates it in a single, straightforward API available to any
application. The Mac OS X Finder itself uses Launch Services to open
applications, documents, and URLs at the user’s request. Since the
Finder does no additional processing beyond calling Launch Services,
any client using Launch Services for these purposes is guaranteed to
behave identically to the Finder itself."
> Jeg har ofte oplevet sådanne blokeringer, når jeg har siddet og teste r
> temmelig intensivt, og det hjælper ofte blot at slette selve programmet
> s / værktøjets indstillingsfilen (.plist fil) og de to
> LaunchServices-filer. Logge ud/ind, starte program/værktøj igen, og d
> et kører videre, som det skal...
Monstro det ikke blot er fordi du genstarter ale apps i dit eget user
space at dit problem løses ?
Jeg vil antage at Michaels SWUpdate opfører sig sjovt pga et DNS problem.
mvh. Morten Reippuert Knudsen
Chorus 08 @ Merlin Works CR