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10 måder at undgå kvaksalveri på
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 29-07-01 22:27


Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Promoters of quackery know how to appeal to every aspect of human
vulnerability. What sells is not the quality of their products but their
ability to influence their audience. Here are ten strategies to avoid being

1. Remember that quackery seldom looks outlandish.
Its promoters often use scientific terms and quote (or misquote) from
scientific references. Some actually have reputable scientific training but
have gone astray.

2. Ignore any practitioner who says that most diseases are caused by faulty
nutrition or can be remedied by taking supplements.
Although some diseases are related to diet, most are not. Moreover, in most
cases where diet actually is a factor in a person's health problem, the
solution is not to take vitamins but to alter the diet.

3. Be wary of anecdotes and testimonials.
If someone claims to have been helped by an unorthodox remedy, ask yourself
and possibly your doctor whether there might be another explanation. Most
single episodes of disease recover with the passage of time, and most
chronic ailments have symptom-free periods. Most people who give
testimonials about recovery from cancer have undergone effective treatment
as well as unorthodox treatment, but give credit to the latter. Some
testimonials are complete fabrications.

4. Be wary of pseudomedical jargon.
Instead of offering to treat your disease, some quacks will promise to
"detoxify" your body, "balance" its chemistry, release its "nerve energy,"
or "bring it in harmony with nature," or to correct supposed "weaknesses" of
various organs. The use of concepts that are impossible to measure enables
success to be claimed even though nothing has actually been accomplished.

5. Don't fall for paranoid accusations.
Unconventional practitioners often claim that the medical profession, drug
companies, and the government are conspiring to suppress whatever method
they espouse. No evidence to support such a theory has ever been
demonstrated. It also flies in the face of logic to believe that large
numbers of people would oppose the development of treatment methods that
might someday help themselves or their loved ones.

6. Forget about "secret cures."
True scientists share their knowledge as part of the process of scientific
development. Quacks may keep their methods secret to prevent others from
demonstrating that they don't work. No one who actually discovered a cure
would have reason to keep it secret. If a method works-especially for a
serious disease-the discoverer would gain enormous fame, fortune and
personal satisfaction by sharing the discovery with others.

7. Be wary of herbal remedies.
Herbs are promoted primarily through literature based on hearsay, folklore
and tradition. As medical science developed, it became apparent that most
herbs did not deserve good reputations, and most that did were replaced by
synthetic compounds that are more effective. Many herbs contain hundreds or
even thousands of chemicals that have not been completely cataloged. While
some may turn out to be useful, others could well prove toxic. With safe and
effective treatment available, treatment with herbs rarely makes sense.

8. Be skeptical of any product claimed to be effective against a wide range
of unrelated diseases-particularly diseases that are serious.
There is no such thing as a panacea or "cure-all."

9. Ignore appeals to your vanity.
One of quackery's most powerful appeals is the suggestion to "think for
yourself" instead of following the collective wisdom of the scientific
community. A similar appeal is the idea that although a remedy has not been
proven to work for other people, it still might work for you.

10. Don't let desperation cloud your judgment!
If you feel that your doctor isn't doing enough to help you, or if you have
been told that your condition is incurable and don't wish to accept this
fate without a struggle, don't stray from scientific health care in a
desperate attempt to find a solution. Instead, discuss your feelings with
your doctor and consider a consultation with a recognized expert.

Med venlig hilsen

Alex Bach Andersen (30-07-2001)
Fra : Alex Bach Andersen

Dato : 30-07-01 08:42

In message <9k1v4m$1ndv$1@news.cybercity.dk>
date 29 Jul, wrote a daemon named /arcana:

>Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked
>Stephen Barrett, M.D.

Vær dog lige opmærksom på at Dr Barret (der dog er de-licensed psykiater så
vidt jeg har forstået). Netop er blevet hevet i retten af en længere række

Alex Bach Andersen, freelance conductor UIN: 8285066
NodeSats/MusicTypesetting - Acorn RISC PC 600 - StrongARMed
Copenhagen,Denmark http://isa.dknet.dk/~alexbach/
..... And God said, "Let there be Windoze...and he rested on that day."

/arcana (30-07-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 30-07-01 13:13

"Alex Bach Andersen" <abca@ccl4.org> wrote in message

> Vær dog lige opmærksom på at Dr Barret (der dog er de-licensed psykiater

> vidt jeg har forstået). Netop er blevet hevet i retten af en længere række
> 'kvaksalvere'.

Derfor er det nu alligevel meget fornuftigt hvad han skriver i ovenstående.

Med venlig hilsen

/arcana (30-07-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 30-07-01 13:29

"Alex Bach Andersen" <abca@ccl4.org> wrote in message

> Vær dog lige opmærksom på at Dr Barret (der dog er de-licensed psykiater

Han er ikke "de-licensed", men pensioneret.

Se: http://www.quackwatch.com/10Bio/bio.html

Med venlig hilsen

Alex Bach Andersen (30-07-2001)
Fra : Alex Bach Andersen

Dato : 30-07-01 13:34

In message <9k3jqk$m4o$1@news.net.uni-c.dk>
date 30 Jul, wrote a daemon named /arcana:

>"Alex Bach Andersen" <abca@ccl4.org> wrote in message
>> Vær dog lige opmærksom på at Dr Barret (der dog er de-licensed psykiater
>Han er ikke "de-licensed", men pensioneret.
>Se: http://www.quackwatch.com/10Bio/bio.html
Hm, der står godt nok noget andet i anklageskriftet:

Without any basis or clinical research of their own, Dr. Barrett (a
de-licensed psychiatrist[1]) and Dr. Polevoy (an acne care physician), and
each of the Cross-Defendants, have focused their unqualified attack on the
scientific findings of Dr. Clark. Applying their obviously limited
scientific understanding of microbiology and parasitology, they minimize the
significance of Dr. Clark(s work by addressing only one form of parasite that
they, believe is the entirety of her findings. It is almost as if they
picked up one of Dr. Clark(s books and read the middle page and nothing else,
then decided they are experts in the field of parasitology.

Fodnoten kommer desværre ud som garble når jeg kører den gennem AntiWord.

Det går lidt bedre med PDF-versionen:

2 Dr. Barrett is no longer
licensed. He voluntarily abandoned his medical license in the early 1990s.


Alex Bach Andersen, freelance conductor UIN: 8285066
NodeSats/MusicTypesetting - Acorn RISC PC 600 - StrongARMed
Copenhagen,Denmark http://isa.dknet.dk/~alexbach/
..... Rainy days and automatic weapons get me down....

/arcana (30-07-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 30-07-01 13:57

"Alex Bach Andersen" <abca@ccl4.org> wrote in message

> 2 Dr. Barrett is no longer
> licensed. He voluntarily abandoned his medical license in the early


> >--
> ^^^Suk...

Drop det.


Carsten Riis (03-08-2001)
Fra : Carsten Riis

Dato : 03-08-01 08:59

/arcana wrote:
> http://www.quackwatch.com/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/avoid.html
> Ten Ways to Avoid Being Quacked

snip: tænk dig nu godt om råd.

Er det ikke bare den gode gamle: La vær med at tro på alt, hvad der

Med venlig hilsen Carsten Riis (for email: se godt efter i headeren)

/arcana (03-08-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 03-08-01 09:12

"Carsten Riis" <carsten@car_ST_en.dk> wrote in message

> Er det ikke bare den gode gamle: La vær med at tro på alt, hvad der
> siges?

Jeps - den trænger til at blive genopfrisket med jævne mellemrum...

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