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Fra : /arcana

Dato : 29-07-01 14:40

Fra Health Care Reality Check, http://www.hcrc.org/faqs/bloodtyp.html

Der er flere links på siden.


Blood Type Diet

By Tim Gorski, MD

Could someone get away with claiming that your blood type determines what
you should be eating and how you should be exercising in order to be
healthy? Sadly, "Naturopathic physician" Peter J. D'Adamo has written a book
that asserts exactly that. Such is the craze for "secrets" of good health
that physicians "don't want their patients to know" that such an absurd idea
can not only gain an audience but that the book in question, Eat Right 4
Your Type, is a February alternate selection for the Book-of-the-Month Club.
And if he can succeed with this awesome nonsense, "Dr." D'Adamo can get to
work on sequels that might explain how people can "eat right" for their Rh
factors and the rest of their red cell antigens, not to mention their HLA
types, hemoglobin electrophoresis profiles, and maybe even their genotypes
and the residual vibrations of their ancestors' genotypes even if they
didn't get them by heredity!

The sober conclusion to be drawn, though, is that many people remain
woefully uninformed about the most elementary facts relating to their lives
and health. People who would scoff at a proposal that a car's paint color
determines what sort of gasoline or oil should be used for the vehicle or
that a home's exterior brickwork determines how the furniture inside should
be arranged are nevertheless apparently willing to consider this particular

The above FAQ Sheet was adapted from an article which originally appeared in
the February 1997 issue of the Tarrant County Physician.



John Sahl (29-07-2001)
Fra : John Sahl

Dato : 29-07-01 14:46

"/arcana" <wallaby@kangoroo.gov> wrote in message news:9k13p9$dhq$1@news.cybercity.dk...
> HCRC FAQ Sheet
> Blood Type Diet

Rart med lidt "faktuelle" oplysninger som folk kan forholde sig til

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