Jeg er som alternativ til BusySync stødt på følgende script der
foretager kopieringen:
Script to duplicate Calendar orgCalendar into target dupCalendar
E.H. 12.9.2008
property myCopies : 0
property myUpdates : 0
property myObsoletes : 0
property orgCalendar : "Sekretariat"
property dupCalendar : "Sekretariat copy"
property dupEvents : {}
property myDeletes : {}
set myCopies to 0
set myUpdates to 0
set myObsoletes to 0
set dupEvents to {}
tell application "iCal"
-- set theCalendars to every calendar
set theCalendarNames to title of every calendar
set theOrgCalendar to a reference to calendar orgCalendar
if theCalendarNames contains dupCalendar then
set theCalendar to a reference to calendar dupCalendar
set theCalendar to make new calendar with properties
--set theCalendar to make new calendar with properties
{title:dupCalendar, color:"{65535, 0, 0}"}
end if
set the eventList to uid of every event of theOrgCalendar as list
set the eventCount to the count of the eventList
repeat with theUId in eventList
tell theOrgCalendar
set theEvent to (the first event whose uid is theUId)
-- set theProperties to the properties of theEvent as record
set theDate to the start date of theEvent
set theSummary to the summary of theEvent
set theStampDate to the stamp date of theEvent
end tell
tell theCalendar
set theOldEvent to (the first event of theCalendar whose
(start date) is theDate as date)
set similar_found to true
on error
set similar_found to false
set theEndDate to the end date of theEvent
set theAllDay to the allday event of theEvent
set theLocation to the location of theEvent
-- Funny construction to work araund the fact that
location may be missing a value
if theLocation is equal to "" then
end if
on error
set theLocation to ""
end try
set theDescription to the description of theEvent
if theDescription is equal to "" then
end if
on error
set theDescription to ""
end try
if theAllDay is true then -- work around a funny bug
with all day events
set theDate to (theDate as date) + 2 * hours
set theEndDate to (theEndDate as date) + 2 * hours
end if
set newEvent to make new event at end with properties
{summary:theSummary, location:theLocation, start date:theDate, end
date:theEndDate, allday event:theAllDay, description:theDescription}
-- make new event at end with properties theProperties
set the end of dupEvents to (the uid of newEvent)
set myCopies to (myCopies + 1)
end try
end tell
set second_necessary to false
if similar_found is true then
set theOldSummary to the summary of theOldEvent
if theSummary is not equal to theOldSummary then
--is there a different one?
set theOldEvent1 to (the second event of theCalendar
whose (start date) is theDate as date)
set theOldSummary to the summary of theOldEvent1
if theSummary is equal to theOldSummary then
set theOldEvent to theOldEvent1
set the end of dupEvents to (the uid of
-- cycle repeat ?
end if
on error
-- beep
set theEvent1 to (the second event of
theOrgCalendar whose (start date) is theDate as date)
set second_necessary to true
on error
set the end of dupEvents to (the uid of
end try
end try
set the end of dupEvents to (the uid of theOldEvent)
end if
if second_necessary is true then
set theEndDate to the end date of theEvent
tell theCalendar
set theOldEvent to make new event at end with
properties {summary:theSummary, start date:theDate, end date:theEndDate}
end tell
set the end of dupEvents to (the uid of theOldEvent)
end if
set theOldStampDate to the stamp date of theOldEvent
if theStampDate is greater than theOldStampDate then
-- update the event
set summary of theOldEvent to theSummary --
capitalization may have changed
set theAllDay to the allday event of theEvent
set allday event of theOldEvent to theAllDay
set theEndDate to the end date of theEvent
if theAllDay is true then -- work around a funny bug
with all day events
set theEndDate to (theEndDate as date) + 2 * hours
end if
set end date of theOldEvent to theEndDate
set theDescription to the description of theEvent
if theDescription is equal to "" then
end if
on error
set theDescription to ""
end try
set description of theOldEvent to theDescription
set myUpdates to myUpdates + 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end tell
-- Delete obsolete events
set myObsoletes to 0
set myDeletes to {}
tell application "iCal"
set myUIDs to uid of events of theCalendar
end tell
repeat with myUID in myUIDs
if dupEvents does not contain myUID then
set the end of myDeletes to myUID
set myObsoletes to (myObsoletes + 1)
end if
end repeat
tell application "iCal"
repeat with myDel in myDeletes
delete (every event of theCalendar whose uid is myDel)
end repeat
end tell
-- delete duplicates
set myDeletes to {}
tell application "iCal"
set myStarts to start date of events of theCalendar
set mySummaries to summary of events of theCalendar
set myUIDs to uid of events of theCalendar
set myLength to length of myUIDs
end tell
repeat with i from 1 to (myLength - 1)
set thisStart to (item i of myStarts)
set thisSumm to (item i of mySummaries)
repeat with j from (i + 1) to myLength
set thatStart to (item j of myStarts)
set thatSumm to (item j of mySummaries)
if thisSumm is equal to thatSumm and thisStart is equal to
thatStart then
set the end of myDeletes to (item j of myUIDs)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end repeat
set n to count of myDeletes
tell application "iCal"
repeat with myDel in myDeletes
delete (every event of theCalendar whose uid is myDel)
end repeat
-- set the visible of calendar theCalendar to false
end tell
display dialog (myCopies & " records duplicated, " & myUpdates & "
records updated and " & myObsoletes & " obsolete ones deleted") as text
Per Erik Rønne