On 6 Mar., 07:06, Glenn Møller-Holst <nom...@xx.dk> wrote:
> Er der nogen der har regnet på dette? Det bliver interessant at se om
> nogen kan finde årsagen - og denne evt. kan benyttes konstruktivt til
> lettere raketopsendelser?:
> 5. mar 2008, Ing.dk: Mystisk kraft får rumsonder til at ændre hastighed:
> Citat: "...
> Den eneste af de seks undersøgte rumsonder, som opførte sig præcist som
> forventet, var Messenger. Messenger nærmede sig jorden udfor 31 grader
> nord og passerede væk udfor 32 grader syd. Ifølge Anderson har den
> næsten perfekte symmetri omkring ækvator betydet en minimal
> hastighedsændring, der var så lille, at eksistensen af anomalien ikke
> kunne bekræftes.
> ...
> John Anderson konstaterer, at forskerne ikke har styr på den mystiske
> kraft, som får rumsonderne til at ændre hastighed. Han anser det for
> sandsynligt, at anomalierne ved de fem nye rumsonder og
> Pioneer-anomalien hænger sammen.
> ..."
> 3 March 2008, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100: Anomalous Orbital-Energy Changes
> Observed during Spacecraft Flybys of Earth:
> -
> hilsen
> Glenn
Gravito-magnetisk kraft og rumsonde-anomalier.
Måske kan de observerede, og hidtil uforklarede, accelerations-
anomalier af flere rumsonder forklares ved virkningen af gravito-
magnetiske kræfter, der eksisterer omkring stof-masser, der er i
relativ bevægelse i forhold til rumsonderne.
Overslagsberegninger viser, at der kun behøves meget små gravito-
magnetiske felter for at kunne redegøre for de små accelerations-
tilvækster, som er blevet observeret.
Efterfølgende, på engelsk, lidt om en gravitationsteori med to
Hilsen fra
Louis Nielsen
A Maxwell-analogous Gravitational Theory with two gravitational
By Louis Nielsen
About forty years ago I have suggested a Maxwell-analogous
gravitational theory with two gravitational fields. The two fields
are the 'gravito-static' field and the 'gravito-magnetic' field. The
gravito-magnetic field is a gravitational vector rotation-field which
exists around matter in motion. The two fields exist around matter in
relative motions.
In my treatise I show that the four field equations, which must be
fulfilled by the gravito-static field and the gravito-magnetic field,
are mathematical identical to Maxwell's equations for the
electromagnetic fields.
I show that the four field equations and a 'Lorentz-force equation'
can be derived as a consequence of:
1) The gravito-static force law of Newton,
2) The transformation equations for positions, times, velocities, and
forces as given in the special theory of relativity,
3) The assumption that the 'gravitational mass' is Lorentz invariant.
In the equations I introduce a quantity, the 'gravito-magnetic
permeability' that is coupled to the 'gravito-magnetic' field. The
'gravito-magnetic permeability' has connection to the gravitational
constant of Newton and the propagation velocity of the gravitational
The velocity of propagation of the gravitational fields is may be
equal to the velocity of light.
According to my quantum-cosmological theory (see my treatise) Newton's
gravitational 'constant' is not a constant but is decreasing along
with the expansion of the Universe.
If the propagation velocity of the gravitational fields does not
change in cosmic time then it has as a consequence that also the
'gravito-magnetic permeability' is a decreasing quantity along with
the expansion of the Universe.
In our epoch the 'gravito-magnetic' fields are extremely small around
moving bodies from daily life, and they are difficult to measure. But
around massive bodies with high masses and great velocities there
exist measurable 'gravito-magnetic' fields.
In earlier epochs of the cosmic evolution of the Universe the
magnitude of the 'gravito-magnetic' fields were higher. As we look
back in time to distant objects in the Universe, these objects moves
in more and more intense and strong cosmic 'gravito-magnetic' fields,
which give a lot of astrophysical consequences and which can give
explanation of different observations.
You can study my mathematical derivation of the gravitational field-
equations in part 6 of my treatise:
Best regards
Louis Nielsen