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Christian Zodiacs in the 2007
Fra : West

Dato : 19-01-07 14:29

Christian Astronomy for the 2007

Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

The purpose of this article is an invitation towards a further study of
the astronomic zodiac with its 22 IAU constellations.

An Introduction and Disclaimer

The year 2007 has a peculiar flavor. With Venus in Hydra we cannot but
be circumspect as concern the demoniac forces. Venus is dangerously
near to the central star of Hydra constellation in summer 2007. The
"solitary heart of the snake" is one of the reference points in the
once long snake constellation. The historical long snake is nowadays
split or cut into Serpens, Draco and Hydra. Thus the appearance of the
antichrist comes to mind. One must see the star Regulus as Archangel
Michael stabbing the heart of the snake below. One the other hand with
Saturn conjunct Regulus and Jupiter in Ophiuchus we cannot but think of
the appearance of the Messiah. However, any reference to the holy
events of the apocalypse must be regarded as unauthorized speculation.

God and NASA

Is Venus in Hydra an authoritative position of the planet Venus? It is
according to NASA, which probably applies to Ptolemy and Hipparchus,
too. Whether the Mayan observatory would capture the position or
whether there is a Sumerian record of Venus in Hydra is a matter of
further study. Leo was shown gliding on Hydra in Egyptian
representations so it is expectable that the Egyptian genius would
capture the position. However since positions like Venus in Pegasus,
Scutum or Hydra are very rare, the question must be answered only after
extended fieldwork. Finally, to check for any special positions of
Venus, one can download for free the ephemeris for the sun, Venus and
other objects of interest from our web site

The Recent History of the Zodiac

Did we have any astrology in the past 2000 years? Strictly speaking not
at all! Astrology was not based on any scientific observation. Even
nowadays scientists are hardly acquainted with the zodiac. The
authorities we consulted during our zodiacal research were not very
sure about the zodiac themselves. A good definition of the zodiac was
due in order to inspect the possibility of the use of astronomy in
planetary prediction.

Christian Astrology?

Does a Christian soul need astrology at all? Not at all! Astrology may
even imply a degree of rebellion at the cost of pure faith. Thus any
advanced soul must put astrology apart. Advanced souls moreover do not
move in a geocentric system at all, thus their own astrology would
require knowledge that is by far beyond the purpose of this article.

Studying the Enemy?

However do we discard the enemy before studying it in detail? One can
safely discard any enemy when feeling safe against it. Our proposal is
to study astronomy instead.

An Astronomic Zodiac

It was with moon in Sextans that our research started. We were puzzled
by the possibility of an alternative zodiac that would have scientific
background. By now many readers are aware of the all too superstitious
connotations of popular astrology. In the introduction we mentioned
Venus in Hydra, however it is good to know that Venus can assume a
total of 21 zodiacal constellations! Astrologers, who as a matter of
fact are quite incapable of even determining their own natal sun
position, never explored this wealth of positions. The proofs are
easily checked with the authoritative ephemeris for the sun and Venus
that you downloaded from our site.


Did our astronomic authorities know about Venus in Hydra? Apparently
not at all! However strange it may seem there is no record of such a
position that would reach us through astronomic or even improbable
astrologic authorities of the past. The recent IAU convention defines
the zodiac along the lines drawn by Ptolemy but also modern
astrologers. The modern borderlines allow for 22 IAU constellations of
the zodiac.

Common Zodiacal Positions

Unlike Venus in Hydra, Venus in Sextans is a fairly common zodiacal
position much as Sun in Ophiuchus or Saturn in Orion. The zodiacal
positions may be categorized into two classes, namely the regular and
the less common. A new moon in Ophiuchus would thus be a common event
while Venus in Pegasus must be classified under rare phenomena indeed.

About Popular Astrology

Already Hipparchus protested against lack of update on the part of
so-called astrologers of the time. Today even with NASA in the backyard
the percentage of error is 100% as concern popular astrology. This
accounts for any astrology but especially the so-called tropical
"variant" that can be safely discarded as not only useless but also

The Dangers of Popular Superstition

One of the dangers of popular astrology is wrong identification. Albeit
one's natal sun is in Virgo, one may believe for a lifetime in one's
"Scorpio" mission. The "astrological program" will also miscalculate
"Sagittarius" where there should be Libra. Also a Pisces ascendant wil
be "rendered as Capricorn" and we are only at the beginning of a
hilarious string of errors as suggested and delivered by
"authoritative" books and web sites. With the proliferation of "free
astrology readings" false ego has gained more than the devil in 2000
years. We have a planet of people completely misinformed as concern
their own natal sun. The psychologist would have a successful day in
determining as well as enlisting the hazards of misidentification
already painfully present in the modern world.

Astrology and Fancy

The fanciful lords of resent western astrology were most amusing
writers. One of them assumed Pluto is "especially strong in Aries".
Albeit the excellent writers surely aimed towards a harmonious as well
as symmetric system, they were hardly informed about Pluto's orbit.
Pluto is quite unable to enter Pisces or Aries as it sinks through
Cetus and Eridanus on its way into Taurus. Pluto is as such not only
peripheral to Aries, but it also never enters Aries at all! The
astronomers of the time must have had many a merry evening in trying to
read into such mental confusion that on the other hand surely gave a
picture of heavenly order in a naive Victorian reader. One grand master
of a certain "astrology lodge" excelled in experiment while having the
hilarious aspect of Venus square Neptune in his own natal horoscope!
Already from the natal aspects of the bosses of astrology we find out
they have had well-developed fancy as well as literary talent.

True Ascendant

The gestalt of the frog thinking itself an eagle is still undetermined.
People suffer under false ascendants that were never there at all for a
whole generation. Thus there is no one born on this planet with Aries
rising in due east simply because Aries was not there since the time of
King Arthur. No more heroes any more, all right. And who will reach the
soul of Carl Gustav Jung to inform the scientist that his own natal
ascendant was precisely "eagle", Adler or Aquila? Aquila is one of the
probable ascendants for the U.S.A. as well as the hypothetical
ascendant for the Genesis. There are namely only 16 eastern ascendants
at this epoch, meaning we are living in a time of restriction where
unisex and consumERISm take over diversity and freedom. Other epochs
had more ascendants meaning diversity and freedom of choice. At this
point we suggest that a study be made perhaps within MIT quarters so as
to measure the degree of mind decay against the rising curve of
machinery production. The old equation of machinery with the devil
seems apt at this point. Even Darth Vader would agree with us at a
glance of the Death Star.


Why should Christians be actually thankful to the goddess of discord
and capitalist competition? It was Eris that finally helped us to
define the zodiac as a state of art tool for the new age astrologer.
Eris or 2003 UB313 was found larger than Pluto was in August 2005. At
the time the "10th planet" redefined the then "Plutonian zodiac" into
the "X zodiac". This X zodiac was in fact too large for any normal use.
It consisted in more than 40 constellations. Eris spans through very a
few zodiacal constellations, namely Cetus, Pisces, Cetus II, Aries,
Virgo, Libra and Hydra. The rest of the X zodiac would be a collection
of mostly impracticable circumpolar constellations. Thus the U.S.A.
have Eris in Pavo in their natal chart.

Klaudio Zic

Claudius Ptolemaeus

Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy
that was undisputed until Copernicus (2nd century AD).


Greek astronomer and mathematician who discovered the precession of the
equinoxes and made the first known star chart and is said to have
invented trigonometry (second century BC).

Friday, January 19, 2007 11:34:11 CET Venice, Italy

   Copyright (c) 2007 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.
Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright
The material has been previously published and is available through web
site http://www.lulu.com/astrology
Copyright (c) 2007 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes, without the written
permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

Our management disclaims any outer comments that could have been made
as concern Eris, the 16/22 Astrology System or the RTRRT as ours. Only
the copyrighted material by http://www.lulu.com/astrology is
authoritative as concern zodiacal reformation, the precessed ascendant
and instant reality rendering methods.

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools are (c) 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio
Zic. The Personal Cosmic Secretary is (c) 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.
O5 is (c) 1987 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. True Mind Distiller and SnowCrash
are respectively (c) 1996 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Cascade is (c) 1987 -
2007 by Klaudio Zic.

Web site http://www.lulu.com/astrology 16/22 Astrology Publications.
The Precessed Ascendant and Neptunian Zodiac are Copyright (c) 1995 -
2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Eris delineation and scientific astrology
resources are (c) 2005 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. Venus in Special
Constellations is (c) 1995 - 2007 Klaudio Zic.

Klaudio Zic can be reached via lulu.com inner messaging as well as
e-mail iau28@yahoo.co.uk
The Precessed Ascendant and Astronomic Zodiac are Copyright (c) 1995 -
2007 by Klaudio Zic. The Night and Day 12/24 House System is Copyright
(c) 1999 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The X Zodiac is Copyright (c) 2005 -
2007 by Klaudio Zic. Eris, Pluto, Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, 2002
AW197, 2002 TX300, Varuna, Typhon, Ceto, Logos and all (H < 6) TNO
delineation are Copyright (c) 1995 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic. The
delineation for the dwarf planets is (c) 2006 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.
The delineation for 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY9 are (c) 2006 - 2007 by
Klaudio Zic. The delineation for comets Wild, C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) and
recent centaurs are Copyright (c) 2004 - 2007 by Klaudio Zic.
The astrology of Eris astrology Eris astrology of Eris - Eris natal
chart Eris ephemeris predictions horoscope nativity sign publications
web www position Eris in Astrology the Astrology of Eris Eris in my
natal chart where is Eris in Astrology Eris in the natal horoscope Eris
in my nativity Eris web Dwarf Planet Eris in Astrology the Astrology of
Eris the dwarf planet what is Eris doing in my nativity How do I
determine the position of Eris in my natal chart what is the meaning of
Eris in my horoscope Eris in the 12 houses of the horoscope the twelve
houses of Eris The Astrology of Eris Eris in my natal chart in aspect,
by house in Cetus; Eris publications, Erisian books, Eris in astrology,
Eris and the New Zodiac, Eris and the 22/16 Astrology System, Eris and
the Night and Day house system, Eris in synastry, Eris in love, Eris in
sex, Eris in finance, the financial implications of Eris in Astrology,
Eris in conjunction and opposition, 2003 UB313 Eris + Pluto + Neptune
+ Uranus + Saturn + Jupiter + Mars + Asteroid + Earth + Moon + Venus +
Mercury + Sun + comet + dwarf planets

Eris predictions 2007 Eris natal chart Eris nativity Eris in your natal
chart Eris ephemeris Eris prediction 2007 The Astrology of Eris
Erisian astrology Eris in astrology Eris horoscope Eris ephemeris Eris
astrology system Eris house system the Astrology of Eris Astrologia
Eris Astrologija Eris Eris Astrologie Eris and the X Zodiac Eris chart
natal Eris the natal chart has Eris in your horoscope where is Eris in
my horoscope Eris astrologer Klaudio Zic Eris astrology publications
Eris astrology editions Discordian astrology the Astrology of Discord
Discordia in Astrology Eris oroscopo italiano Eris horoskop Eris
horoskope Eris ephemerides Where is Eris in my horoscope Cetus II RTRRT
real time reality rendering tools O5 Oberon 5 SnowCrash Cascade P.C.S.
PCS Personal Cosmic Secretary 16/22 Astrology system Eris in the Night
and Day house system Eris in your natal horoscope

Anders Peter Johnsen (20-01-2007)
Fra : Anders Peter Johnsen

Dato : 20-01-07 10:23

West wrote:


> Christian Astrology?
> Does a Christian soul need astrology at all? Not at all! Astrology may
> even imply a degree of rebellion at the cost of pure faith. Thus any
> advanced soul must put astrology apart. Advanced souls moreover do not
> move in a geocentric system at all, thus their own astrology would
> require knowledge that is by far beyond the purpose of this article.

Det ma siges at vare ganske abenlyst ironisk at de i judaokristne profetiske
kaldelsesvisioner optradende "fire livsvasener" (som f.eks. optrader hos
Ezekiel i GT og i Abenbaringen i NT) umiddelbart synes at korrespondere
opsigtsvakkende fint med stjernetegn fra intet mindre end allerselveste den
"profane" Babylonske Zodiak (den astrologiske "dyrekreds", vi for sa vidt
bruger den dag idag, nar vi taler om Stjernetegn, lige sa vel som vi i
videnskabelig astronomi har viderefort betegnelserne for disse selvsamme
"stjernekonstellationer", sadan som de altsa opfattes fra Jorden):

Prov at se her pa et billede af et smukt udgravet mosaik-synagogegulv(!) fra
bebyggelsen Beit Alpha i Israel, stammende fra 6. arhundrede e. Kr,
forestillende den Byzantinske Zodiak.


Stjernetegnet "LOVEN" star ca. "klokken 11" i billedet.

Stjernetegnet "TYREN" star ca. "klokken 2" i billedet.

Over for dem star hhv:

Stjernetegnet "VANDBAREREN" (ca. "klokken 5")


Stjernetegnet "Skorpionen" (ca. "klokken 8")

Det spidsfindige ved dette er at "Skorpionen" i visse gamle
Zodiac-fremstillinger fremstilles som en ORN (der er dens "dobbelttegn"?),
mens VANDBAREREN til tider kan vare afbildet som EN BEVINGET MAND.

Jeg har mine problemer med ordentlig dokumentation her, da der mildt sagt
findes et vald af ret underlodige pop-astrologi-hjemmesider uden egentlig
anstandig historisk kilderedegorelse ude pa nettet, men ideen synes sadan
set ret klar, nemlig at disse aldre dyrekreds-fremstillinger dermed i en
pafaldende nydelig, symmetrisk kryds- eller korsform, om man vil, har alle
de fire "livsvasensymboler" optradende, som dermed ikke blot afstikker de
fire verdenshjorner og fire arstider, men dertil ifolge "moderne" astrologi
ogsa korresponderer med hvert sit af de fire klassiske graske elementer
(hhv. ild, jord, vand og luft)

Det lader altsa dermed til at joderne tog mere og andet med sig hjem fra Det
Babylonske Eksil end tarevadede klagesange: Nar man sa betanker at joderne
blandt andet kaldte Gudfader for Jahve Zabaot (normalt oversat til dansk med
"Himlenes Harskares Herre" med reference til netop stjernerne), sa synes det
vel egentligt saledes ret logisk at de inddrager netop disse fire
astronomisk/astrologiske (man skelnede ikke sa hardt dengang) dyresymboler
for muligvis at illustrere Guds Almagt over selveste Kosmos i savel tids- og
rummassig som rent materiel forstand..

Men alligevel er det dog saledes temmeligt oplagt ironisk at fire symboler
fra en netop - af alt i Verden! - oprindeligt _Babylonsk_ Zodiak saledes
fremstar som positivt magtsymbol i en Johannesabenbaring, der i den grad
ellers lagger op til starkt negative mytologiske opfattelser af selvsamme

Anders Peter Johnsen

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