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Processor upgrade for G4/867
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 20-03-07 19:35

I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:


Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]


or the sligthly dearer from Power Logix?


Per Erik Rønne

Erik Richard Sørense~ (20-03-2007)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 20-03-07 21:15

Hei Per

Per Rønne wrote:
> I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
> Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
> <http://eshop.macsales.com/MyOWC/Upgrades.cfm?model=156&type=Processor&T
> I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
> Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
> should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]

I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.

The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.

I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
(from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
advantage for use in those a bit older machines.

You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.

> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/MAXG47S2000/>

I have no experiences with the newer processors from NewerTech, but
NewerTech is among the most well-renoméed manufacturers of Apple
processor upgrades through the years.

> or the sligthly dearer from Power Logix?
> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/PowerLogix/PF47S2000Q/>

The PowerLogix processors are ranked as number two right after the
GigaDesigns in both stability and performance, so I'd gladly buy a
PowerLogix instead of the NewerTech.

The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.

- I don't have a PowerLogix G4, but I have a G3/1100mhz in my old Beige
G3. It is incredibly fast compared with other similar processors from
fx. Sonnet. The PowerLogix is fully 1:1 cache compatible.

So if I were you, I'd prefer the PowerLogix, if you don't want to spend
the more money for a GigaDesigns CPU.

- And just a little tip... The QuickSilver 867mhz processor can be used
in an older DigitalAudio, if you swithc the motherboard to 133mhz and
change the voltage to 12v instead of 5v. This will make it easier for
you to sell the 867mhz CPU - either to a DigitalAudio owner or an owner
of a 733mhz QuickSilv3er...

HTH, Cheers, Erik Richard

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<erikrichard_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter Express - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Per Rønne (21-03-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 21-03-07 06:45

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> Hei Per
> Per Rønne wrote:
> > I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
> > Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
> >
> > <http://eshop.macsales.com/MyOWC/Upgrades.cfm?model=156&type=Processor&T
> > I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
> >
> > Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
> > should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]
> I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
> For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
> GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
> generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
> Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.
> The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
> PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
> Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.
> I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
> (from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
> Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
> in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
> 133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
> advantage for use in those a bit older machines.

And I don't think I will be able to use a dual G4 processor upgrade.
Remember, the G4/867 is a single processor computer only.

> You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.
> http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp

OK. It seems as if:


will be the choice, then.

But it says 9.2.2, not just 9.2. Will that make it impossible to
[re]install 9.2 from the CD-ROM? You know, harddisk failures do occur.

> > <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/MAXG47S2000/>
> I have no experiences with the newer processors from NewerTech, but
> NewerTech is among the most well-renoméed manufacturers of Apple
> processor upgrades through the years.
> > or the sligthly dearer from Power Logix?
> >
> > <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/PowerLogix/PF47S2000Q/>
> The PowerLogix processors are ranked as number two right after the
> GigaDesigns in both stability and performance, so I'd gladly buy a
> PowerLogix instead of the NewerTech.
> The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
> require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
> Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
> the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.

Which makes those two a non-option.

> - I don't have a PowerLogix G4, but I have a G3/1100mhz in my old Beige
> G3. It is incredibly fast compared with other similar processors from
> fx. Sonnet. The PowerLogix is fully 1:1 cache compatible.
> So if I were you, I'd prefer the PowerLogix, if you don't want to spend
> the more money for a GigaDesigns CPU.
> - And just a little tip... The QuickSilver 867mhz processor can be used
> in an older DigitalAudio, if you swithc the motherboard to 133mhz and
> change the voltage to 12v instead of 5v. This will make it easier for
> you to sell the 867mhz CPU - either to a DigitalAudio owner or an owner
> of a 733mhz QuickSilv3er...

Sounds nice.
Per Erik Rønne

Erik Richard Sørense~ (21-03-2007)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 21-03-07 12:29

Hei Per

Per Rønne wrote:
> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>> I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
>>> Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
>>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/MyOWC/Upgrades.cfm?model=156&type=Processor&T
>>> I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
>>> Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
>>> should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]
>> I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
>> For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
>> GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
>> generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
>> Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.
>> The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
>> PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
>> Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.
>> I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
>> (from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
>> Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
>> in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
>> 133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
>> advantage for use in those a bit older machines.
> And I don't think I will be able to use a dual G4 processor upgrade.
> Remember, the G4/867 is a single processor computer only.

Sure you can. The QuickSilver 867mhz has a Uninorth ASICS number of
'10'. This means that the motherboard is ready for use with dual
processors. Minimum ASICS number for using dual processors is '7'. - One
of my own QS's is originally a 867mhz, now running dual 1,8ghz, the two
others are originally 733mhz - one also dual 1,8ghz, the othre dual

>> You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.
>> http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp
> OK. It seems as if:
> <http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=30>
> will be the choice, then.

Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.

> But it says 9.2.2, not just 9.2. Will that make it impossible to
> [re]install 9.2 from the CD-ROM? You know, harddisk failures do occur.

Right so. The original QuickSilver software is 9.2.1. - You don't need
to reinstall the Os 9.2.x, - no matter what processortype you choose -
single or dual, - but if you want to make it right 'clean' from the
buttom, you must use the original QS CDs to make the OS 9.2.1 install
with the 867mhz processor installed and then update to 9.2.2. OS 9.x
installs dualprocessor support by default - located in the folder
'Multiprocessor' in the Extensions folder in the OS 9.x System Folder...

NOTE. If you choose a GigaDesigns processor, you must have at least OS X
10.3.9 installed to run the 'GigaDesigns Updater', which is a small
application that updates the existing multiprocessor software in OS X. -
So do follow the instructions on the CD that comes with the processor.

NOTE2. All three processor upgrades are fully compatible with your
additional Sonnet ATA controller, so you can boot and use any HD like
you're doing now. - I have a Sonnet add-on card too in this one here,
and it is fully registered and works just fine.

>>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/MAXG47S2000/>
>> I have no experiences with the newer processors from NewerTech, but
>> NewerTech is among the most well-renoméed manufacturers of Apple
>> processor upgrades through the years.
>>> or the sligthly dearer from Power Logix?
>>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/PowerLogix/PF47S2000Q/>
>> The PowerLogix processors are ranked as number two right after the
>> GigaDesigns in both stability and performance, so I'd gladly buy a
>> PowerLogix instead of the NewerTech.
>> The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
>> require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
>> Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
>> the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.
> Which makes those two a non-option.

Well, I won't say it so hard, but I'd prefer the GigaDesigns as number
one and PowerLogix as number two....

OK, there might be some compatibility problems with upgrades that
require additional extension like the PowerLogix and especially
NewerTech and Sonnet. Some soundcards cnnot be used with these upgrades,
but with native upgrades don't conflict, - but I don't think that
especially this is relevant for your use...

cheers, Erik Richard

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<erikrichard_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter Express - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Per Rønne (21-03-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 21-03-07 18:45

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> Hei Per
> Per Rønne wrote:
> > Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
> >> Per Rønne wrote:
> >>> I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
> >>> Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
> >>>
> >>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/MyOWC/Upgrades.cfm?model=156&type=Processor&T
> >>> I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
> >>>
> >>> Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
> >>> should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]
> >> I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
> >> For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
> >> GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
> >> generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
> >> Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.
> >>
> >> The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
> >> PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
> >> Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.
> >>
> >> I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
> >> (from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
> >> Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
> >> in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
> >> 133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
> >> advantage for use in those a bit older machines.
> >
> > And I don't think I will be able to use a dual G4 processor upgrade.
> > Remember, the G4/867 is a single processor computer only.
> Sure you can. The QuickSilver 867mhz has a Uninorth ASICS number of
> '10'. This means that the motherboard is ready for use with dual
> processors. Minimum ASICS number for using dual processors is '7'. - One
> of my own QS's is originally a 867mhz, now running dual 1,8ghz, the two
> others are originally 733mhz - one also dual 1,8ghz, the othre dual
> 1,4ghz...

Well, I've just always been told otherwise ...

> >> You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.
> >> http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp
> >
> > OK. It seems as if:
> > <http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=30>
> > will be the choice, then.
> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.

With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.

> > But it says 9.2.2, not just 9.2. Will that make it impossible to
> > [re]install 9.2 from the CD-ROM? You know, harddisk failures do occur.
> Right so. The original QuickSilver software is 9.2.1. - You don't need
> to reinstall the Os 9.2.x, - no matter what processortype you choose -
> single or dual, - but if you want to make it right 'clean' from the
> buttom, you must use the original QS CDs to make the OS 9.2.1 install
> with the 867mhz processor installed and then update to 9.2.2. OS 9.x
> installs dualprocessor support by default - located in the folder
> 'Multiprocessor' in the Extensions folder in the OS 9.x System Folder...

I think I should be able to burn a DVD with 9.2.2. Even a bootable DVD.

> NOTE. If you choose a GigaDesigns processor, you must have at least OS X
> 10.3.9 installed to run the 'GigaDesigns Updater', which is a small
> application that updates the existing multiprocessor software in OS X. -
> So do follow the instructions on the CD that comes with the processor.

I have 10.4.9 installed on the computer.

> NOTE2. All three processor upgrades are fully compatible with your
> additional Sonnet ATA controller, so you can boot and use any HD like
> you're doing now. - I have a Sonnet add-on card too in this one here,
> and it is fully registered and works just fine.

Good. And Humac is trying to find a compatible usb card for me.

> >>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Newer%20Technology/MAXG47S2000/>
> >> I have no experiences with the newer processors from NewerTech, but
> >> NewerTech is among the most well-renoméed manufacturers of Apple
> >> processor upgrades through the years.
> >>
> >>> or the sligthly dearer from Power Logix?
> >>>
> >>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/PowerLogix/PF47S2000Q/>
> >> The PowerLogix processors are ranked as number two right after the
> >> GigaDesigns in both stability and performance, so I'd gladly buy a
> >> PowerLogix instead of the NewerTech.
> >>
> >> The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
> >> require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
> >> Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
> >> the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.
> >
> > Which makes those two a non-option.
> Well, I won't say it so hard, but I'd prefer the GigaDesigns as number
> one and PowerLogix as number two....

Of course a Dual Processor is the best option.

> OK, there might be some compatibility problems with upgrades that
> require additional extension like the PowerLogix and especially
> NewerTech and Sonnet. Some soundcards cnnot be used with these upgrades,
> but with native upgrades don't conflict, - but I don't think that
> especially this is relevant for your use...

Per Erik Rønne

Erik Richard Sørense~ (21-03-2007)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 21-03-07 20:10

Per Rønne wrote:
> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>>>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>>>> I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
>>>>> Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
>>>>> <http://eshop.macsales.com/MyOWC/Upgrades.cfm?model=156&type=Processor&T
>>>>> I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
>>>>> Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
>>>>> should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]
>>>> I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
>>>> For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
>>>> GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
>>>> generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
>>>> Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.
>>>> The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
>>>> PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
>>>> Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.
>>>> I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
>>>> (from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
>>>> Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
>>>> in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
>>>> 133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
>>>> advantage for use in those a bit older machines.
>>> And I don't think I will be able to use a dual G4 processor upgrade.
>>> Remember, the G4/867 is a single processor computer only.
>> Sure you can. The QuickSilver 867mhz has a Uninorth ASICS number of
>> '10'. This means that the motherboard is ready for use with dual
>> processors. Minimum ASICS number for using dual processors is '7'. - One
>> of my own QS's is originally a 867mhz, now running dual 1,8ghz, the two
>> others are originally 733mhz - one also dual 1,8ghz, the othre dual
>> 1,4ghz...
> Well, I've just always been told otherwise ...

When it's regarding the very first G4s like the PCIgraphics rev.A, AGP
models aka Sawtooth 350 rev.A and rev.B, 400mhz rev.A, and a non-current
400mhz 'pirate' version with a rather strange motherboard, though it
claims to be able to run a dual CPU.

Minimum requirement for use of a dual CPU on a G4 is UNINorth ASICS
number of 7 or higher. My 3 QuickSilvers are originally single processor
computers with ASICS 8, 10 and 11. They are extremely fast with the
GigaDesigns dual processors.

>>>> You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.
>>>> http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp
>>> OK. It seems as if:
>>> <http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=30>
>>> will be the choice, then.
>> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
>> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
>> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
>> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
>> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.
> With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
> VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
> demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.

Lucky you, but don't count on to be so every time.! - Normally the
price will be raised with the Danish VAT of 25% yes, but there also is
an importing tax of apprx. 1.0-1,5% - depending on type of product. And
as the foreign exchange quotations between the USd and the Danish Dkr.
is just around 6:1 + the VAT, you can roughly count on a factor of 8.1.
- And don't forget that the Danish authorities put VAT on the shipping

>>> But it says 9.2.2, not just 9.2. Will that make it impossible to
>>> [re]install 9.2 from the CD-ROM? You know, harddisk failures do occur.
>> Right so. The original QuickSilver software is 9.2.1. - You don't need
>> to reinstall the Os 9.2.x, - no matter what processortype you choose -
>> single or dual, - but if you want to make it right 'clean' from the
>> buttom, you must use the original QS CDs to make the OS 9.2.1 install
>> with the 867mhz processor installed and then update to 9.2.2. OS 9.x
>> installs dualprocessor support by default - located in the folder
>> 'Multiprocessor' in the Extensions folder in the OS 9.x System Folder...
> I think I should be able to burn a DVD with 9.2.2. Even a bootable DVD.

Not if you're using Roxio Toast Titanium 6.x, 7.x or 8.x. this one has
no bootAable burning support for OS 9.x. You must then switch to a ver.
5.x of Toast and do this from a booted OS 9.x, and ver. 5.x doesn't have
support for data DVD, so you must use CD media up to 700mb.

>> NOTE. If you choose a GigaDesigns processor, you must have at least OS X
>> 10.3.9 installed to run the 'GigaDesigns Updater', which is a small
>> application that updates the existing multiprocessor software in OS X. -
>> So do follow the instructions on the CD that comes with the processor.
> I have 10.4.9 installed on the computer.

OK, no problems then...

>>>> The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
>>>> require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
>>>> Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
>>>> the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.
>>> Which makes those two a non-option.
>> Well, I won't say it so hard, but I'd prefer the GigaDesigns as number
>> one and PowerLogix as number two....
> Of course a Dual Processor is the best option.

You'll get apprx. twice the real power with a dual towards a single CPU.
- I have never regreted the extra cost for a dual instead of a single
CPU. - Fx. has the rendering time of a huge audio file of apprx. 500mb
now lowered from apprx. 10 mins. on a single 1,4ghz to round 2 mins. on
the dual 1,8ghz...

cheers, Erik Richard

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<erikrichard_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter Express - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Per Rønne (21-03-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 21-03-07 20:35

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> Per Rønne wrote:
> > Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> >> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
> >> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
> >> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
> >> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
> >> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.
> >
> > With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
> > VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
> > demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.
> Lucky you, but don't count on to be so every time.! - Normally the
> price will be raised with the Danish VAT of 25% yes, but there also is
> an importing tax of apprx. 1.0-1,5% - depending on type of product. And
> as the foreign exchange quotations between the USd and the Danish Dkr.
> is just around 6:1 + the VAT, you can roughly count on a factor of 8.1.
> - And don't forget that the Danish authorities put VAT on the shipping
> fee.

I don't see how this can lead to a factor 8. $459 as this one:


is Dkr 2,572.19 + VAT 25% gives Drk 3215. I don't see how it could give
something like 21,000 Dkr ... factor 8.
Per Erik Rønne

Erik Richard Sørense~ (21-03-2007)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 21-03-07 21:12

Hei Per

Per Rønne wrote:
> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>>>> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
>>>> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
>>>> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
>>>> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
>>>> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.
>>> With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
>>> VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
>>> demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.
>> Lucky you, but don't count on to be so every time.! - Normally the
>> price will be raised with the Danish VAT of 25% yes, but there also is
>> an importing tax of apprx. 1.0-1,5% - depending on type of product. And
>> as the foreign exchange quotations between the USd and the Danish Dkr.
>> is just around 6:1 + the VAT, you can roughly count on a factor of 8.1.
>> - And don't forget that the Danish authorities put VAT on the shipping
>> fee.
> I don't see how this can lead to a factor 8. $459 as this one:
> <http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=3>
> is Dkr 2,572.19 + VAT 25% gives Drk 3215. I don't see how it could give
> something like 21,000 Dkr ... factor 8.

You forgot to add the shipping and handling fee. Sending such a package
from US to Denmark with fx. USPS will cost apprx. $45USd and $56USd
using DHL/FedEx.

Current middle exchange today is 5,6039Dkr. for $1USd (sellers exchange)
and apprx. 5,6170Dkr. to $1USd for buyers using credit card.

So $459USd + $50USd (middle) x 1% x 25% + 125Dkr. (import handling) =
3734,55Dkr. - OK, it's not 8.1, but 7.4. But if suddenly the foreign
exchange quotations changes radically - it is seen before - then the
factor 8.1 quickly can be the real factor. - By using the factor 8.1 you
won't get surprised, when the item arrives...

cheers, Erik Richard

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<erikrichard_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter Express - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Per Rønne (22-03-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 22-03-07 06:23

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> Hei Per
> Per Rønne wrote:
> > Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
> >> Per Rønne wrote:
> >>> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
> >>>> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
> >>>> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
> >>>> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
> >>>> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
> >>>> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.
> >>> With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
> >>> VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
> >>> demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.
> >> Lucky you, but don't count on to be so every time.! - Normally the
> >> price will be raised with the Danish VAT of 25% yes, but there also is
> >> an importing tax of apprx. 1.0-1,5% - depending on type of product. And
> >> as the foreign exchange quotations between the USd and the Danish Dkr.
> >> is just around 6:1 + the VAT, you can roughly count on a factor of 8.1.
> >> - And don't forget that the Danish authorities put VAT on the shipping
> >> fee.
> >
> > I don't see how this can lead to a factor 8. $459 as this one:
> >
> > <http://www.gigadesigns.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWCATS&Category=3>
> >
> > is Dkr 2,572.19 + VAT 25% gives Drk 3215. I don't see how it could give
> > something like 21,000 Dkr ... factor 8.
> You forgot to add the shipping and handling fee. Sending such a package
> from US to Denmark with fx. USPS will cost apprx. $45USd and $56USd
> using DHL/FedEx.

No, not that much. After all, I've just purchased something weightier
than that from the US. And I just tried to 'buy' something from 'We Love
Macs': $31.40 to Denmark.


> Current middle exchange today is 5,6039Dkr. for $1USd (sellers exchange)
> and apprx. 5,6170Dkr. to $1USd for buyers using credit card.
> So $459USd + $50USd (middle) x 1% x 25% + 125Dkr. (import handling) =
> 3734,55Dkr. - OK, it's not 8.1, but 7.4. But if suddenly the foreign
> exchange quotations changes radically - it is seen before - then the
> factor 8.1 quickly can be the real factor. - By using the factor 8.1 you
> won't get surprised, when the item arrives...

Oh, you use the 8.1 factor as the exchange rate? I first turn the
dollars into Dkr, and then I thought you would mulitply it with 8.1.

Per Erik Rønne

Erik Richard Sørense~ (22-03-2007)
Fra : Erik Richard Sørense~

Dato : 22-03-07 15:40

Per Rønne wrote:
> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>> Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:
>>>> Per Rønne wrote:
>> You forgot to add the shipping and handling fee. Sending such a package
>> from US to Denmark with fx. USPS will cost apprx. $45USd and $56USd
>> using DHL/FedEx.
> No, not that much. After all, I've just purchased something weightier
> than that from the US. And I just tried to 'buy' something from 'We Love
> Macs': $31.40 to Denmark.
> <https://order.store.yahoo.net/ymix/MetaController.html?ysco_key_event_i
> d=&ysco_key_store_id=lovemacs&sectionId=ysco.shipping>

OK, I can see postal fee can vary from company to company...

>> Current middle exchange today is 5,6039Dkr. for $1USd (sellers exchange)
>> and apprx. 5,6170Dkr. to $1USd for buyers using credit card.
>> So $459USd + $50USd (middle) x 1% x 25% + 125Dkr. (import handling) =
>> 3734,55Dkr. - OK, it's not 8.1, but 7.4. But if suddenly the foreign
>> exchange quotations changes radically - it is seen before - then the
>> factor 8.1 quickly can be the real factor. - By using the factor 8.1 you
>> won't get surprised, when the item arrives...
> Oh, you use the 8.1 factor as the exchange rate? I first turn the
> dollars into Dkr, and then I thought you would mulitply it with 8.1.

I use the factor 8.1 as a guideline from the total amount in US dollars
to the price that you have to pay at your doorstep - all included -
border tax, VAT, insurance shipping and handling, border tax handling
etc.. So when you see the total amont in US dollars at the buttom of the
invoice, you can multiply with the factor 8.1. - That will - roughly -
be, what you must pay...

cheers, Erik Richard

Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<erikrichard_NOSP@M_stofanet.dk> <http://www.nisus.com>
NisusWriter Express - The Future In Multilingual Textprocessing

Per Rønne (22-03-2007)
Fra : Per Rønne

Dato : 22-03-07 17:49

Erik Richard Sørensen <NOSPAM@NOSPAM.dk> wrote:

> I use the factor 8.1 as a guideline from the total amount in US dollars
> to the price that you have to pay at your doorstep - all included -
> border tax, VAT, insurance shipping and handling, border tax handling
> etc.. So when you see the total amont in US dollars at the buttom of the
> invoice, you can multiply with the factor 8.1. - That will - roughly -
> be, what you must pay...

For sure, not in dollars ...

And I don't pay "at my doorsted". I pay directly with my visa card.
Usually, then, the purchased article is sent to me as a "gift" ...
Per Erik Rønne

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