Per Rønne wrote:
> Erik Richard Sørensen <> wrote:
>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>> Erik Richard Sørensen <> wrote:
>>>> Per Rønne wrote:
>>>>> I am considering the purchase of a 2 GHz processor upgrade for my G4/867
>>>>> Quicksilver. And I've seen this page:
>>>>> <
>>>>> I=0006&shoupgrds=Show+Upgrades>
>>>>> Has anyone got any experiences with such updates - and especially,
>>>>> should I buy the cheapest product [Newer Technology]
>>>> I have lots of experiences with upgrading various of those older Macs.
>>>> For the moment I have two QuickSilvers each one upgraded with a
>>>> GigaDesigns 7447A Dual G4/1,8ghz. These processors are the 4th
>>>> generation G4 dual processors that never came in real production by
>>>> Apple, 'cause they switched to the G5 architecture.
>>>> The GigaDesigns 7447A processors have one big advantage towards the
>>>> PowerLogix and NewerTech. The GigaDesigns are fully native and even the
>>>> Dual 1,8ghz is native bootable with OS 9.2.x.
>>>> I also for the moment have a GigaDesigns Dual G4/1,4ghz Series M-13
>>>> (from 2004), which has run in an old Sawtooth with perfect results. -
>>>> Earlier I also had a Single G4/1,4ghz from GigaDesigns working real fine
>>>> in another Sawtooth. Both these models are switchable for 100mhz and
>>>> 133mhz just like the Dual G4/1,8ghz. I find this feature a great
>>>> advantage for use in those a bit older machines.
>>> And I don't think I will be able to use a dual G4 processor upgrade.
>>> Remember, the G4/867 is a single processor computer only.
>> Sure you can. The QuickSilver 867mhz has a Uninorth ASICS number of
>> '10'. This means that the motherboard is ready for use with dual
>> processors. Minimum ASICS number for using dual processors is '7'. - One
>> of my own QS's is originally a 867mhz, now running dual 1,8ghz, the two
>> others are originally 733mhz - one also dual 1,8ghz, the othre dual
>> 1,4ghz...
> Well, I've just always been told otherwise ...
When it's regarding the very first G4s like the PCIgraphics rev.A, AGP
models aka Sawtooth 350 rev.A and rev.B, 400mhz rev.A, and a non-current
400mhz 'pirate' version with a rather strange motherboard, though it
claims to be able to run a dual CPU.
Minimum requirement for use of a dual CPU on a G4 is UNINorth ASICS
number of 7 or higher. My 3 QuickSilvers are originally single processor
computers with ASICS 8, 10 and 11. They are extremely fast with the
GigaDesigns dual processors.
>>>> You can see - and buy - the processors here at the GigaDesigns website.
>>> OK. It seems as if:
>>> <>
>>> will be the choice, then.
>> Yes, this is the single processor edition of the ones that I have. This
>> one will indeed be a good choice and real affordable too. - Just
>> remember that the price for this - or any - processor bought in the US
>> must be multiplied with a factor of apprx. 8.1 to have the real price at
>> your doorstep. Prices listed are without any kind VAT.
> With a factor of 8? I don't think so. Freight will be added and possibly
> VAT at 25% but the last time I bought from the U.S., no taxes were
> demanded. Just the price in dollars + freight. Drawn from my visa card.
Lucky you, but don't count on to be so every time.

! - Normally the
price will be raised with the Danish VAT of 25% yes, but there also is
an importing tax of apprx. 1.0-1,5% - depending on type of product. And
as the foreign exchange quotations between the USd and the Danish Dkr.
is just around 6:1 + the VAT, you can roughly count on a factor of 8.1.
- And don't forget that the Danish authorities put VAT on the shipping
>>> But it says 9.2.2, not just 9.2. Will that make it impossible to
>>> [re]install 9.2 from the CD-ROM? You know, harddisk failures do occur.
>> Right so. The original QuickSilver software is 9.2.1. - You don't need
>> to reinstall the Os 9.2.x, - no matter what processortype you choose -
>> single or dual, - but if you want to make it right 'clean' from the
>> buttom, you must use the original QS CDs to make the OS 9.2.1 install
>> with the 867mhz processor installed and then update to 9.2.2. OS 9.x
>> installs dualprocessor support by default - located in the folder
>> 'Multiprocessor' in the Extensions folder in the OS 9.x System Folder...
> I think I should be able to burn a DVD with 9.2.2. Even a bootable DVD.
Not if you're using Roxio Toast Titanium 6.x, 7.x or 8.x. this one has
no bootAable burning support for OS 9.x. You must then switch to a ver.
5.x of Toast and do this from a booted OS 9.x, and ver. 5.x doesn't have
support for data DVD, so you must use CD media up to 700mb.
>> NOTE. If you choose a GigaDesigns processor, you must have at least OS X
>> 10.3.9 installed to run the 'GigaDesigns Updater', which is a small
>> application that updates the existing multiprocessor software in OS X. -
>> So do follow the instructions on the CD that comes with the processor.
> I have 10.4.9 installed on the computer.
OK, no problems then...
>>>> The problem with both processors here is that they aren't native and do
>>>> require a driver to work. - The PowerLogix software - 'PowerLogix CPU
>>>> Director' - is very, very stable and reliable. But note that you loose
>>>> the OS 9.x boot capability with both those two 2.0ghz processors.
>>> Which makes those two a non-option.
>> Well, I won't say it so hard, but I'd prefer the GigaDesigns as number
>> one and PowerLogix as number two....
> Of course a Dual Processor is the best option.
You'll get apprx. twice the real power with a dual towards a single CPU.
- I have never regreted the extra cost for a dual instead of a single
CPU. - Fx. has the rendering time of a huge audio file of apprx. 500mb
now lowered from apprx. 10 mins. on a single 1,4ghz to round 2 mins. on
the dual 1,8ghz...
cheers, Erik Richard
Rgds. Grüße, Mvh. Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<> <>
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