Kai Mandrup wrote:
> Hej,
> min søn har fortalt mig at Tom Wait`s Tom Tauberet`s Blues (walzing
> Mathilda) er inspireret af et møde med (Lasse`s) Mathilde omkring 1970.
> Nogen der kan den historie - eller er det bare "en and"?
Der er mange forslag til oprindelsen. Og et af dem har geanske rigtigt
med Mathilde at gøre:
Back in the 70's Tom had been doing a gig in Copenhagen, and attending
the concert was this Danish folk-singer by the name Mathilde. She was
pretty popular in Denmark in the 70's, even though I never thought much
of her myself. But after the show she somehow met Waits, and they got
along so well that they went out bar-crawling through Copenhagen, and
finally ended up at his hotel room, drunk as skunks. What happened
there, in that very hotel room? Nobody except the two of them knows,
because Mathilde wont tell! The story was a rumor until a DJ on national
Danish radio heard about it, about 5 years ago, told his listeners about
it, and called up Mathilde live on air. She was surprised to hear that
anyone knew, but she confirmed the story. She even said that a few
months later Tom sent her the "Small Change" album as a memory of a good
night, with Waltzing Mathilda as first cut.
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