Den gratis version er kun Garry's Mod 9. Der står på Steam, at
Garry's Mod er blevet fuldstændig revideret i release 10.
Nedenstående er kopieret fra Wikipedia:
Essentially, almost all functionality within GMod (tools, constraints,
shaders, menus, etc.) is now completely powered by Lua and can
therefore be customized by the player.
New features and changes may include:
- Note that because of the Lua Scripting Language, the user could
theoretically program whatever features they want into Garry's Mod
- More versatile camera tool.
- Appearance of thrusters can be altered, right down to the effects.
- Player models now visible in vehicles.
- Hydraulic tool-gun.
- Color-wheel within bloom and colour-gun toolmodes.
- The Physics Gun is able to move any entity.
- Improved client-server interaction.
- Reworked motion-blur.
- Motor tool-gun: allows props to automatically rotate. Controllable
with the number-pad.
- Winch Constraint tool-gun: a constraint that allows control of a
length of rope at set speeds with the number-pad.
- A higher-quality Depth of field effect with a more intuitive
interface. Can select the focal point by clicking at the point.
- Keep upright tool-gun
- The new spawn menu has a configurable system of categories and
filters from a base list of all of the resources available and will
also automatically generate icons for spawnable items, eliminating both
the need to produce icons for every object in the world and keep up
with new releases, and concerns about not covering third-party
- Hoverball tool-gun: attaches hovering balls to objects and hovers
them at set heights. They will allow players to make more complex
flying machines as well as aid in steering such objects.
- From the videos and screenshots, it appears that the connections are
now dynamic.
On 4 Dec., 20:26, PerX ... <> wrote:
> In article <456dbecc$0$178$>,
> says...
> > Bare lige til info, så kommer Garry's Mod v10 på Steam i dagHvad er forskellen på den gratis version og denne?
> > - site :-/¨