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Astrology 2006 - 2600
Fra : Real Time Reality Re~

Dato : 28-02-06 13:19

You may have Serpens ascending like the U.S.A. if you feel

current Pluto in Serpens transit affects you. You may have Sun in

Libra like Sai Baba if you were born Nov 23rd.

Modern Astrology by Klaudio Zic - 2006 Services iau28@yahoo.co.uk


The benefit of modern astrology is that it informs one about

one's True Natal Positions.

The skies greatly changed since astrology was updated to

astronomic standards. We have completed the Reformation of the

Zodiac a couple of years ago while updating it for the new

planets Pluto and 2003 UB313. The present set of ascendants had

to be updated to its number 16. We currently have 16

constellations rising in the east on this planet. We are now

updated to astronomic standards much as we were in ancient Egypt.

Astronomy and popular astrology greatly diverged in the past 2000

years but now that time is over as we face year 2600 with New Age

optimism. According to the current IAU standard we have 24 basic

zodiacal constellations. This number expands with the

introduction of Pluto and 2003 UB313 as planets. Among the many

examples we have found Alice born in August 2004 with Cetus

rising, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans (like Keanu Reeves),

Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum and of course Pluto in Serpens.

Now she knows her natal positions and true horoscope. The same

could happen to you. Know your horoscope.

Some standard features of a modern horoscope for general public


The Earth trojan moons are taken into account in the analysis.

This vaguely means that our planet has more moons than apparent.

The first trojan was found in 1984.
New planets 2003 UB313 in Cetus and 2005 FY9 plus 2003 EL61 in

Coma Berenices are included in the analysis. We have published

the delineation for all major transneptunian objects on

Comets thrice the size of Jupiter and next to Sun in effulgence

deserve the astrologer's attention. We wrote the delineation for

comet Wild and the Green Comet.
Your centaurs are in good hands since we have written most

delineation for the first as well as freshly discovered centaurs.

All recent centaur objects are included in the analysis.

Astrologers peruse centaurs since the discovery of Chiron and

Your transneptunian objects are arranged and treated by people

who first delineated 1992 QB1, the object that gave name to the

cubewano series back in 1992. All large TNO or transneptunian

objects are included with original delineation. This includes

Sedna, Orcus, Quaoar, Ixion, 2002 AW197, Varuna and many others.
The eastern as well as ecliptic or true sidereal ascendant are

treated with detail.
The analysis is exported in PDF format, along with TIFF, JPEG and

GIF format.
Our experienced operators adjust the stellar display to show,

illustrate and teach.
2003 UB313 -1.16 Cetus New Planet

2005 FY9 -0.13 Coma Berenices Planet?

2003 EL61 0.23 Coma Berenices/Bootes Planet?

Sedna 1.58 Cetus

Orcus 2.30 Hydra

Quaoar 2.72 Ophiuchus

2002 TX300 3.10 Pegasus

2002 AW197 3.27 Cancer/Hydra

Ixion 3.33 Ophiuchus

Varuna 3.55 Gemini

Astrologic Services and Magickal Initiation by Klaudio Zic


Klaudio Zic iau28@yahoo.co.uk http://www.lulu.com/astrology

figures as interplay between future scanning and future changing.

Scientific astrology is ahead of its time in timeless

sophistication, much as future changing O5 technique is ahead of

any time magick in simplicity. The initiations and services are

presented in a brief illustration below.

O5 Future changer is a simple mental technique enabling fast

removal of the unwanted elements in one's life, while enabling

instant creation of favorable circumstances. In its SnowCrash

variant, initiates report results in hours or even minutes. The

creation of a personal future and favorable event is thus fairly

independent of one's fixed karma. Bad transits are discreated

before they happen!
The Personal Cosmic Secretary is an interface to your infinite

personal powers. The P.C.S. is like a personal wish-fulfilling

angel acting on daily basis and on the real world plane here and

now. The P.C.S. is a wish download organizer, your astral pal.
You can order a personal scan of your true natal skies. This scan

comes in astronomic format with recent giant comets, centaurs,

Earth moons, planet candidates like 2003 UB313 and many other

objects of importance. The prominent objects are given an

original delineation. All the 28 zodiacal constellations are

scanned in detail.
Astrologic predictions may include all the loves in your life,

marriage timing, business advice, private issues, winning at

lottery, critical days or special portents.
Chart wheel services may include the 17 dark planets, a special

set of hypotheticals.
All delineation is original. We sold our first 2003 UB313

publication Aug 1st 2005.
The reports are based on the astronomic zodiac and precessed

ascendant by default.
Custom objects are processed with NASA equipment for precision as

well as update.

Venus in Orion 2006

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


Venus and Travel in the year 2006

To be on the safe side, air travel is not recommended in the

summer months this year, September including. May is safer.

Hotels and holy places are safe while air travel is not. One can

safely venture into war areas in times when positive stars bless

Venus on its progress, but this is like jumping from pebble to

pebble in a dangerous current. Venus before the Stargate is safe

as concern hotels and holy places while later on and when past

the Stargate it is dangerous for air travel. This includes Venus

in Gemini. Venus in Orion is obviously connected with travel to

destination as one mentally grabs the Ankh while climbing the

stairway to heaven or Jacob's ladder, a place we better know as

the Stargate.

Venus in Special Constellations contains many Venus positions

unknown to the general public, such as Venus in Pegasus or Venus

in Scutum. The passage about Venus in Orion as taken from the

above mentioned publication is slightly edited for the occasion.

Venus in Orion 2006

The person is in accord with the changing surrounding while

making friends on the move. This dynamic type may decide

adventure instead of settlement, meaning foreign affair will have

precedence over domestic partners. This may be the position of a

sympathetic person emanating sublime charm on its travels.

Strangers meet in daytime in an enthusiastic adventure. The

couple will travel together in this as well as afterlife.

Venus in Orion is good for travel except towards the end of its

Orion journey. X2 is the dangerous star in Orion. Centaur Okyrhoe

is in Orion as to assist Venus on its travels. Juno is in Orion,

too, against the Ankh or Pi stars of this zodiacal constellation.

When Venus is in Orion it of course crosses the Orion Stargate,

an important zodiacal point.

With Moon in Auriga the refugees are temporarily safe before an

air raid. Venus is a war planet meaning attack, especially when

conjunct X2 Orionis. Let us not forget that a known terrorist-s

horoscope features Moon in Orion, precisely the same Moon in

Orion that determined 9-11. Moon in Orion generally happens more

often than Venus in Orion.

Sometimes special talents have Venus in Orion such as Alice born

Aug 4th 2004 with Hydra ascending, Moon in Cetus, Mercury in

Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum and of course Pluto in

Serpens. Venus in Orin shares some flavour of Venus in Scutum as

concerns protectiveness as well as aloofness and in extreme cases

a tendency towards chaste monastery life. Note the allusions to

silent places elsewhere in the text.

This year Venus in Orion is especially favourable for travel

except for its last phase when an aircraft can be shot. As

potential war areas amount, the traveller will avoid the X2

conjunction as concern air travel. Venus in Orion thus governs

June 2006. The attentive reader will notice Earth trojan moon

2000 PH5 is at the Orion Stargate at the time of Venus X1

conjunction. The times are given for Paris. 2000 PH5 is often

about masses of people such as during elections.

Venus in Orion is also good for pilgrimage, one's last journey, a

spiritual journey, a journey with profound meaning, making money

while travelling, following the meridian route, soul ascent

through the Stargate, helicopters, climbing, places of worship,

temples on the hills, a graveyard on a mound, career, upgrade,

discreation of doubts, clearing.

Stargate astrology focuses on people born wit planets in Stargate

position. The current pope is an example of Stargate nativity

with Mars at the Stargate.

A Problem with Authorities - An Introduction to Scientific


Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


We calculated the position of the Sun

If we tell you that the man landed on the Moon thanks to

astrologic programs, would you believe? And yet people are

probably inclined to trust astrologic programs for their natal

horoscopes. No astrologic program of course gets even near to any

natal position at all.

Our equipment

Where is your natal Sun? Where is the Sun right now? Astrologic

books or popular computer programs can't answer these serious

questions. You will find simple NASA ephemeris for the Sun and

the Moon at the bottom of this article. Use Solex by Aldo

Vitagliano as alternative integrator. 2003 UB313. Comets,

centaurs, cubewano, plutino, SDO, earth trojans and objects of

interest are calculated with NASA HORIZONS.

The reactions

Astrologers are immediately put on the defensive since popular

programs and ephemeris are part of their false ego. Luckily and

deep inside we have also a true mind eager for truth. Christians

even have a commandment saying, "do not lie". The astrologer will

suggest Vedic or sidereal astrology but not even this honest as

well as nice try justifies one's true natal positions. This

became evident since 1992 when the first transneptunian

discoveries had a start. The zodiac is of course not a simple

strip, made of 12 circus signs.

Under the gypsy tent

People gladly accept NASA as the harbinger of scientific truth.

We like to explore our origin. Our species is interested in

scientific truth. We invest our energy and our taxes into NASA.

We trust NASA for its investigation as concern space. But when it

comes to the position of the planets, we prefer to go to the

gypsy's tent. Even Derek Appleby "emerged a worried astrologer".

Perhaps the gypsy was right, after all. There's more superstition

and devil in an astrologer than under any gypsy tent. We have no

problem to accept NASA as authority when it comes to space

missions, but as soon as we are presented the facts about the

planets we tend to hide under the first gypsy tent we can find.

Gypsy tents abound for people like Nostradamus, Kepler or Newton

knew some, too. You can hide under their private tents and NASA

may as well go to outer space.

NASA as alternative

So NASA thinks your natal Sun is elsewhere. Now who in the world

is NASA to tell you that? Let us teach NASA a lesson! Nobody

messes around with me; not even God, truth NASA and everything!

You knows where your natal Sun is and NASA may as well go about

its own business. NASA has no business telling you where your

natal Sun is. NASA may have its constitutional rights such as

expressing its point of view, though. Excuse us Mr. Astrologer,

we are from NASA and we think your Sun is elsewhere by several

constellations. And this is official. And you are not scared of

anything official.

Beware of NASA

What? Science intruding into astrology? Beware of NASA. Those

people think Spica Virginis is in Virgo constellation! How

outrageous! Everybody knows there are astrological observatories

where Spica Virginis is clearly seen in Libra. Where else? Where

else do you put the major star of Virgo constellation but in

Libra. Are we astrologers or not? As a matter of fact its name

could change into Spica Librae or something. It is also amazing

how easily people accept Spica Virginis is in Libra.

"People buy everything!" says www.woz.org and is right. People

buy Mac, too.

Astrologic observatory

People probably think there is something like astrology with its

own ephemeris. Sadly as it seems there is no such thing as

astrology when it comes to planetary position. NASA is one of the

authoritative sources of ephemeris for the planets, comets and

minor planets as well. All there is comes packed within NASA

HORIZONS by Jon Giorgini. Harvard MPC is the authoritative place

for the minor planets. Astrologers dealing with centaurs

completely depend on Harvard and NASA, whether they know it or

not. The problem as ever is in the third party. Someone has to

distort scientific data to sell them in compact format for the

masses. The masses are hungry for alternative. God, order and

NASA mean nothing to the mob, the devil and commercial

superstition. In NASA we trust? We trust is everything but

science, as it seems. Even if one-s natal data are rendered with

accuracy, one's false ego forces the victim into superstition and

back to the matrix.

People buy it

In order for 2003 UB313 to be in Aries, one has to go to Harvard,

get the orbital elements, download some NASA program module, turn

on some math and there you have it! The new planet has changed

constellation and entered a new sign. It can be done in minutes,

printed and sold as ephemeris. You bought one. People buy it.

Orion mystery

On occasions like May 28th 2003 one can observe Saturn in Orion.

Orion is the best known zodiacal constellation. It is our

galactic brother and has inspired whole civilizations. Saturn

crossing the Orion Stargate is one of the most important events

in Saturn's cycle. This year 2006 we have Venus in Orion. Moon in

Orion is a peculiar but not so rare event. A known terrorist has

Moon in Orion in his nativity and everybody knows by now that

9-11 happened with Moon in Orion. Every planet enters Orion and

whole generations have e.g. Jupiter in Orion, so Orion is not at

all an unknown cluster of stars, in fact it is popular with all

kind of people. All kind of people? Facts like Moon in Orion are

known to many kinds of people. Indeed, except for the most

peculiar kind of people that we often call astrologers. Why do we

call them astrologers? This kind of people has a computer program

telling them funny things like sun signs and aspects and all kind

of sophisticated stuff like "lunar kinetic novile direction of

relationship parallel".

Sai Baba's observations

The only thing completely unknown to astrologers seems hardly

important for their business. They often die without ever knowing

their own natal Sun position. In fact most authorities in the

field already died thinking they were "Scorpio" where their natal

Sun was clearly in Virgo. We have mailed Sai Baba with his own

natal position. Sai Baba is the avatar of truth, born on Nov 23rd

with Sun in Libra. It may as well vary from year to year but Nov

23rd is the borderline of what we call the Sun's path through

Libra. The Sun enters Scorpius after Libra to dwell there for

perhaps less than a week. Thus the Sun spends only a week or 7

days in Scorpius. It must be a rare position. The author of the

article has been born with such a position, having Sun in

Scorpius on Nov 28th. Its Antares star also known as GBRIAL or

Gabriel the archangel best determines Scorpius.

Pluto in Cetus

Pluto is a planet that can not possibly be in Aries. Astrologers

that are crazy with incompetence even assigned some sort of

co-rulership to Pluto in Aries! Also Pluto can never enter Pisces

at all. After Aquarius, Pluto dips into Cetus and emerges in

Taurus, completely bypassing Pisces and Aries. This is the true

nature of this planet, or should we say KBO. This is true for

competent people and there is no telling why astrologers would

not be competent people. Especially with natal Pluto in Cetus.

10th planet my astrology

2003 UB313 is most probably our 10th planet. The people who

discovered it think it is in zodiacal Cetus constellation, but

some astrologers know better. As concern astrology it may be

anywhere. It is probably in Aries, which is not a big error,

since the planet will eventually reach Aries in a couple of

generations (after Pisces and Cetus II). The real problem is that

after Aries 2003 UB313 will have to go into Taurus. 2003 UB313

simply can not enter Taurus at all. It never enters Taurus and

never will. We sold our first 2003 UB313 centered publication on

Aug 1st 2005. People buy it.

Alice shopping for karma

Alice has been born with Hydra ascendant, Moon in Cetus, Mercury

in Sextans, Venus in Orion, Juno in Scutum, Pluto in Serpens. She

is normal by any means. People buy it.

A snake in Philadelphia

Did you know which constellation rose in due east in

Philadelphia? The nation has been born with Serpens Cauda rising.

Now guess where Pluto is at the moment, It is in Serpens Cauda.

While Serpens was on the eastern horizon, the ecliptic ascendant

was Ophiuchus.

Scientific Astrology Digest

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.


As above so below. We just sent a letter to the avatar of truth

Sri Sathya Sai Baba with his natal information. His natal Sun was

in Libra on Nov 23rd. According to our own IAU standards and NASA

ephemeris, it is internationally accepted that the Sun is still

in Libra constellation on Nov 23rd. Since the conventional

borderline is a thin affair, the information may vary from year

to year for especially meticulous clients. The timing of the Age

of Aquarius may suffer from similar incompatibility with and

within IAU conventions. According to the IAU we are able to

determine the Age of Ophiuchus, since every winter the Sun enters

Ophiuchus. After its sojourn in Libra, the Sun spends a week in

Scorpius before taking its journey through a rather large portion

of Ophiuchus. We had a new moon in Ophiuchus only recently as we

prepare for Jupiter in Ophiuchus. Jupiter is in Ophiuchus 1959,

1971, 1983, 1995, and 2007. It s in the year 2007 that the

Japanese ship Chikyu will attempt to drill the planet to the core

and glorious end in the year 2012, according to its schedule.

Every planet crosses Ophiuchus, which is one of the 24 basic

zodiacal constellations. The zodiacal constellations are 28 if we

include Pluto as planet and almost twice the basic astronomic

zodiac when 2003 UB313 is proclaimed planet. Sai Baba may have an

observatory near to his home but this information is news even to

the best astronomers. The astrologers don't want to b informed by

definition. What is the definition? The definition is that

astrology is superstition, not science. Thus scientific astrology

makes its way between astronomy and astrology. From one side

there is incredulity and to the other incompetence. Astrologers

today know nothing of the position of the stars. As a matter of

fact it is hard to meet one single astrologer with an idea of his

own natal Sun position. There are three types and all three are

in error. The most hilarious errors amount to 270 degrees for a

solar return. The crown pertains to tropical astrology. This

field has made many people laugh or cry with mirth or despair.

Spica Virginis is in Libra. Mars is conjunct Polaris. The Moon is

elsewhere. A full moon happens the next day. An average error

varies from 40 to 60 degrees, but it's improving.

The web sites proposing authoritative tropical astrology have

bombastic names as well as predictions. On August 2001 we had a

major American astrologic magazine predicting "prosperity and

peace for the nation due to Jupiter's entrance into Cancer".

Lunatics using incredible programs for their personal computers

attempt at judging Jupiter's position for the nation when those

programs are meant for fun only. The shops are full of "serious"

ephemeris and "authoritative books", while armed with all that

material and 2000 years of experience one can not even nearly

determine the position of one's natal Sun. Then we have sidereal

astrology. This astrology is of course not even nearly based on

any sidereal or astronomic truth, much as Vedic astrology has

nothing to do with modern astronomy. The following examples for

the U.S.A. speak for themselves. The eastern ascendant of the

U.S.A. is Serpens. The ecliptic ascendant measured sweetly to the

south of the eastern ascendant is Ophiuchus. This defines Vedic

and sidereal astrology as incapable of determining the real

ascendant. The Moon was in Orion on 9-11. This zodiacal statement

is an introduction to the real zodiac far away from superstition

and into the world of God, order, NASA and old Egypt as well.

As above so below. Astrology should reflect the planetary

positions. Is this the case? It was so when initiates scanned the

horizon in the old civilizations, but one does not have to be an

initiate to observe moonrise. Moonrise is not shown at all in

popular programs for the computer since recent astrologers

thought the ascendant has nothing to do with east proper. The

house systems in common use will never show which planet is

rising or setting and most of all you will never know which

planet is on the meridian. Your wife could have "Neptune in the

7th house" by such reckoning, while it is clear that Neptune was

below the horizon and as such naturally in the 6th house. Being

below the horizon or hidden naturally gave rise to the theories

ruling the 6th house. A planet in the 6th house is below the

horizon, thus "servile" or hidden. The 6th house is the house of

ritual magick, the wise man, the hermit, the underworld,

eternity, the world of dead and Isis. Isis and her Shumerian

counterpart were assigned a large portion of the sky. The Sun

spends 43 days in Virgo while it crosses Scorpius in less then a

week. Let us say that the ancient made the underworld large due

to their intent. Today the only underworld one visits in real

life is the garage, thus our underworld may be restricted to our

immediate mortal needs.

As above so below. This makes NASA responsible of the reflection.

Our senses and telescopes do not reflect the true state of things

above. Such are the limits of perception. A shaman may discover

that omniverse is one's own astral cocoon. It is by trusting our

judgement that we declare God and NASA see to the same cosmos. It

may not be so but whose senses can we truest? Perhaps racial

initiation will develop astral senses towards year 2600 when

astrology will enliven once again after millenniums of sleep.

As above so below. The upper sea of stars reflects in the plane

below. The astral plane reflects and sometimes refracts in the

affairs of inorganic as well as organic beings below.

Our inner screen enjoys osmosis from the outer space and across

the astral cocoon we wear hopefully in accordance with broad

channel communication providers to whatever is out there. The

personal devil or voladero cuts our communication with omniverse

by feeding misinformation through false ego. Once false ego is

installed for good, one will believe one believes in information

for granted. The media just pour additional misinformation. Once

one is informed about one's body and possibly immortal soul, the

inorganic being and personal devil can subtly exploit one. to the

bitter end. By end we mean end. The idea of easy salvation is but

one of the devil's most fabulous tricks.

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