"Bent(Hobro)" <bela"X"tdcadslDOTdk> skrev i en meddelelse
> tak for svaret
> har snart prøvet alt muligt i div. bundkort. Opgiver!!!
Hej Bent,
du kan læse omkr. emnet her :
Så - en højere multiplikator burde være til at opnå.
Men ellers :
Et citat fra Poul fra Asus bundkort gruppen:
"Depending on the stepping of Mobile processor, these can be
great overclockers. They are best suited for FSB800 motherboards.
A P4C800-E Deluxe would be the best platform to use one of
those processors. With FSB and memory in sync, you can run
3.6GHz/FSB1200 and memory at DDR600 (one or two sticks of the
fastest DDR you can buy). The reason your current motherboard
is barfing, is it doesn't have the "headroom" to lift the FSB
like a P4C800-E does. In other words, the people who overclock
these processors regularly, like them because the multipler
is at x12, and you can use so much bus frequency with them.
The memory bandwidth potential is massive."