Jeg har en BMW K100 fra 84, køber på tankstation en flaske bly-tilsætning
de fleste er dosere bar, , vores får sådan en lille slat ca hveranden gang
vi tanker
"¤" <¤@image.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hej
> Jeg har købt en BMW K100 S årgang 1984 i Tyskland. Jeg har er faldet
> over, på internet, at den ikke må køre på blyfri benzin. Der stod
> noget om at man skal købe et tilsætningsstof til at blande i benzinen.
> Er der nogen der kender til det ?
> Mvh. Torben
> Udklip:
>>What does it mean: not suitable for leadfree operation? There is no leaded
>>gasoline anymore!
>>That is correct - at least in our latitudes. Lead was added out of two
>>reasons: First to insure a certain octane level, second as wear
>>protection for the highly stressed valve seats. As a knock protection it
>>is not necessary anymore, The 98 octane of the former premium fuel are
>>also standard for the current premium - Shell's sulfur- free "V- Power"-
>>fuel is said to have 100 octane. Wear protection by residues of soft lead
>>on the seats is nowadays offered by lead 'substitutes' like Castrol TBE.,
>>available in 250ml- flasks at bigger gas stations. An EUR 6,00-flask
>>lasts for 250 l gasoline, i.e. in the case of the K100 4000- 5000
>>kilometers. After refueling lead substitute is added according to the
>>amount of gas, measuring made simple by a dosing device contained in the
>>top; the flask fits easily into the rear seat compartment. Modern lead
>>substitutes are apt to catalyser use and also clean valves from redidues