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BF2 Fly og helikopter
Fra : Erik

Dato : 13-06-05 16:27


Nu har jeg spillet BF2 demoen et par dage Men jeg kan bare ikke finde
af og styre fly eller helikopterne. Styrter hele tiden ned Nogle som
dele lidt tips. Så jeg kan lære det?

På forhånd tak

Sune Storgaard (13-06-2005)
Fra : Sune Storgaard

Dato : 13-06-05 17:37

Erik wrote:
> Hejsa
> Nu har jeg spillet BF2 demoen et par dage Men jeg kan bare ikke
> finde ud
> af og styre fly eller helikopterne. Styrter hele tiden ned Nogle
> som vil
> dele lidt tips. Så jeg kan lære det?

Brug et joystick. Ikke at det gør et mirakel, men det hjælper. Flyene ER
lidt akavede, ligesom i alle de andre foregående spil.

Lav din egen server og så kan du frit træne , uden at "ødelægge" spillet for

Silver (13-06-2005)
Fra : Silver

Dato : 13-06-05 18:32

"Erik" <egpnewsNO@SPAMhotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hejsa
> Nu har jeg spillet BF2 demoen et par dage Men jeg kan bare ikke finde
> ud
> af og styre fly eller helikopterne. Styrter hele tiden ned Nogle som
> vil
> dele lidt tips. Så jeg kan lære det?
> På forhånd tak
> Erik

Husk på at allied fly er et VLT (Vertical Landing and Takeoff) F-22 mener
jeg, dvs hvis du trykker ned knappen i thrust så du reelt bremser, så flyver
du ligeop, det er det samme som Harrier flyet i Desert Combat modden til
bf1942. Det kan du så bruge i dogfights, hvor fjenden er lige bag dig og du
så drejer samtidig med at du bremser flyet og får en meget mindre
drejecirkel end fjenden der så kommer foran dig og du kan nappe ham der :)


Dan (14-06-2005)
Fra : Dan

Dato : 14-06-05 08:27

De her tips fandt jeg på fileplanet's BF board:

1. To get off the ground faster use yer thrusters trust me it makes a

2. If somebody manages to get a lock onto you and you're out of flares no
point tryin to out run it instead hit the afterburner and start going into
as tight a circle as you can I've yet to be shot down using this method

3. Missiles dont fire the moment you get a lock instead hit them with yer
guns instead to scare them into throwing flares then after they've wasted
them nail em with missiles again works everytime

4. With bombs never fly straight and drop thats hard to predict instead get
up high dive and release when yer reticles where you want to hit I get some
crazy high amounts of kill to death ratios with this tactic

5. With the USMC jet you can stay in it and cap bases all the while blasting
away infantry with your frontgun (and it makes you look uber to boot)

6. Use the move left/right keys AND the mouse to get tighter turns

Thats it now either learn to fly or stay out of my jets because i'm tired of
being left on the ground for some idiot who dies in 5 seconds

1) If you have a joystick, use it. I thought I was peachy-keen with my
keyboard and mouse, man was I wrong. My piloting improved tenfold with my
joystick after a little bit of practice. I have flares, afterburner, and
missiles/bombs a thumbs reach away, with my peashooter on my trigger. I only
wish I had a 4th button to change firing modes :(

Also, joystick sensitivity is based on mouse sensitivity, so crank it up on
the controls.

2) The atmosphere is a 3D volume of air. Use it! Most pilots I see fight in
two dimensions. These are the ones who die the fastest. They usually fly at
about the height of the command tower on the carrier, and 'dogfight' by
turning in circles. The easiest way to beat these pilots is to afterburn
straight up, and chew them to pieces from above. Most of the time they never
ever follow you upwards, just keep spinning... and spinning...

3) Don't be trigger-happy on the missiles, ESPECIALLY if you're in the SU-25
(whatever). Having to re-arm in the middle of a fight just means you have to
start over. EVERY pilot I've met fires the flares the moment I get lock. You
have plenty of time for two missiles up the tailpipe when they're long-past
the flares. Just keep the lock, be patient, and keep on them. If they don't
fire the flares after a few seconds of pure tone, THEN fire off the
missiles - if they didn't already, it's likely that they never will.

Unfortunately this doesn't work reliably from the other side. I really have
no way of telling if there's a missile on me or if they're just tracking me,
so I too fire the flares early. However, I compensate as described here:

4) Flares are a crutch. Do not rely on them, they will not always be there.
Missiles CAN be outmanuvered in a variety of ways. You can cause them to
crash into walls / objects, you can simply pull some insane manuvers and
break the lock causing it to roam out into the air, or you can use the
environment, like flying near the oil derrik. I've even used other aircraft
to break lock.

5) Fight with honor! You took up the wings of an interceptor / support
bomber so you can intercept and support bomb. Crashing your jet, bailing
out, or flying over friendly anti-air emplacements just means you're a
coward, and really have no business flying in the first place. If you can't
engage and give a good fight, then pass off the aircraft to someone who
can - they'll make a hell of a lot more use of it, and do more for their
team to boot.

6) Helicopters are hard to kill. Despite their lack of anti-air weaponry,
they're pondorously slow and thickly armored. Due to their low speed, I
usually overshoot them - I strafe them with guns the first pass, causing
them to burn their flares. On the second pass, I attempt lock and engage. On
a third pass, I can usually get them down. In the time it takes, they can
usually accomplish their mission, so I try not to waste too much time on
them. I usually just fire off a few bullets and maybe a missile, if only to
damage them enough that someone on the ground can finish the job.

7) Drop the lock-on. An interesting tactic I found while attacking aircraft
is to remain in bomber mode until I'm ready to engage the aircraft. This
will give them less warning of your presence, allowing you to tuck yourself
in behind them and fill their aft with love.

8) Communicate with your team. Nothing is more a slap in the face then
expertly bombing the flag that the enemy just took only to kill one person
who punishes you for the TK instantly. It will happen constantly, because
about 10% of the players of this game are total assholes. The best
prevention is to let your team know what you're doing and to get down. It's
not guarenteed but it'll help some.

I hope these help you would-be pilots :)

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