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Jeg faldt over det her papir i en anden NG:
Ever since the very beginning, the enterprise-grade database management
systems (DBMS) market was clearly dominated by commercial offerings from
IBM, Oracle and Microsoft. Meanwhile the situation has changed: Open source
DBMS have reached a high grade of evolution and are seen as a cost
effective and functionally adequate alternative to commercial DBMS by many
business companies. Besides the cost aspects the question if open source
DBMS can cope with the demands that are given by enterprise-level
applications comes to our mind.
To give an answer to this question, Fabalabs Software GmbH and the Institute
For Applied Knowledge Processing (FAW) evaluated Firebird 1.5.2, Ingres r3
3.0.1, MaxDB, MySQL 4.1.10 and PostgreSQL 8.0.1 in respect to
their applicability on enterprise-level applications.
Med venlig hilsen
Stig Johansen