Isak Lyberth <> wrote:
> (en hacker er en programmør. Dem der er slemme er crakkere)
> En god artikkel om hvorfor folk vil bevæge sig fra Windows over til
> noget der er bedre.
>> And software sells hardware. Many if not most of the initial sales of
the Apple II came from people who bought one to run VisiCalc. And why
did Bricklin and Frankston write VisiCalc for the Apple II? Because they
personally liked it. They could have chosen any machine to make into a
Det er vist nok rigtigt, at VisiCalc betød meget for salget af Apple II
maskiner, men iflg en artikel, og interview med Bob Frankston og Dan
Bricklin, i Byte (1989:13) "Ten Years of Rows and Column" blev VisiCalc
til microcomputere skrevet og afviklet på en Apple II fordi firmaet
Personal Software, some var firmaet der markedsførte regnearket fra
oktober i 1979 havde en Apple II. Programmet udkom da osse hurtigt i en
version til Radio Shack, Commadore og Atari.
I interviewet fortæller Bricklin i øvrigt om hvordan denne nye "tingest"
af et regneark til en microcomputer i begyndelsen blev modtaget:
>> In those days, if you showed it to a programmer, he'd say, "Well,
that's neat. Of course computers can do that - so what?" But if you
showed it to a person who had to do financial work with real
spreadsheets, he'd start shaking and say, "I spent all week doing that."
Then he'd shove his charge card in your face. <<