"cogco" <cogco@aub.dk> writes:
>> Hej der
>> Det forekommer mig svagt, at jeg engang læste, at Apple havde købt licens
>> til Amazons "One-clik technology". Er her nogen der ved om de er rigtigt
>> og
>> har en kilde på det?
> "One-clik technology"
> Hvad går det ud på?
Europæisk patent EP0927945B1:
A method for placing an order to purchase an item, the order being
placed by a purchaser at a client system and received by a server
system, the method comprising:
* under control of the server system, receiving purchaser
information including identification of the purchaser, payment
information, and shipment information from the client system;
* assigning a client identifier to the client system;
* associating the assigned client identifier with the received
purchaser information;
* sending to the client system the assigned client identifier; and
* sending to the client system display information identifying the
item and including an order button;
* under control of the client system, receiving and storing the
assigned client identifier;
* receiving and displaying the display information; and
* in response to the selection of the order button, sending to the
server system a request to purchase the identified item, the
request including the assigned identifier; and
* under control of the server system, receiving the request; and
* combining the purchaser information associated with the client
identifier included with the request to generate an order to
purchase the item in accordance with the billing and shipment
information whereby the purchaser effects the ordering of the
product by selection of the order button.
Noget længere end 'one-click technology', men når det kommer til
stykket lige så intetsigende. Sådan er softwarepatenter.
Peter Makholm | Sit back and watch the messages. This is actually
peter@makholm.net | more important than one might think as there is a
http://hacking.dk | bug in GNU Mach whereby hitting a key during the
| boot process causes the kernel to panic
| -- GNU Hurd Installation Guide