Hello Everyone
This mail is sent to more groups and mailing lists in different
countries, also groups, which normally not uses the English language as
the native list language, so -
- but read it carefully and then follow the instructions regarding
answering at the buttom of this mail.
I have discovered a bug in Mac OS X 10.2.x and up to latest version 10.3.8.
When you activate the controlpane *ZoomView* for enlargement and put it
either in 'Normal mode' - i.e. black text on white background, - or in
"Reverse Mode" - i.e. white text on black background.
So today - Thursday, March 3rd, 2005, I contacted the Apple Support for
dealers and professionals here and told them about the problem.
The problem is as follows.
- Activating ZoomView in normal mode does not change anything.
Everything is, as it should be.
- Activating ZoomView in reverse mode does not change anything.
Everything is normal.
Activating the zoom factor with _any_ value - fx. +1,5, 2.0, 3.0 etc. -
now changes the behaviour of ZoomView, when you for example open
Diskutility from the dock or the Controlpanes window.
clicking on the Diskutility icon in the dock suddenly makes the arrow
move to the lower left corner of the monitor's viewable area, _IF_ you
do not touch the mouse right after clicking on the icon.
clicking on one of the panes icons in the open Controlpane window makes
the arrow moves to the lower left corner of the monitor's viewable area,
if you don't touch the mouse right after clicking on one of the pane icons.
The higher the zoom ractor is, the faster the arrow moves.
If the zoom factor is zero you can click on anything in the dock -
Diskutility etc. and any controlpane, and the arrow will stay on the
icon you have clicked on, if you don't touch the mouse right after
clicking on the icon.
The Apple Help Center in London, Danish dept. has reconstructed the bug
as well, and they have stated that it _is_ a bug.
The supporter asked me to get as many of you as possible to try this out
and write a report on this bug and send it to the Apple Support Center
through the website
www.apple.com -> Support -> Feedhack. Or you can go
into your local Apple site - fx.
www.apple.no, www.apple.uk,
www.apple.de, www.apple.dk, www.apple.jp, www.apple.nl - or wherever you
are living, and then to the 'Support' -> 'Feedback'. The 'Feedback' link
is found at the buttom of the main support page.
Please setup the report with which machine you have been using for the
testing, CPU speed, - amount of memory, HDs and system versions, -
Fx. like this
- iMac G3/400mhz DV, 512mb RAM, 80gb HD, Mac OS 10.2.8
- PowerMac G4/1,4ghzAGP, 1280mb RAM, 2x 120gb HD, Mac OS 10.3.8
- PowerMac G5/2.2ghz Dual, 2gb RAM, 2x 200gb HD, Mac OS 10.3.8.
The Apple Support Center wants as many as possible to report the bug, so
that they - hopefully - can get it corrected before the Mac OS 10.4
Tiger is released.
Please also let all your Macintosh friends know this and make them try
it out and also send in a report.
And again - PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER TO THIS MAIL - just test it out and
report the bug.
Erik Richard Sørensen
KMLDenmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
<KMLDenmarkNOSPAM@netscape.net> <kmldenmarkNOSPAM@stofanet.dk>
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