> Er der nogen herinde der kan fortælle mig hvordan jeg ser forskel på de
> forskellige harley modeller.
> Når jeg f.eks kigger på
http://www.sunnysidebikes.dk/ er cyklerne delt op
> i PANHEAD, SHOWEL, EVO osv .... hvis jeg så en HD suse forbi en dag,
> hvordan kan jeg så se om det f.eks er en PANHEAD ????
> Jeg har kigget på mange synes jeg uden rigtigt at kunne lure hvad det er
> der definere typen.
> Fatboy, softtail ... osv .... i dont get it ......
> Håber på vise ord og gode henvisninger
Det du henviser til er slangbetegnelser, som henviser til topstykkets
Den rigtige betegnelse får du ved at iagttage nogle karakteristika ved
cyklen, og så kan du lynhurtigt se om det f.eks. er en FXDWG du ser køre
(Overhead vale big twin, Narrow tire-sports forks, Dyna wide glide)
Se nedenstående liste:
Harley Davidson Motorcycle model designator letters are explained below..
X - Sportsters. These descend from the K series, 1952-56
XL- Series started in 1957. They are "unit construction" (engine &
transmission share a common case)
L - High compression (7.5:1 in 1957)
H - Starting in 1958 came the XLH, meaning Higher-power or
High-compression (9:1) or Hot .
C - Also in 1958 was the XLCH. The C was intended to mean "Competition".
CR- Cafe racer style, with bikini fairing.
LT- Touring, with bigger tank, thicker seat, and hard bags.
The first letter of the model designator reveals the engine series:
G - Servicar three wheeler, 1932 to 1972
E - Overhead valve 61 cubic inch "big twin" (Engine/trans separated)
F - Overhead valve 74,80 or 88 cubic inch "big twin"
FL - 80 to 88 cubic inches and a fat front tire.
K - Side valve 45 and 55 cubic inch sports bike that replaced the WL in
1953 and was replaced by the Sportster in 1957. It had many design features
that were carried over to the Sportster.
U - Side valve 74 or 80 cubic inch "big twin"
V - Side valve 74 cubic inch made prior to 1936
W - Side valve 45 cubic inch made 1934 to 1952
X - Sports and special construction. Applied to 1918-1922 opposed twin
Sport, 1944 military opposed twin, and 1957 to present Sportster.
The second letter of the model designator reveals the Front end (except
X - Narrow tire and sport forks.
L - Wide front tire and Hydra-Glide front forks.
(FX originally meant "Factory Experimental" The first one was the Super
Glide FX)
The third letter of the model designator reveals the frame style:
D - "Dyna" frame (with the rubber mounted motor)
HT - "Highway Touring" frame
ST - "Softail®" frame
The next letter(s) indicates the model bike within the frame family:
A - Military (Army) version (except GA, Servicar without tow bar)
B - Battery start (early models), Belt drive (early 80's) Black
paint.(1995-6 model, the Bad Boy)
C - Classic, Competition, Custom, various others meanings.
D - Dyna, the newest frame and engine mount design.
DG - Disc Glide
E - Electric start
F - Foot shift (when the standard was hand-shift) and now "Fat Boy®"
H - varied between High performance and Heavy duty.
I - Signifies Fuel Injection.
L - Big fat front tire
LR- Low Rider (though many Low Riders don't include LR in the model ID)
N - Nostalgia
P - Police version
R - Rubber mounted engine (some models) racing version (other models)
ST- Soft Tail, Softail®
S - Springer
S - (without following T) Sports version
T - Touring
WG - Wide Glide
X - Sportster or sportster-type front end and Skinny front tire.