On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 00:45:02 +0100, "Jim" <migselv_6@msn.dk> wrote:
>Er der nogen her der ved hvad følgende spil koster pr md, at spille:?
Kan da prøve...
Lidt saksninger fra de forskellige spils hjemmesider:
>-Ultima Online
$12.99 per month
>(er prisen det samme uanset hvilken expansion man bruger)
Kunne ikke finde noget der skulle indikerer andet
One month subscription plan: $12.95 per month.
Three month subscription plan: $11.95 ($35.85 total, charged in
Six month subscription plan: $10.95 per month ($65.70 total, charged
in advance).
1-month ......... $12.95 (plus tax, if applicable)
3-month ......... $35.85 (plus tax, if applicable)
6-month ......... $65.70 (plus tax, if applicable)
24-month ......... $199.95 (plus tax, if applicable)
>-EverQuest II
1-month ......... $14.99 (plus tax, if applicable)
3-month ......... $41.99 (plus tax, if applicable)
6-month ......... $77.99 (plus tax, if applicable)
12-month ......... $143.99 (plus tax, if applicable)
Sony har også noget det hedder "Station Access":
Station Access Subscription (Standard)
Grants access to EverQuest, EverQuest II (plus 4 additional character
slots), EverQuest Macintosh Edition, PlanetSide, EverQuest Online
Adventures and the three Station Pass games (Infantry Online, Cosmic
Rift and Tanarus).
1 month, Regular ......... $21.99 (plus tax, if applicable)
Desuden skriver Sony det følgende på deres side, jeg ved ikke om det
kun er dem, eller om de andre bare ikke vil ud med sproget: "customers
who reside within the European Union will be charged VAT equal to
17.5% of their subscription fees."
For dem der ikke ved det, så er VAT = Value Added Tax.
Til sidst, bare for at lave listen lidt mere komplet, så er her
priserne for World of Warcraft:
1 month: $14.99
3 months: $41.97 ($13.99 per month)
6 months: $77.94 ($12.99 per month)
Og Star Wars Galaxies:
1 month - $14.99
3 months - $41.99
6 months - $77.99
12 months - $143.99
Med venlige hilsner
Simon Nejmann