Hej Thorkil
Thorkil Olesen wrote:
>>På HD og zip disken er det gemt i Nisus Writer format samt RTF -
>>formentlig med MercuryRTF xtnd File format, som er inkluderet i Nisus
>>Writer 6.x. Man bruger normalt MercuryRTF, når der er tale om
>>multilingual tekster.
> OK. Så står jeg af, for jeg kender ingen af de 2 formater. Et
> RTF-dokument burde vel ikke have nogen resurse-gren overhovedet.
Eet har den heller ikke. MercuryRTF XTND oversætteren er udelukkende
lavet, for bedre at kunne inkludere non-latinske sprog i en RTF fil
Det er lykkedes mig at 'løse' problemet her i eftermiddags efter et par
timers eksperimentering frem og tilbage. Resultatet er, at man ikke kan
bruge PC formatterede diske, hvis man vil beholde både data og
resourcegrenen intakt i samme fil, men også, at det reelt ingen
betydning har for læsning af selve teksten i et dokument. I nogle
tilfælde forsvinder formattering og styles dog fuldstændig.
Jeg indsætter lige mine eksperimenter og svarene herpå her nedenunder.
De er godt nok på engelsk, men det håber jeg ikke gør noget.
mvh. Erik Rihcard
Zip Disks & OS X
According the last thread about using zip disks and OS X, I've been
experimenting now with a lot of combinations, and here's the result,
which is somewhat different than what I answered at first hand (my
answer to Kino).
Using a Mac formatted zip 100/250mb disk
There are no problems using a Mac formatted zip disk at all. Copying a
file - or more files - to a Mac formatted disk will copy the whole file
in one piece, and it will open either in a 'Prefered Application' or in
the app that has made the document.
Using PC formatted zip 100/250mb disks
Now things begin to be 'funny'....
Copying files onto a PC (FAT32) formatted zip disk will keep both the
resources and datafork together, - as long as you are using a Mac OS
7,5.x - 9.2.2 system. - You can open the files in the classic system
without any problems, and of course the documents will be opened in the
creating app.
Now, switching to Mac OS 10.3.5 (latest update), inserting the PC
formatted zip disk. Open the disk and you'll see the documents as well
as more folders.One folder is called "RESOURCE.FRK", another folder -
"TheVolumeSettingsFolder" is only containg the Finder data, and at last
htere of course is a ".Trash" folder too. Two more documents are
containing all the dataresources for the formatting of the zip disk in
FAT32 and the desktop files, which indicates that it is formatted on a Mac.
Opening a MSWord 2001.doc document on the zip disk will automatically
open AbiWord !! and not MSWord X 10.1, which also is installed. The file
is shown 100% correct!. Quitting AbiWord... Open the same file with
first opening MSWD X will again open the doc in AbiWord - and not in the
already opened MSWD X. Only by dragging the document onto the Word icon
in the dock will open it in Word X. The content is as it shall be, -
correct fonts, correct styles and other formatting - just like in AbiWord!.
Opening a Nisus file NisusWriter.rtf will again automatically open it in
AbiWord _OR_ in TextEdit !! If AbiWord is already open, this will happen
in AbiWord, but if AbiWord is quitted, the NisusWriter.rtf will open in
TextEdit. - The strange thing is that it does NOT open into NWE!!
Dragging the NisusWriter.rtf document onto the NWE icon will open NWE in
an empty document - no content from the NisusWriter.rtf file.
Also dragging the Word2001.doc file onto the Mariner Write X icon will
open the file completely correct with all formattings kept! Exactly the
same happens, if you drag a NisusWriter.rtf file onto the Mariner icon,
- everything is kept as the original file.
Copying the text files (without the "RESOURCE.FRK" folder into the
'Documents' on the OS X main window.
Opening the Word 2001.doc file will again open it in AbiWord - BUT as
"READ ONLY" file!
Opening a NisusWriter.rtf file with double click automatically opens the
file in TextEdit, - AND it is both readable and editable!
Dragging the Word 2001.doc file onto the Word X icon opens the file
correctly in Word X - botha readable and editable. No styles or
formatting are missing.
Dragging a NisusWriter.rtf file onto the NWE icon opens the file
correctly, - BUT fonts are changed to Times New Roman 14p, the orig.
font is Arial MT 14p. Most formattings are gone such as bold and italic,
but text alignment is kept.
Dragging the Word 2001.doc file onto the NWE icon opens the file
completely correct, any style, any formatting, any font is keps as the
original file... !?!
Zipping files with DropZip on the OS 9.2.2
There are no problems zipping the same files with DropZip on the classic
OS 9.2.2 and again unzip them and open them within their original
formats and apps on OS 9.2.2
Using zipped files on OS X
Here again thing are getting rather irritating. I've of course used the
same files, so I can be sure that they are quite identical.
Unzipping the files on the PC formatted zip disk will create a normal
document. The folder "RESOURCE.FRK" is complete empty!
Using all the same methods as above will do exactly the same things,
except that the file NisusWriter.doc is opened in AbiWord (like above)
but with fonts changed to Helvetica. The file Word 2001.rtf is also like
above opened into TextEdit, but here fonts now have changed to Times New
Moving the zipped files into the documents folder on OS X main window.
The results are exactly the same. The only things I'd noticed as
different is that fonts are kept as in original documents. The one
exception is the pure Nisus Writer 6.5 file. I can't be opened with NWE
just by double click, but dragging the file onto the NWE icon opens the
file very smoothly and everythings.... No everythings aren't correct.
Styles are mostly gone, formatting like bold and italic are gone too,
Font is changed from Arial 14p to Helvetica 14p, - but it is readable
and editable.
- Well, Mostly a doubleclick will open files in Read-only in AbiWord, if
this program is installed.
- Word files will not open in Word X
- Nisus Writer files without suffix will not open directly in NWE
- Nisus Writer files with suffix lik .doc. and .rtf will automatically
open in AbiWord (if installed)
- Else they will open in textEdit
- Missin resourceforks don't seem to have any big influence on the text
itself but might change fonts and some styles and formatting get lost,
but text is readable
- It seems as if the need for zip disks to be Mac formatted is a 'MUST'
to keep everything correct.
K.M.L. Denmark by Erik Richard Sørensen, Member of ADC
*Music Recording, Editing & Publishing - Also Smaller Quantities
*Software - For Theological Education - And For Physically Impaired
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