Nu har jeg fundet et sted, hvor MacAfee officielt skriver om Virex 7.5.
Via et link fra .Mac kom jeg til siden <>. Under
emnet "Common issues" forklares sagen med Virex 7.5. Der står bl.a:
"Virex 7.5 was removed primarily due to an issue where Mailbox files
were being deleted when an infected message arrives (as opposed to just
removing the offending attachment and message). This does not occur
with default settings nor does it occur with all email clients..."
"Secondly, the Mailbox issue only occurs when the Scan email
configuration option is turned on (it is off by default) and the email
client being used treats all emails as a single concatenated file
versus treating each email as an individual file. (...) The Scan email
box feature is not critical to your overall protection as Virex 7.5
will scan any attachments in the emails as soon as they are launched
and are written to disk."
Til slut hedder det:
"These issues are not likely to be encountered by users if they follow
the directions in the updated read me file posted on McAfee¹s Virex
download site."
Den kan jeg ikke finde. Ikke desto mindre er det også min erfaring, at
det fungerer, hvis man indstiller Virex 7.5 til default. Den finder fint
virus i e-mail, og den bruger ikke en masse processorkraft, som nogen
har klaget over, efter de har sat baggrundsscanning etc. til. Det
bekræfter bare min erfaring med, at man ikke skal pille for meget. De,
der laver hardware og software, ved nok noget mere om det, end jeg gør.
Deres standard-indstillinger er derfor nok ikke helt skæve.
Venlig hilsen
Henrik Münster