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Printer Problemer
Fra : trEx

Dato : 08-05-01 12:19

Hej NG

Jeg er ved at lave et skrive program, men jeg kan ikke få min printer til at
skrive "Ordentlig" ud.
Den vil godt skrive ud men problemet er at teksten står HELT oppe i højre
hjørne. Hvordan kan jeg
få min tekst til at tilpasse margen på papiret ?????. (min tekstbox hedder

Stefan Thilemann

Morten Bryde (08-05-2001)
Fra : Morten Bryde

Dato : 08-05-01 19:30

Jeg nevnte dette problemet på 'comp.lang.basic.visual.misc'
og se hva Jerry French la ut der:

TCPrintObject.cls sorts out many of these irritants.

====== FORM1.FRM ======

Option Explicit

' 1 Add a Picturebox
' 2 Add a Command Button

Dim PO As New TGPrintObject

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Set PO.Device = Picture1
PO.Font.Name = "Courier"
PO.Output "This Is a Test", 400, 200
PO.Font.Bold = True
PO.Font.Size = 18
PO.Output "And More", 400, 2000
End Sub


Option Explicit

' TGPrintObject.Cls
' A simple Encapsulation for a Print Target
' ie: Printer or PictureBox
' 14/03/01 jerry@iss.u-net.com

Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" _
(ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nindex As Long) As Long

Dim mObj As Variant
Dim mTopMargin#, mLeftMargin#
Dim mScaleMode%

' #################################################################

Public Property Set Device(Value As Object)
Set mObj = Value
End Property

Private Sub LS_CalcMargins()
Dim xMargin#, yMargin#, tpi#, H%, ScaleFactor#

mLeftMargin = 0
mTopMargin = 0

If Not TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then
Exit Sub
End If

Printer.ScaleMode = vbTwips
ScaleFactor# = Printer.ScaleWidth
Printer.ScaleMode = mScaleMode
ScaleFactor# = ScaleFactor# / Printer.ScaleWidth

With Printer
xMargin = GetDeviceCaps(.hdc, 112)
xMargin = (xMargin * .TwipsPerPixelX) / ScaleFactor#
yMargin = GetDeviceCaps(.hdc, 113)
yMargin = (yMargin * .TwipsPerPixelY) / ScaleFactor#
mLeftMargin = xMargin
mTopMargin = yMargin
End With

End Sub

Public Property Get Device() As Object
Set Device = mObj
End Property

Public Property Let CurrentX(Value As Double)
mObj.CurrentX = Value - mLeftMargin
End Property

Public Property Get CurrentX() As Double
CurrentX = mObj.CurrentX + mLeftMargin
End Property

Public Property Let CurrentY(Value As Double)
mObj.CurrentY = Value - mTopMargin
End Property

Public Property Get CurrentY() As Double
CurrentY = mObj.CurrentY + mTopMargin
End Property

Public Property Let ScaleMode(Value As Integer)
mScaleMode = Value
End Property

Public Property Get ScaleMode() As Integer
ScaleMode = mScaleMode
End Property

Public Property Set Font(Value As StdFont)
Set mObj.Font = Value
End Property

Public Property Get Font() As StdFont
Set Font = mObj.Font
End Property

Public Property Get TextWidth(S$) As Double
TextWidth = mObj.TextWidth(S$) ' this is in current scalemode
End Property

Public Property Get TextHeight(S$) As Double
TextHeight = mObj.TextHeight(S$) ' this is in current scalemode
End Property

Public Property Get Height() As Double
Height = mObj.ScaleHeight
End Property

Public Property Let ForeColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then Exit Property
mObj.ForeColor = Value
End Property

Public Property Let BackColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then Exit Property
mObj.BackColor = Value
End Property

Public Sub Cls()
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

' #################################################################
' Print a Line without moving the Print Head
Public Sub LineX(X#, W#)
Dim O As Object, V#, H#

Set O = mObj
O.Print "";
Call LS_Position("S")
H = X - mLeftMargin
V = Me.CurrentY - mTopMargin
O.FillStyle = vbFSSolid
O.Line (H, V)-(H + W, V + 0.25), O.ForeColor, BF
Call LS_Position("R")
End Sub

' #################################################################
Public Sub NewPage()
Dim O As Object, V#
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then
Exit Sub
End If
' --- For a Picture Box
Set O = mObj
V = O.CurrentY + TextHeight("") / 2

O.Line (O.CurrentX, V)-(O.ScaleWidth, V)
Set O = Nothing
Call NewLine

End Sub

' #################################################################
Public Sub EndDoc()
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

' #################################################################
Public Sub ClearLine()
Dim H!, Q&
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then Exit Sub
H = Me.CurrentX
' --- Print Width * 1.5 spaces - fudge for Bold
Q = mObj.ScaleWidth / mObj.TextWidth(" ") * 1.5
Me.Print String$(Q, " ");
Me.CurrentX = H
End Sub

' #################################################################
' Note: We print *above* the CurrentY
' Necessary for aligning different Font Sizes
' Note: The Print Head moves right but NOT down - unless vbCr in
Public Sub Output(ByVal Text$, _
Optional ByVal V As Variant, _
Optional ByVal H As Variant)
Dim HoldV#, HoldH#, Q%

HoldV = Me.CurrentY
mObj.Print "";

If IsMissing(V) Then V = Me.CurrentY
If IsMissing(H) Then H = Me.CurrentX
Me.CurrentY = V
Me.CurrentX = H

' --- adjust vertical position for height of other font
' descender is 0.25 - below CurrentY - get Base of Char at
Me.CurrentY = Me.CurrentY - (Me.TextHeight("M") * 0.75)
Q = InStr(Text$, vbCr)
If Q Then
HoldH = Me.CurrentX
mObj.Print Left$(Text$, Q - 1) ' Allow a line drop
HoldV = HoldV + Me.TextHeight("M") ' Remember the Line Drop
Me.CurrentX = HoldH ' Restore Horiz position
Text = Mid$(Text, Q + 1)
End If
Loop Until Q = 0

mObj.Print Text$;
Me.CurrentY = HoldV

End Sub

' #################################################################
' Center Some Text
Public Sub Center(Text$, HPos#, Width#)
Dim L#

L = (Width - Me.TextWidth(Text$)) / 2
Me.CurrentX = HPos + L
Me.Output Text$
End Sub

' #################################################################
Public Sub RightJust(Text$, _
Optional V As Variant, _
Optional H As Variant)
If IsMissing(V) Then V = Me.CurrentY
If IsMissing(H) Then H = Me.CurrentX

Me.Output Text, V, (H - Me.TextWidth(Text$))

End Sub

' #################################################################
' Return a wrapped string - vbCr indicates Wrap positions
Function Wrap$(ByVal Text$, W#)
Dim L$, P%, Result$, S$, i

S$ = "x"
i = 1
While Len(S$)
S$ = Mid$(Text$, i, 1)
If S$ = " " Then P = i ' remember last P
If TextWidth(L$ + S$) > W Then ' it would be too wide
If P = 0 Then P = i ' can't wrap
Result$ = Result$ + Trim$(Left$(L$, P)) + vbCr
Text$ = Trim$(Mid$(Text$, P + 1))
P = 0
L$ = ""
i = 1
L$ = L$ + S$
i = i + 1
End If

Wrap = Result$ + L$

End Function

' #################################################################
Private Sub LS_FixDashField(Value$, L&)
If Left$(Value$, 1) = "-" Then
If Value$ = String$(Len(Value$), "-") Then
While mObj.TextWidth(Value$) < L
Value$ = Value$ + "-"
End If
End If
End Sub

' #################################################################
Public Sub NewLine()
Dim Q#

' --- Trap for running over page end
If TypeOf mObj Is Printer Then
Q = mObj.ScaleHeight
If (mObj.CurrentY + mObj.TextHeight("")) > Q Then
End If
End If
End Sub

' #################################################################
Private Sub LS_Position(Act$)
Static X#, Y#

Select Case Act$
Case "S": X = Me.CurrentX: Y = Me.CurrentY
Case "R": Me.CurrentX = X: Me.CurrentY = Y
Case Else: MsgBox "Bad Act$ - LS_Position"
End Select
End Sub

========= END OF CODE ==========

Takk, Jerry French

"trEx" <amd900athlon@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Hej NG
> Jeg er ved at lave et skrive program, men jeg kan ikke få min printer til
> skrive "Ordentlig" ud.
> Den vil godt skrive ud men problemet er at teksten står HELT oppe i højre
> hjørne. Hvordan kan jeg
> få min tekst til at tilpasse margen på papiret ?????. (min tekstbox hedder
> txtFelt)
> M.V.H.
> Stefan Thilemann
> amd900athlon@hotmail.com

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