CMAS** teori prøve og så er vi glade når de har bestået CMAS** prøver
nok til at opfylde CMAS* krav.
A diver who is competent in the safe and correct use of all appropriate
open water scuba diving equipment in a sheltered
water training area and is ready to gain open water diving experience in
the company of an experienced diver
Lige præcis ovenstående har jeg det helt fint med at skrive under på når
vores elever har dykket en 4-5 gange i åbent hav og klaret kompasprøve
osv. Der kræves ikke teoriprøve, men det foreslås :
A test, using oral or written techniques, can be used to establish that
the diver’s standard of knowledge matches that outlined in ‘Knowledge’
2 sæt ens prøver vil efter min mening være for tidskrævende og træls for
eleverne (men formelt set burde vi sikkert gøre det).
Jeg håber på at CMAS* bliver en åbning for at tage OWD ind i klubben og
så holde uddannelsen i CMAS systemet (vi har kun CMAS instruktører).
Alt CMAS standard er sakset fra
CMAS standards 14.3.2004
HER FØLGER CMAS* krav til prøver osv.
a. Definition
A diver who is competent in the safe and correct use of all appropriate
open water scuba diving
equipment in a sheltered water training area and is ready to gain open
water diving experience in the
company of an experienced diver.
b. Entry requirements
Must be at least 14 years old.
c. Course content
Must have a basic understanding of :
Pressure/volume relationships and their effect on the diver and his
What the body needs to sustain life and the complications caused by
being underwater.
The purpose, function, and features of sports diving equipment to be
used in the course, and its correct use.
The rules of safe diving, self help, and elementary rescue procedures.
The techniques of no-decompression diving.
Be competent in the preparation, care, and use of sports diving
equipment, adjustment of buoyancy, maintenance
of water-free air ways.
Be able to control movement in all directions and to swim using fins
efficiently and economically, and be able
safely to enter and leave the water.
Be able to perform self-rescue techniques and basic buddy rescue techniques.
Be able to act as a member of a diving group under supervision, and
demonstrate the required discipline.
Motion from G.A. the CMAS one star diver (must) have a minimum of 5 open
water dives.
d. Assessment
In the ‘continuous assessment’ system the above knowledge and skills
will be assessed at various points during the
course, and the certificate will only be awarded if the diver is judged
to have reached the required standard
In order to achieve the level of CMAS One Star Diver the students should
demonstrate in the course of the
programme that they have the ability to carry out the following in
sheltered water.
1. Enter the water by jumping or diving and swim free style at least 100
metres, without the use of equipment.
2. Prepare and fit diving equipment including cylinder, regulator, life
jacket/B.C., mask, fins, weight belt,
snorkel, diving suit appropriate to the conditions envisaged, and other
3. Demonstrate techniques for entering and leaving the water under
different conditions; jetty, diving boat, small
boat, beach.
4. Demonstrate techniques for leaving the surface and making a descent,
and for making a controlled ascent to the
5. Demonstrate techniques for maintaining position and self-support at
the surface, with and without use of mask
and regulator.
6. Refit mask underwater, and remove and replace regulator mouthpiece.
7. Demonstrate familiarity with alternate air sources and/or shared
breathing techniques, and their use in an
emergency, together with the associated safety signals.
8. Demonstrate techniques for controlling buoyancy underwater, and for
providing positive buoyancy at the
A test, using oral or written techniques, can be used to establish that
the diver’s standard of knowledge
matches that outlined in ‘Knowledge’ above.
The assessment will normally be made in accordance with the rules of the
National Federation, but when
awarded directly at a CMAS recognised diving school the assessment must
be made by an Instructor of
at least CMAS 1 Star grade.
Allan wrote:
> "Palle Villesen" <> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:cffc6c$md3$
>>Biodyk, Århus uddanner til CMAS** MEN vi udsteder et CMAS* certifikat
>>efter indledende svømmehalsprøver og sikkerhedsprøver (**) i hav + 5 dyk.
>>Så kan de i ro og mag dykke med erfarne dykkere og instruktører hen over
>>sommerferien før de tager dybdeprøven i efteråret (med 20 dyk i logbogen).
>>Så det bliver vist et både-og fra os. :)
> Gennemfører I så to teoriprøver (* og **) eller lader I dem bestå **prøven
> før I udsteder CMAS*?
> Jeg har ladet mig fortælle at CMAS international har dikteret at der til
> ethvert kursus skal være en teoretisk prøve (derfor er der ikke mindre end 4
> næsten ens teoriprøver i CMAS instruktøruddanelsen).
> Hvordan med de øvrige praktiske prøver - gennemfører I dem som CMAS** prøver
> og derefter udsteder et CMAS* når de mindst har opfyldt CMAS* kravene, eller
> gennemfører I prøverne i to tempi således at de i praksis bliver prøvet i de
> samme ting to gange?
> /Allan