This is my homework. But I don't know how to do. Can anyone help me to do
Please reply quickly...I need to finish this in 2hour....
Assignment 1 Due Date: Thursday, Week 8
(9 Nov 2000)
Write a Pascal program to achieve the following task.
Read in student examination scores from the keyboard. There is one input
line per student, which contains
¡P An examination mark of an integer type, then following by
¡P A student name of not more than 20 characters
The outstanding scores are in the range of (90-100), the satisfactory scores
in the range of (60-89), and the unsatisfactory scores in the range of
(1-59). Your program should output the following in order.
¡P Each student name, his/ her mark and the category of the mark, and
¡P The total number of students respectively in the categories of the
outstanding scores, satisfactory scores and unsatisfactory scores, and
¡P The average examination score (a real number), and
¡P The smallest and largest scores, and
¡P The standard deviation of the scores (a real number).
Note: The standard deviation of N scores is defined as O [(SumSquares -
Sum2/N )/N] where
SumSquares is the sum of the squared scores and Sum is the sum of the
Terminate the session by entering a negative number in the place of the
examination score.
Test Data:
Test your program on the following data:
30 Eric Chan 45 Virgina Chan 55 Amy Lo
Hand in the following to your tutor:
¡P a program listing, and
¡P an output listing, and
¡P a disk contains the source code of your program, and
¡P a structure chart (together with a brief description) showing the
top-down refinement for developing your program.