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Esajasrullen se selv hvor mange fejl masor~
Fra : Lyrik

Dato : 21-04-04 13:42


Nyd den engelske oversættelse af den urgamle Esajasversion og se hvorledes
denne klare profeti forsøges forplumret af interessegrupper i dag:

5. (Chapter 53:1) Who has believed our report and the arm of YHWH to whom
has it been revealed (2) And he shall come up like a suckling before us
6. and as a root from dry ground there is no form to him and no beauty to
him and in his being seen and there is no appearance
7. that we should desire him. (3) He is despised and rejected of men, a man
of sorrows and knowing grief
8. and as though hiding faces from him he was despised and we did not esteem
him. (4) Surely our griefs he
9. is bearing and our sorrows he carried them and we esteemed him beaten and
struck by God
[There is a scribal thumb print over lines 10 to 12.]
10. and afflicted. (5) and he is wounded for our transgressions, and crushed
for our iniquities, the correction
11. of our peace was upon him and by his wounds he has healed us. (6) All of
us like sheep have wandered each man to his own way
12. we have turned and YHWH has caused to light on him the iniquity of all
of us (7) He was oppressed and he was afflicted and he did not
13. open his mouth, as a lamb to the slaughter he is brought and as a ewe
before her shearers is made dumb he did not open
14. his mouth. (8) From prison and from judgement he was taken and his
generation who shall discuss it because he was cut off from the land of
15. the living. Because from the transgressions of his people a wound was to
him (PP)

16. (9) And they gave wicked ones to be his grave and [a scribbled word
probably accusative sign "eth"] rich ones in his death
17. although he worked no violence neither deceit in his mouth (10) And YHWH
was pleased to crush him and He has caused him grief. (PP)

18. If you will appoint his soul a sin offering he will see his seed and he
will lengthen his days and the pleasure of YHWH {&yod?&]
19. in his hand will advance. (11) Of the toil of his soul he shall see
{+light+} and he shall be satisfied and by his knowledge shall he make
20. even my righteous servant for many and their iniquities he will bear.
(12) Therefore I will apportion to him among the great ones
21. and with the mighty ones he shall divide the spoil because he laid bare
to death his soul and with the transgressors
22. he was numbered, and he, the sins of many, he bore, and for their
transgressions he entreated.(PP


Jens Erik Bech

Kall, Mogens (22-04-2004)
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 22-04-04 10:53

"Lyrik" skrev

> http://www.ao.net/~fmoeller/qumdir.htm
> Nyd den engelske oversættelse af den urgamle Esajasversion og se hvorledes
> denne klare profeti forsøges forplumret af interessegrupper i dag:
> 5. (Chapter 53:1) Who has believed our report and the arm of YHWH to whom
> has it been revealed (2) And he shall come up like a suckling before us
> 6. and as a root from dry ground there is no form to him and no beauty to
> him and in his being seen and there is no appearance
> 7. that we should desire him. (3) He is despised and rejected of men, a
> man of sorrows and knowing grief
> 8. and as though hiding faces from him he was despised and we did not
> esteem him. (4) Surely our griefs he
> 9. is bearing and our sorrows he carried them and we esteemed him beaten
> and struck by God
> [There is a scribal thumb print over lines 10 to 12.]
> 10. and afflicted. (5) and he is wounded for our transgressions, and
> crushed for our iniquities, the correction
> 11. of our peace was upon him and by his wounds he has healed us. (6) All
> of us like sheep have wandered each man to his own way
> 12. we have turned and YHWH has caused to light on him the iniquity of all
> of us (7) He was oppressed and he was afflicted and he did not
> 13. open his mouth, as a lamb to the slaughter he is brought and as a ewe
> before her shearers is made dumb he did not open
> 14. his mouth. (8) From prison and from judgement he was taken and his
> generation who shall discuss it because he was cut off from the land of
> 15. the living. Because from the transgressions of his people a wound was
> to him (PP)
> 16. (9) And they gave wicked ones to be his grave and [a scribbled word
> probably accusative sign "eth"] rich ones in his death
> 17. although he worked no violence neither deceit in his mouth (10) And
> YHWH was pleased to crush him and He has caused him grief. (PP)
> 18. If you will appoint his soul a sin offering he will see his seed and
> he will lengthen his days and the pleasure of YHWH {&yod?&]
> 19. in his hand will advance. (11) Of the toil of his soul he shall see
> {+light+} and he shall be satisfied and by his knowledge shall he make
> righteous
> 20. even my righteous servant for many and their iniquities he will bear.
> (12) Therefore I will apportion to him among the great ones
> 21. and with the mighty ones he shall divide the spoil because he laid
> bare to death his soul and with the transgressors
> 22. he was numbered, and he, the sins of many, he bore, and for their
> transgressions he entreated.(PP

.... hvilket får mig til at gen-fremsætte mit spørgsmål:
(idet Cyril endnu ikke har kunnet fremlægge et modargument)

date: 17. april 2004 CET 18:49
Subject: Re: Jesus - Messias eller ej?
1907 news:afdgc.144054$jf4.7606922@news000.worldonline.dk

(citat start)

Vi kristne (både hedninge- og jøde-kristne) mener jo, at Es.53 er en profeti
om Jesus.

Synd er noget *personligt* ifølge GT-skrifterne. Således skriver profeten
Ezekiel i hans bog følgende:

"Herrens ord kom til mig således:
Den sjæl, der synder, den skal dø; søn skal ikke bære faders
misgerning, ej heller fader søns"


Således kan vi *konkludere*, at arvinger IKKE skal straffes for forældres
synd (og omvendt)!

[ ... ]

Derfor forekommer det mig úlogisk, at Es.53,12 er en profeti om nationen
Israel - således som du flere gange har givet udtryk for - idet der jo her
står skrevet:

"... dog bar Han manges synd ..."

Hermed mener jeg, at der er bevis for, at Es.53,12 kun kan være en profeti
om Gud-Hamselv (jævnfør Lukas 5,21b)

(citat slut)

Er dette korrekt ?

Men kærlig broder-hilsen
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael.

Bible Free Downloads:
From http://www.gospelcom.net/ibs/
From http://www.wbtc.com/default.htm

Ønskes oplysninger om Mormonerne, Jehovas Vidner eller en anden sekt,
da kontakt Dialogcentret http://www.dci.dk/

1662 news:sbX3c.108512$jf4.6509896@news000.worldonline.dk
1847 news:wWtfc.143210$jf4.7527548@news000.worldonline.dk


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