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Til folk med Radeon 9600 problemer i spil
Fra : TS

Dato : 21-04-04 14:28

Hej alle.
Jeg har i lang tid haf tproblemer med at jeg ikke kunne spille CC Generals
og RON på min computer, uden at den gid i sort. DEt er ærgeligt når man nu
har købt spillene. Jeg troede først det var min oc'ede cpu der gjorde det
(AthlonXP1700@2gHz) - men det var det ikke. Efter at have fundet noget på
nettet omkring kortet har jeg fundet ud af at det er kortet som ikke magter
at køre disse spil (der er i hvert fald rigtig mange som har problemer med
I en fjerntliggend enyhedsgruppe fandt jeg så nogle løsninger som jeg håber
andre folk kan bruge. Jeg har i hvert fald spillet en del CC Generals de
sidste par uger.
Jeg har tidligere spillet dette på min anden computer, men den har kun et
Radeon 8500LE kort, så det spurtede ikke ligefrem afsted.

Prøv noget af nedenstående, som virkede for mig:


As some inspirations of this forum I took the fast writes thing and the
OMEGA drivers with me. I installed the current OMEGA drivers (normal mode -
did no further tweaking in its options), enabled the fast writes in bios and
driver (by the way ... in the same turn I disabled AGP READ SYNCHRONIZATION
in bios) and installed the new v4.49 VIA driver too.


Here are the steps (it works with VIA KT333 based mainboard and ATI Catalyst
3.7) ...

1.) Disable "AGP FastWrite" in the BIOS
2.) Browse to your folder, where you installed the ATI Control Panel
3.) Execute file: SmartGard (this is a link)
4.) Do following settings (no matter what the auto-detection says!):
PCI Write: ON
PCI Read: ON
AGP Write: OFF
AGP Read: ON
5.) Apply
6.) automatic restart and after that WAIT some seconds because during
windows logon, the driver tests your system
7.) SmartGard starts automatically and you have to confirm the new settings
with "OK"
8.) Have Fun!

Now, my C&C Generals and Neverwinter Nights work excellent without the
reduction of hardware acceleration.
The problem was, that the ATI driver can't detect the AGP settings corectly.
Therefore these settings have to be done manually.

I hope this can help some people! Nice to work with you ...

THE ANSWER to all freezing problems is just to go into your BIOS and set the
AGP APETURE size to 256 MB instead of the 64 or 128 and all problems will be

This is a common problem and does not just apply to the ATI9600.

Seems that setting the agp to 4x solve my problem... i'm still testing but
anyway it seems that it desapeared =)

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