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Rocky Quiz [engelsk]
Fra : Casper

Dato : 24-04-01 11:26

Nedenstående Rocky Quiz er fra et amerikansk website. Jeg synes nogle
af spørgsmålene er lidt langhårede, hvad synes I ??

1. Who is the first person we see Rocky fighting?

A. The Tarantula
B. Spider Rico
C. Too Tough Larry
D. Apollo Creed

2. What are Rocky's turtles named?

A. Ying and Yang
B. Lefty and Righty
C. Cuff and Link
D. none of the above

3. What color is the beret that Adrian wears to the big fight?

A. Red
B. Blue
C. Yellow
D. Red, White & Blue

4. What color are the shorts Rocky wears in the fight against Apollo?

A. Red with White stripes
B. Blue with White stripes
C. White with Red stripes
D. Red, White and Blue

5. Before Rocky becomes a professional fighter, what did he do for

A. Bartender
B. Debt Collector
C. Lawyer
D. Singer

6. Where does Adrian work?

A. a pet store
B. a library
C. a grocery store
D. a laundry mat

7. Where does Rocky take Adrian out on Thanksgiving?

A. a baseball game
B. a movie
C. an ice skating rink
D. the zoo

8. What's the outcome of the fight between Rocky and Apollo?

A. Apollo knocks Rocky out
B. a draw
C. Rocky wins!
D. Apollo wins by decision

9. What's Rocky's nickname?

A. The Italian Stallion
B. The Italian Sausage King of Philly
C. The Italian Stud
D. The Italian Meat Baron

10. Who composed the soundtrack music for Rocky?

A. Hans Zimmer
B. John Williams
C. Bill Conti
D. Frank Stallone


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