Flemming Joensson <flemming@fjerndette.joensson.org> wrote in
> En Powerbook G4 med DVI udgang kan godt tilsluttes skærmen - man skal
> bare købe en Apple DVI to ADC Adapter. Derfor må det da være muligt at
> bruge sådan en adapter og så tilslutte sin PC's DVI-udgang til
> skærmen?
Her er et alternativ til Apples eget produkt:
http://www.drbott.com/prod/db.lasso?code=0111-DVAD ($95)
og her er Apples eget
http://www.apple.com/displays/adapter.html ($99)
I beskrivelsen af Apples egen adapter står dette:
"Apple DVI to ADC Adapter FAQ
What is the Apple DVI to ADC Adapter and what can I do with it?
The Apple DVI to ADC Adapter is a simple and compact device that includes
all you need for attaching an ADC-equipped Apple flat-panel display to a
Digital Visual Interface (DVI) port. It consists of an integrated power
supply with an AC wall cord and a Y cable that connects to both the DVI and
USB ports on your PowerBook G4, Power Mac G4 or Power Mac G5 computer. The
ADC connector on Apple flat-panel displays carries the digital graphics and
USB signals and power through a single cable. The Apple DVI to ADC Adapter
takes the digital graphics signal from the DVI connector (which is the same
Transition Minimized Differential Signal, or TMDS, used in the ADC
connector) and integrates it with the USB and power signals to enable an
ADC monitor to work properly."
Ved DrBott's produkt står denne beskrivelse:
"DVIator (DEE-viator) allows the use of Apple's ADC flat panel displays on
any computer with a compatible DVI video signal. DVIator combines a DVI
video, USB and external power to drive Apple's ADC 15", 17" 20" 22" and 23"
flat panel displays."
Så det skulle være muligt at tilslutte sin PC, bare der er DVI-udgang og
USB :)