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Our Heavenly Father on 11-14-03
Fra : vaennda

Dato : 03-02-04 19:36

Our Heavenly Father says, "No living man knows the full story, nor did
they at the time it all began, because as each step was taken, it was
done with Divine Love, Hope, Concern, and a Goal that nothing else

ON NOVEMBER 14,2003 AT 12:44 P.M.


"I am your Heavenly Father.

I come on this day to deliver some explanation of My Love for
human life."

"To begin with, I will go back to the first creation of human
life. In the beginning of it only certain abilities were able to be
put into place, because logically this Gift of Life had to take stages
in developing that were, at this time they began, there was nothing
before them as ‘man'.

I go back so far in time, but it is My Love for human life that I
Will and Desire to understand: As each step was chosen to develop
this type of life, there was Much Divine Love that was the Basis for
all it began to be, and of course, the end results.

I speak in this manner today, not just to instruct, but to express
My Deep Love for this Gift of Divine Love. Granted, many who read
these Words will not understand the Type of Love that was the
Foundation, the Basis, the Basics for human life to one day be created
and implanted within it a Portion of Me, called ‘the Soul'.

No living man knows the full story, nor did they at the time it
all began, because as each step was taken, it was done with Divine
Love, Hope, Concern, and a Goal that nothing else had.

At this time, a long time after ‘The Beginning of Human Life',
there are so many areas of human abilities, human mentalities, human
gifts, that must change for the benefit of the Soul that is a Portion
of every living human being. THE PORTION I TALK ABOUT, I AM.

For some so-called learned individuals, this might be difficult
for them to comprehend, but as I began this Gift in Design and the
Talents that were to give to human life Abilities that animals did not
have: the Gift of Speech, the Gift of Learning, the Gift that gave to
human life Balance, Understanding, the list is endless in Content, in
Concept, and in My Love.

Of course, this was a long time ago, ‘The Beginning of Human
Life', but today as I speak My Words, I am using human life to take
the Words, and mentally be able to understand the Importance of the
Gifts, the Reasonability of the Gifts, and the Love I have for human

I will close My Words now and speak more on this at a later time,
but I have just opened the way in My Desire to help all human beings
realize that human life was created in Divine Plan, and given even at
the beginning, a ‘Soul', a Portion of Me, to give it Strength, Hope,
Reality, making it different than all other things created.

As I close My Words, I say, ‘THERE IS NOT A MOMENT IN A DAY THAT

Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
All Revelations are delivered spontaneously and continuously as
witnessed by all those present at the time.
Copyright 1996 FMK
This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.

Kall, Mogens (03-02-2004)
Fra : Kall, Mogens

Dato : 03-02-04 23:32

"vaennda" skrev

> Our Heavenly Father says, "No living man knows the full story, nor did
> they at the time it all began, because as each step was taken, it was
> done with Divine Love, Hope, Concern, and a Goal that nothing else
> had."
> ON NOVEMBER 14,2003 AT 12:44 P.M.
> "I am your Heavenly Father.
> I come on this day to deliver some explanation of My Love for
> human life."
> "To begin with, I will go back to the first creation of human
> life. In the beginning of it only certain abilities were able to be
> put into place, because logically this Gift of Life had to take stages
> in developing that were, at this time they began, there was nothing
> before them as 'man'.
> I go back so far in time, but it is My Love for human life that I
> Will and Desire to understand: As each step was chosen to develop
> this type of life, there was Much Divine Love that was the Basis for
> all it began to be, and of course, the end results.
> I speak in this manner today, not just to instruct, but to express
> My Deep Love for this Gift of Divine Love. Granted, many who read
> these Words will not understand the Type of Love that was the
> Foundation, the Basis, the Basics for human life to one day be created
> and implanted within it a Portion of Me, called 'the Soul'.
> No living man knows the full story, nor did they at the time it
> all began, because as each step was taken, it was done with Divine
> Love, Hope, Concern, and a Goal that nothing else had.
> At this time, a long time after 'The Beginning of Human Life',
> there are so many areas of human abilities, human mentalities, human
> gifts, that must change for the benefit of the Soul that is a Portion
> of every living human being. THE PORTION I TALK ABOUT, I AM.
> For some so-called learned individuals, this might be difficult
> for them to comprehend, but as I began this Gift in Design and the
> Talents that were to give to human life Abilities that animals did not
> have: the Gift of Speech, the Gift of Learning, the Gift that gave to
> human life Balance, Understanding, the list is endless in Content, in
> Concept, and in My Love.
> Of course, this was a long time ago, 'The Beginning of Human
> Life', but today as I speak My Words, I am using human life to take
> the Words, and mentally be able to understand the Importance of the
> Gifts, the Reasonability of the Gifts, and the Love I have for human
> beings.
> I will close My Words now and speak more on this at a later time,
> but I have just opened the way in My Desire to help all human beings
> realize that human life was created in Divine Plan, and given even at
> the beginning, a 'Soul', a Portion of Me, to give it Strength, Hope,
> Reality, making it different than all other things created.
> As I close My Words, I say, 'THERE IS NOT A MOMENT IN A DAY THAT
> Saint Joseph's Hill Of Hope
> Brea, California 92822 U.S.A.
> www.TheMiracleOfStJoseph.org
> All Revelations are delivered spontaneously and continuously as
> witnessed by all those present at the time.
> Copyright 1996 FMK
> This is used with the permission of the copyright holder.


With kind regards
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael.

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