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Dansk hjælp ønskes
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 30-01-04 16:33

lige nu


gerne rettelse og forslag


Hugh W


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

Hugh Watkins (30-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 30-01-04 16:37

google tricks


Placer en Google Søgeboks på Dit Websted.

the link returns a google.com search in english

<!-- Search Google dk -->
<FORM method=GET action="http://www.google.dk/search?">
<TABLE bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td>
<A HREF="http://www.google.dk/">
<IMG SRC="http://www.google.com/logos/Logo_25wht.gif" border="0" ALT="Google" align="absmiddle"></a>
<INPUT TYPE=text name=q size=31 maxlength=255 value="">
<INPUT TYPE=hidden name=hl=da&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&btnG=Google-s%C3%B8gning&meta=lr%3Dlang_da>
<INPUT type=submit name=btnG VALUE="Google-søgning">
<!-- Search Google dk -->

jeg er ikke sikkert at det virke fulstændig korrekt

is the page I use it on

I am no expert just hacking the html experimentally
like playing a music instrument by ear

please suggest a better search string if possible


Hugh W

Jeannie Kristensen [~ (30-01-2004)
Fra : Jeannie Kristensen [~

Dato : 30-01-04 17:22

Hugh Watkins wrote:
> google tricks
> http://www.google.dk/intl/da/searchcode.html
> Placer en Google Søgeboks på Dit Websted.
> the link returns a google.com search in english
Hej Hugh!
Google søge-boksen virker fint på din side. Spørger du, fordi den kun
skal vise søge resultater på dansk?
Hilsen Jeannie Kristensen
Min slægt: http://home1.stofanet.dk/jeannie.kristensen/
(opdateret 25. maj 2003)

Hugh Watkins (30-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 30-01-04 18:06

"Jeannie Kristensen [4700]" <ikke-muligt@intet.intet> wrote in message news:401a84ab$0$27340$ba624c82@nntp01.dk.telia.net...
> Hugh Watkins wrote:
> > google tricks
> >
> >
> > http://www.google.dk/intl/da/searchcode.html
> >
> > Placer en Google Søgeboks på Dit Websted.
> >
> > the link returns a google.com search in english
> Hej Hugh!
> Google søge-boksen virker fint på din side. Spørger du, fordi den kun
> skal vise søge resultater på dansk?

no I am an internationally minded person
the user can do that by clicking on a radio button
as long as www.google.dk
is returned

I changed the html because the old html
returned www.google.com

which is not so good for school children
or old danes who never had the chance to learn english at school

I would like to make a site search with google
but google will only search whole domains or subdomains


~dnkcen/index.html gets left off



more experimnts needed

Hugh W


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

Glenn Murray (31-01-2004)
Fra : Glenn Murray

Dato : 31-01-04 22:17

Hugh Watkins wrote:
> I would like to make a site search with google
> but google will only search whole domains or subdomains
Unless you go for a paid account, the easiest way is:

1. On all pages you want included in the search, add a
unique search pattern.

2. In the html code you insert the unique search pattern
as default value in the google box and add a trailing blank.

If the user leaves the unique pattern in the search string
when he enters his own, you have limited the scope of
his query to your own pages. Here is how I did it:


Right now, Raumadalsfolket, the title of the book serves
as the "unique" search string, but if you look bottom right
on a page, you will see that everything is ready to start
using "zæbønå" if the title becomes widely referenced
on the web.

Hugh Watkins (31-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 31-01-04 22:44

"Glenn Murray" <z-usenet-gm@murray.as> wrote in message news:6XUSb.808$rj4.11635@news2.e.nsc.no...
> Hugh Watkins wrote:
> >
> >...snip...
> >
> > I would like to make a site search with google
> > but google will only search whole domains or subdomains
> >
> Unless you go for a paid account, the easiest way is:
> 1. On all pages you want included in the search, add a
> unique search pattern.
> 2. In the html code you insert the unique search pattern
> as default value in the google box and add a trailing blank.
> If the user leaves the unique pattern in the search string
> when he enters his own, you have limited the scope of
> his query to your own pages. Here is how I did it:
> http://genealogy.murray.as/Raumadalsfolket
> Right now, Raumadalsfolket, the title of the book serves
> as the "unique" search string, but if you look bottom right
> on a page, you will see that everything is ready to start
> using "zæbønå" if the title becomes widely referenced
> on the web.

thank you

just done a view source

I put gword on the page which turned out not to be unique
but was uncertain of how to do it

Hugh W


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

Jeannie Kristensen [~ (30-01-2004)
Fra : Jeannie Kristensen [~

Dato : 30-01-04 17:31

Hugh Watkins wrote:
> lige nu
> http://www.rootsweb.com/~dnkcen/da/index.html
> gerne rettelse og forslag
> mvh
> Hugh W

Hej Hugh!

Jeg fandt lige min Wilhelm Røpche i Randers FT 1860.
Det var hurtigt, nemt og logisk.

Jeg havde opgivet at lede efter familien på mikrokort, så jeg er _meget_
glad for dit arbejde.

Mange tak for din indsats.

Hilsen Jeannie Kristensen
Min slægt: http://home1.stofanet.dk/jeannie.kristensen/
(opdateret 25. maj 2003)

Hugh Watkins (30-01-2004)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 30-01-04 19:19

"Jeannie Kristensen [4700]" <ikke-muligt@intet.intet> wrote in message news:401a86b2$0$21564$ba624c82@nntp01.dk.telia.net...
> Hugh Watkins wrote:
> > lige nu
> >
> > http://www.rootsweb.com/~dnkcen/da/index.html
> >
> > gerne rettelse og forslag
> >
> > mvh
> >
> >
> > Hugh W
> Hej Hugh!
> Jeg fandt lige min Wilhelm Røpche i Randers FT 1860.
> Det var hurtigt, nemt og logisk.
> Jeg havde opgivet at lede efter familien på mikrokort, så jeg er _meget_
> glad for dit arbejde.
> Mange tak for din indsats.

tak Jeanne


not in that spelling


Røpcke, s. 96-
was the entry in the typewritten index in the lokal arkiv


I am curious about the history of that and similar pages
when I am in Copenhagen I will ask about the history of this mss

it looks like it has been water damaged and rewritten

lucky it was not a -sen name
because I have not finished all the sub indexes yet


you see how powerful this format is
better than a database for general searches

thanks for the encouragement

Hugh W


Danish genealogy - dansk genealogi

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