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Rossi til Yamaha.
Fra : John Jensen

Dato : 09-11-03 23:05


Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi. Two more of the Aussie
mechanics from the Repsol Honda squad are going with them

Så ser det alligevel ud til at det "utænkelige" sker...

Gu ved hvad de så gør i Repsol teamet.?

/ John

Ukendt (09-11-2003)
Fra : Ukendt

Dato : 09-11-03 23:59

> Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
> Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi. Two more of the Aussie
> mechanics from the Repsol Honda squad are going with them
> Så ser det alligevel ud til at det "utænkelige" sker...
> Gu ved hvad de så gør i Repsol teamet.?
> / John

goddamn.. Yamaha har haft tegnedrengen oppe.

10 mill euro siger rygtet..


Richard (10-11-2003)
Fra : Richard

Dato : 10-11-03 10:10

Kenneth Sørensen wrote:
>>Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
>>Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi. Two more of the Aussie
>>mechanics from the Repsol Honda squad are going with them
> goddamn.. Yamaha har haft tegnedrengen oppe.
> 10 mill euro siger rygtet..

Og mange penge set i det lys, at hvis Y. kun får en enkelt kører
placeret i Top5 eller 10 i MotoGP til næste år - og uanset hvor højt det
måtte blive - vil det blive udlagt som hans/Rossis fortjeneste og ikke
cyklens. Hvor meget PR er der i det for Y - næppe for 10MEUR

Stor udfordring, også forretningsmæssigt - det kan gå hen og blive en
spændende sæson for os tilskuere

Richard Pade, Sorgenfri, DK
Mc: '85 VF750S Veffer Dancer & '89 GB500 Clubman GibBernakken
DFM-side: www.dkfritidmotorcykel.dk/richard_pade

finn sander (10-11-2003)
Fra : finn sander

Dato : 10-11-03 09:15

> Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
> Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi.
Tja der var jeg villig til at sætte en kasse øl på højkant på at J.B. blev
ved HRC..... godt ingen ville væde i mod og meget, meget synd for HRC


Jack Jensen (10-11-2003)
Fra : Jack Jensen

Dato : 10-11-03 09:50

"finn sander" <rc30@wanadoo.dk> wrote in message
> Tja der var jeg villig til at sætte en kasse øl på højkant på at J.B.
> ved HRC..... godt ingen ville væde i mod og meget, meget synd for
Jeg tror på at Honda vinder igen til næste år.
De har så mange kørere på topplan at - bl.a. er jeg sikker på at Colin
Edwards vil være helt fremme sammen med Gibernau.
Rossi får en kæmpeudfordring. - Men godt for sporten/spændingen.

Medlem af www.vfr.dk

Mikkel Christensen (10-11-2003)
Fra : Mikkel Christensen

Dato : 10-11-03 10:51

"finn sander" <rc30@wanadoo.dk> writes:

> > Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
> > Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi.
> Tja der var jeg villig til at sætte en kasse øl på højkant på at J.B.
> blev ved HRC..... godt ingen ville væde i mod og meget, meget synd
> for HRC

Jeg synes det er mere synd for mig at jeg ikke tog det væddemål

Oh well, selv Hondamænd kan åbenbart omvendes.

Mikkel | "...Being shot out of a cannon will always be better
motortosse.dk | than being squeezed out of a tube.
| That is why God made fast motorcycles ..."
| -Hunter S. Thompson

MKS - 74 (10-11-2003)
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 10-11-03 13:04

On 10 Nov 2003 10:50:42 +0100, Mikkel Christensen <mic@rrnord.dk>

>Oh well, selv Hondamænd kan åbenbart omvendes.

Faktisk er det måske egentlig ikke så stor en overraskelse
alligevel,selvom Burgess altid har været Hondamand,så er han nok
alligevel i slutningen af sin karriere og han sagde allerede først i
sidste uge (hvor Matt Oxley iøvrigt rapporterede om skiftet for begge)
at han ikke ønskede at føre en ny mand frem i Repsol-teamet - Ja
faktisk truede han angiveligt lidt med at gå selv hvis ikke HRC ville
lade ham følge Rossi og han har (igen angiveligt) heller ikke haft det
helt tilfredsstilende hos HRC de sidste 2 år - I det lys er det vel
egentlig ret forståeligt.Deruodver har Rossi også selv (han har jo råd
nu) givet en ganske pæn bonus.

Nu mangler vi så bare at se om det er en klog beslutning fra Rossi's
side,Burgess har for mig at se truffet en helt rigtig beslutning udfra
sine motiver,han har opnået alt han stort set kunne hos Honda og vil
gerne ha' den sidste udfordring med inden han takker af...

Uanset hvad så er vi nok mange der har fået det akkurat som vi ville
...Roll on 2004 siger jeg bare - det bliver (forhåbentlig) rigtig


Rune \(Bandit600R\) (10-11-2003)
Fra : Rune \(Bandit600R\)

Dato : 10-11-03 17:02

> Uanset hvad så er vi nok mange der har fået det akkurat som vi ville
> ...Roll on 2004 siger jeg bare - det bliver (forhåbentlig) rigtig
> spændende

Det bliver for fedt! Glæder mig allerede
Best regards Rune (bandit600R)

lange (10-11-2003)
Fra : lange

Dato : 10-11-03 09:34

> Nov 9 - News - Jeremy Burgess has confirmed that he is moving to
> Yamaha for a two year deal with Rossi. Two more of the Aussie
> mechanics from the Repsol Honda squad are going with them

Jeg har været på mcnews og kan ikke komme ind

De har ikke noget om det endnu på www.motograndprix.com. Underligt.


MKS - 74 (10-11-2003)
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 10-11-03 14:38

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 09:33:53 +0100, "lange" <morten.lange@postman.dk>

>De har ikke noget om det endnu på www.motograndprix.com. Underligt.

Det har de så nu ...jeg poster lige Randy Mamola's første tanker om
skiftet :

"The news of Valentino Rossi’s switch from Honda to Yamaha is
something that the whole MotoGP paddock has been waiting on for
several moths. We all heard the rumours and, even as they got stronger
and stronger and the pieces began to fall into place, we tried not to
believe it because there was always that doubt that he would end up
extending his contract with Honda. Now that everything is confirmed
and out in the open, I have to say that this is fantastic news for
MotoGP – the best thing that could have happened to our sport.

Rossi and the RC211V were simply an unbeatable combination, as we have
seen for the past two seasons. Now the championship is open again and
there is a big chance there for several riders who have been knocking
on the door for years. Specifically, this is the moment Max Biaggi has
surely been desperate for. With Rossi on the Yamaha and him on the
Honda, the situation is the reverse of two years ago and Max can have
no complaints.

However, if Biaiggi wants to win the title, he needs to establish
himself as Honda’s number one guy this winter.

The same goes for the rest of the Honda riders, who all have a shot at
the title if they can secure priority treatment from HRC. When you
look at the level of their riders – Max, Sete Gibernau, Nicky Hayden,
Colin Edwards, Makoto Tamada (and possibly Alex Barros if the rumours
are true) – you have to say they are pretty equal and it is hard to
pick out a ‘leader’.

We all know Max’s pedigree, but Sete has been in the form of his life
this year and, if you take away Rossi from the top step of the podium,
he would have won eight races. Then there’s Nicky who, if he keeps
progressing as he did in the second half of the season, has a real
chance. Barros won two out of four races on the V5 in 2002, whilst
Tamada has shown real promise in his debut season and, of course, we
know Edwards is world class. It will make for great racing, but from
Honda’s perspective, who is the leader? These guys will be taking
points off each other at every round, and that could give Rossi and
the other guys a chance.

However, I’m afraid that unless Yamaha come up with something drastic
for Rossi to test this winter, there is frankly no way he or any other
rider can win the championship for them. Last week I tested both the
Honda and the Yamaha, and my respect for the likes of Carlos Checa has
gone up hugely. I don’t want to compare the bikes too much, but
suffice to say I am amazed Checa has done what he has done on the M1.
You can find the limit of the bike almost instantly, and I am not
surprised Checa and his team have had to take major set-up gambles to
try and make up ground on the Honda this year. Look at Barros – he
crashed fourteen times this year! Personally, I think the maximum
Rossi can do with that bike as it is now is make podium finishes, so
the pressure is on Yamaha to provide him with something competitive.

The situation at Yamaha and the competition at Honda leaves open a gap
for Loris Capirossi, Troy Bayliss and Ducati. Unfortunately for the
likes of Suzuki and Kawasaki, Ducati have shown to be the next in line
to Honda, scoring nine podiums including a victory in their first

If either Capirossi or Bayliss can hit consistent form from the first
race, then they have a serious chance of upstaging all the Honda
riders and Rossi at Yamaha and winning the title.

One thing for sure is that this is going to be one of the most
important winters ever in terms of testing, and anybody who has their
mind on the beach instead of the racetrack will get a nasty shock at
the first race of the season in South Africa. "


lange (10-11-2003)
Fra : lange

Dato : 10-11-03 15:04

> Det har de så nu ...jeg poster lige Randy Mamola's første tanker om
> skiftet :

Jeg havde set at Rossi gik til Yamaha. Det jeg ikke kunne finde var at
Jeremy Burgess også skulle have skiftet.


MKS - 74 (10-11-2003)
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 10-11-03 15:16

On Mon, 10 Nov 2003 15:04:15 +0100, "lange" <morten.lange@postman.dk>

>Jeg havde set at Rossi gik til Yamaha. Det jeg ikke kunne finde var at
>Jeremy Burgess også skulle have skiftet.

Det foreligger heller ikke officielt endnu,forstået som 100% bekræftet
fra ham selv eller Rossi,men som skrevet så har det været rapporteret
fra flere kilder allerede midt i sidste uge,så mon ikke det holder,det
der foreligger nu er en pressemeddelese fra Yamaha,Rossi selv har
endnu ikke udtalt sig,det kommer nok med,når han gør det vil jeg tro.


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