D.d. 10.10.03 har Mozilla.org meddelt følgende:
"October 10, 2003
Mozilla Foundation
The Mozilla Foundation is a new non-profit organization that will serve
as the home for mozilla.org. As before, mozilla.org will coordinate and
encourage the development and testing of Mozilla code. The Mozilla
Foundation will also promote the distribution and adoption of our flagship
applications based on that code. AOL, Sun Microsystems, Red Hat, and
other companies will continue to support Mozilla through the Foundation.
What this means for the Mozilla browser and our other products and
technologies: more innovation from the open source developers, and a
greater focus on end users.
Read the press release and our newsgroup announcement."
Det ser nu også ud til, at Camino er kommet fuldt under Mozillas 'vinger'.
Det kan godt gå hen og blive et særdeles seriøst alternativ til bl.a.
netprodukter både på Mac, Windows og Linux.
mvh. Erik Richard