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outlook i office xp & og vedhæftet filer
Fra : Mikael Hansen

Dato : 27-09-03 20:27


hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i outlook?



pre (27-09-2003)
Fra : pre

Dato : 27-09-03 21:23

Zip dem, indtil videre kan hackerne ikke håndtere zippede filer - og de
fylder mindre.
Hvis du er stædig kan der pilles i registry, det vil glæde hackerne.
Vejledning kan findes på www.slipstick.com


"Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> hejsa
> hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i outlook?
> mvh
> mikael

Mikael Hansen (27-09-2003)
Fra : Mikael Hansen

Dato : 27-09-03 22:23

er det noget problem med hackerne når der er en firewall på ?
måske der er nogen der kan forklare en vejledning på dansk om hvad man skal
gøre, hvordan man piller i registry ?

mvh mikael

"pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Zip dem, indtil videre kan hackerne ikke håndtere zippede filer - og de
> fylder mindre.
> Hvis du er stædig kan der pilles i registry, det vil glæde hackerne.
> Vejledning kan findes på www.slipstick.com
> --
> mvh
> pre
> "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> news:3f75e48e$0$83055$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > hejsa
> >
> > hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i outlook?
> >
> > mvh
> >
> > mikael
> >
> >

pre (28-09-2003)
Fra : pre

Dato : 28-09-03 07:05

1: Hackerne gør hvad der passer dem og de er dygtige til omgå alle regler.
2: Her en kopi fra et tidligere svar:
Her er en kopi af Ken Slovak´s side med veje til at omgå Outlooks blokering
af filer. Hvis der herefter stadig skulle være folk med problemer, så må
det skyldes andre forhold, f. eks. manglende opdatering af Systemerne.
3: exe filer er noget af det farligste at lægge ud på nettet.
4: Svjh. har MS en vejledning til at ændre i Registry. Om den også findes
på Dansk skal jeg ikke kunne sige, men prøv at søge her:


4: Takket være en mig ubekendt person der på trods af alle advarsler har
åbnet en virus vedhæftning blev samtlige mine e-mail konti overfyldt med
hundredvis af fup-mails indtil det lykkedes at nedlægge samtlige konti i


The Outlook E-Mail Security Update (included in Office 2000
Service Pack 2) and Outlook 2002 block access to .exe, .com and other
"dangerous" files. See Attachment Security for a list of the affected file
types. You cannot open these files from Outlook, nor can you use Outlook to
save them to your system. If you try to forward a message containing an .exe
file, Outlook does not include the attachment in the forwarded message.

So what do you do when you receive an .exe file and must find a way to
open it? There are several methods, depending on your version of Outlook.

Recent Outlook Versions | Import to Outlook Express | Outlook Web
Access | Tools | More Information

Recent Outlook Versions Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2000
SP3 (but not Outlook 98 or earlier Outlook 2000 versions) allow the user to
use a registry key to open up access to blocked attachments. (Always make a
backup before editing the registry.) To use this key:
1.. Run Regedit, and go to this key:

(change 10.0 to 9.0 for Outlook 2000 SP3 or to 11.0 for Outlook 2003`fs)

2.. Under that key, add a new string value named Level1Remove.

3.. For the value for Level1Remove, enter a semicolon-delimited list
of file extensions. For example, entering this:


would unblock Microsoft Access files and Internet shortcuts.

If you are using this registry entry, a glance at Help | About
Microsoft Outlook will show Security Mode: User Controlled above the license

If you prefer not to edit the registry directly, you can use one of
these tools to make the change; not all support both Outlook 2002 and 2000:

Attachment Options COM add-in by Outlook MVP Ken Slovak that
adds an Attachment Security Options page to the Tools | Options dialog in
Outlook 2002 to allow you to manage which file attachments are blocked. Only
for Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2003. For Also provides a
user interface for setting two other Outlook options -- Read as Plain Text
(Outlook 2002, SP-1 or later) and Minimize to System Tray. Available in
English and German. Shareware.
DetachOL Standalone utility to change the list of blocked file
attachments according to the level of risk you're willing to take. Free.
Outlook Permissions Add-in Add-in for adjusting which
attachments you can open under Outlook's increased security, for Outlook
2003, 2002 and Outlook 2000 SP3 or later. Free
TweakOL Modifies the Windows registry to change the list of
blocked file attachments according to the level of risk you're willing to
take, always show the Bcc field, minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray,
and disable or enable MSN Messenger. Free. Outlook 2002 only.
Xenos Outlook Security Extension Utility to manage file
attachment blocking in Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and later. Also
manages optional settings such as minimize to tray and purge data file on
exit. New settings added in new Outlook updates are supported through online
updates to the software. (Formerly Xenos Outlook Security Extension)

After applying this registry fix or using one of the above tools, the
user still has to save the attached file to a system drive before opening
it. In effect, the fix rolls the attachment behavior back to Outlook 2000
SR-1, with its included Attachment Security Fix. An end-user cannot bypass
this "save to disk" behavior and open the file directly from the mail
message, though an Exchange administrator can.

Import to Outlook Express Because Microsoft has not forced attachment
blocking on Outlook Express (though it is optional in OE 6.0), you can
access .exe files from Outlook messages imported to OE. To make this process
easier, consider creating a separate folder in Outlook to which you copy
messages with attachments that you want to import. To import into OE, use
OE's File | Import command.

Outlook Web Access .If you work in a Microsoft Exchange Server
environment where Outlook Web Access is deployed, you can use OWA to open
messages and get the attachments. OWA has no attachment security.

Tools .If you only need to adjust the attachment restrictions, see the
Outlook 2002 add-ins above.

Administrative Options for the Microsoft Outlook E-mail Security
These options work in an Exchange Server or HP OpenMail
environment and allow the administrator to decide who can open what kinds of
files. They are not applicable to end users.

Chilton Preview .Free utility that allows you to open any
attachment from the preview pane. Also has the advantage of not loading HTML
message content, just the plain-text version of the message. Updated to work
with Outlook 2002.
ExLife and CaSaveAtt from Ornic These tools allow you to save
Outlook attachments as system files automatically or (with ExLife) on
demand. They do not trigger the security update's object model guard
Express Mail@Mate
E-mail notification tool that provides access to attachments
blocked by the Outlook Email Security Update.

MailDefense. Quarantines potentially dangerous attachments in
incoming or outgoing messages using POP, SMTP, IMAP, or Exchange mailboxes.
The attachments are quarantined before they reach the user's Inbox, but can
be opened from the quarantine folder. Also quarantines active content such
as scripts in HTML messages or macros in Office documents.
MHMS EXE Grabber Extracts .exe attachments from Outlook messages
that have been saved as .msg files. Free.
Watch Your Back. Allows you to save blocked Outlook attachments
as system files automatically or on demand. Also filters HTML content from
incoming messages.
ZoneAlarm Pro.
Monitor and screen potentially harmful attachments, including
..exe files. See ZoneAlarm Pro MailSafe for more information.

Notes We've heard of some other approaches:

a.. Editing the Outllib.dll file with a hex editor to overwrite the
extensions listed for "dangerous" files (e.g. the method used at Is there
any way to work around the Outlook security update? or

b.. If you installed Office 2000 Service Pack 2, substituting the
Outllib.dll and Outllibr.dll files from Service Release 1.

c.. For Office 2000 SP2, downloading the administrative version of
SP2 and deleting the .msp file that contains the Outlook updates, then
installing SP2.

However, these methods put Outlook into an unsupported, potentially
unstable configuration, and we don't recommend them. In particular, the last
two ensure that you do not get any of the Outlook in Office 2000 SP2

"Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> er det noget problem med hackerne når der er en firewall på ?
> måske der er nogen der kan forklare en vejledning på dansk om hvad man
> gøre, hvordan man piller i registry ?
> mvh mikael
> "pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:3f75f21c$0$24729$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> > Zip dem, indtil videre kan hackerne ikke håndtere zippede filer - og de
> > fylder mindre.
> > Hvis du er stædig kan der pilles i registry, det vil glæde hackerne.
> > Vejledning kan findes på www.slipstick.com
> >
> > --
> > mvh
> > pre
> >
> >
> > "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> > news:3f75e48e$0$83055$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > > hejsa
> > >
> > > hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i outlook?
> > >
> > > mvh
> > >
> > > mikael
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

pre (28-09-2003)
Fra : pre

Dato : 28-09-03 13:44

Der var lige en henvisning i en anden artikel. Svensk er ikke Dansk, men
måske er det nemmere at fange end Engelsk



(322754) - I denna artikel beskrivs steg för steg hur du
säkerhetskopierar, redigerar och återställer registret i Windows 95, Windows
98, Windows 98, andra utgåvan, och Windows Millennium Edition (ME).
Microsoft rekommenderar att du säkerhetskopierar registret...

Beskrivning av registret i Microsoft Windows
(256986) - Denna artikel handlar om registret. Här finns även
anvisningar för redigering av registret samt referenser för ytterligare
"pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> wrote in message
> 1: Hackerne gør hvad der passer dem og de er dygtige til omgå alle regler.
> 2: Her en kopi fra et tidligere svar:
> Her er en kopi af Ken Slovak´s side med veje til at omgå Outlooks
> af filer. Hvis der herefter stadig skulle være folk med problemer, så må
> det skyldes andre forhold, f. eks. manglende opdatering af Systemerne.
> 3: exe filer er noget af det farligste at lægge ud på nettet.
> 4: Svjh. har MS en vejledning til at ændre i Registry. Om den også findes
> på Dansk skal jeg ikke kunne sige, men prøv at søge her:
> http://www.microsoft.com/danmark/products/families/windows.asp
> 4: Takket være en mig ubekendt person der på trods af alle advarsler har
> åbnet en virus vedhæftning blev samtlige mine e-mail konti overfyldt med
> hundredvis af fup-mails indtil det lykkedes at nedlægge samtlige konti i
> Outlook.
> --
> mvh
> pre
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Outlook E-Mail Security Update (included in Office 2000
> Service Pack 2) and Outlook 2002 block access to .exe, .com and other
> "dangerous" files. See Attachment Security for a list of the affected file
> types. You cannot open these files from Outlook, nor can you use Outlook
> save them to your system. If you try to forward a message containing an
> file, Outlook does not include the attachment in the forwarded message.
> So what do you do when you receive an .exe file and must find a way
> open it? There are several methods, depending on your version of Outlook.
> Recent Outlook Versions | Import to Outlook Express | Outlook Web
> Access | Tools | More Information
> Recent Outlook Versions Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook 2000
> SP3 (but not Outlook 98 or earlier Outlook 2000 versions) allow the user
> use a registry key to open up access to blocked attachments. (Always make
> backup before editing the registry.) To use this key:
> 1.. Run Regedit, and go to this key:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\10.0\Outlook\Security
> (change 10.0 to 9.0 for Outlook 2000 SP3 or to 11.0 for Outlook 2003`fs)
> 2.. Under that key, add a new string value named Level1Remove.
> 3.. For the value for Level1Remove, enter a semicolon-delimited
> of file extensions. For example, entering this:
> mdb;url
> would unblock Microsoft Access files and Internet shortcuts.
> If you are using this registry entry, a glance at Help | About
> Microsoft Outlook will show Security Mode: User Controlled above the
> information.
> If you prefer not to edit the registry directly, you can use one of
> these tools to make the change; not all support both Outlook 2002 and
> Attachment Options COM add-in by Outlook MVP Ken Slovak that
> adds an Attachment Security Options page to the Tools | Options dialog in
> Outlook 2002 to allow you to manage which file attachments are blocked.
> for Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2003. For Also provides a
> user interface for setting two other Outlook options -- Read as Plain Text
> (Outlook 2002, SP-1 or later) and Minimize to System Tray. Available in
> English and German. Shareware.
> DetachOL Standalone utility to change the list of blocked file
> attachments according to the level of risk you're willing to take. Free.
> Outlook Permissions Add-in Add-in for adjusting which
> attachments you can open under Outlook's increased security, for Outlook
> 2003, 2002 and Outlook 2000 SP3 or later. Free
> TweakOL Modifies the Windows registry to change the list of
> blocked file attachments according to the level of risk you're willing to
> take, always show the Bcc field, minimize Outlook 2002 to the system tray,
> and disable or enable MSN Messenger. Free. Outlook 2002 only.
> Xenos Outlook Security Extension Utility to manage file
> attachment blocking in Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and later. Also
> manages optional settings such as minimize to tray and purge data file on
> exit. New settings added in new Outlook updates are supported through
> updates to the software. (Formerly Xenos Outlook Security Extension)
> After applying this registry fix or using one of the above tools,
> user still has to save the attached file to a system drive before opening
> it. In effect, the fix rolls the attachment behavior back to Outlook 2000
> SR-1, with its included Attachment Security Fix. An end-user cannot bypass
> this "save to disk" behavior and open the file directly from the mail
> message, though an Exchange administrator can.
> Import to Outlook Express Because Microsoft has not forced
> blocking on Outlook Express (though it is optional in OE 6.0), you can
> access .exe files from Outlook messages imported to OE. To make this
> easier, consider creating a separate folder in Outlook to which you copy
> messages with attachments that you want to import. To import into OE, use
> OE's File | Import command.
> Outlook Web Access .If you work in a Microsoft Exchange Server
> environment where Outlook Web Access is deployed, you can use OWA to open
> messages and get the attachments. OWA has no attachment security.
> Tools .If you only need to adjust the attachment restrictions, see
> Outlook 2002 add-ins above.
> Administrative Options for the Microsoft Outlook E-mail
> Patch.
> These options work in an Exchange Server or HP OpenMail
> environment and allow the administrator to decide who can open what kinds
> files. They are not applicable to end users.
> Chilton Preview .Free utility that allows you to open any
> attachment from the preview pane. Also has the advantage of not loading
> message content, just the plain-text version of the message. Updated to
> with Outlook 2002.
> ExLife and CaSaveAtt from Ornic These tools allow you to save
> Outlook attachments as system files automatically or (with ExLife) on
> demand. They do not trigger the security update's object model guard
> prompts.
> Express Mail@Mate
> E-mail notification tool that provides access to attachments
> blocked by the Outlook Email Security Update.
> MailDefense. Quarantines potentially dangerous attachments in
> incoming or outgoing messages using POP, SMTP, IMAP, or Exchange
> The attachments are quarantined before they reach the user's Inbox, but
> be opened from the quarantine folder. Also quarantines active content such
> as scripts in HTML messages or macros in Office documents.
> MHMS EXE Grabber Extracts .exe attachments from Outlook
> that have been saved as .msg files. Free.
> Watch Your Back. Allows you to save blocked Outlook
> as system files automatically or on demand. Also filters HTML content from
> incoming messages.
> ZoneAlarm Pro.
> Monitor and screen potentially harmful attachments, including
> .exe files. See ZoneAlarm Pro MailSafe for more information.
> Notes We've heard of some other approaches:
> a.. Editing the Outllib.dll file with a hex editor to overwrite
> extensions listed for "dangerous" files (e.g. the method used at Is there
> any way to work around the Outlook security update? or
> http://members.tripodnet.nl/lcroft/)
> b.. If you installed Office 2000 Service Pack 2, substituting the
> Outllib.dll and Outllibr.dll files from Service Release 1.
> c.. For Office 2000 SP2, downloading the administrative version of
> SP2 and deleting the .msp file that contains the Outlook updates, then
> installing SP2.
> However, these methods put Outlook into an unsupported, potentially
> unstable configuration, and we don't recommend them. In particular, the
> two ensure that you do not get any of the Outlook in Office 2000 SP2
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> mvh
> pre
> "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> news:3f75ff8f$0$83042$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > er det noget problem med hackerne når der er en firewall på ?
> > måske der er nogen der kan forklare en vejledning på dansk om hvad man
> skal
> > gøre, hvordan man piller i registry ?
> >
> > mvh mikael
> >
> > "pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > news:3f75f21c$0$24729$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> > > Zip dem, indtil videre kan hackerne ikke håndtere zippede filer - og
> > > fylder mindre.
> > > Hvis du er stædig kan der pilles i registry, det vil glæde hackerne.
> > > Vejledning kan findes på www.slipstick.com
> > >
> > > --
> > > mvh
> > > pre
> > >
> > >
> > > "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> > > news:3f75e48e$0$83055$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > > > hejsa
> > > >
> > > > hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i outlook?
> > > >
> > > > mvh
> > > >
> > > > mikael
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Mikael Hansen (28-09-2003)
Fra : Mikael Hansen

Dato : 28-09-03 16:04

Tak for hjælpen pre

"pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Der var lige en henvisning i en anden artikel. Svensk er ikke Dansk, men
> måske er det nemmere at fange end Engelsk
> --
> mvh
> pre
> ****************
> (322754) - I denna artikel beskrivs steg för steg hur du
> säkerhetskopierar, redigerar och återställer registret i Windows 95,
> 98, Windows 98, andra utgåvan, och Windows Millennium Edition (ME).
> Microsoft rekommenderar att du säkerhetskopierar registret...
> Beskrivning av registret i Microsoft Windows
> (256986) - Denna artikel handlar om registret. Här finns även
> anvisningar för redigering av registret samt referenser för ytterligare
> information.
> ***************
> "pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> wrote in message
> news:3f767a54$0$24671$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> > 1: Hackerne gør hvad der passer dem og de er dygtige til omgå alle
> > 2: Her en kopi fra et tidligere svar:
> > Her er en kopi af Ken Slovak´s side med veje til at omgå Outlooks
> blokering
> > af filer. Hvis der herefter stadig skulle være folk med problemer, så

> > det skyldes andre forhold, f. eks. manglende opdatering af Systemerne.
> > 3: exe filer er noget af det farligste at lægge ud på nettet.
> > 4: Svjh. har MS en vejledning til at ændre i Registry. Om den også
> > på Dansk skal jeg ikke kunne sige, men prøv at søge her:
> >
> > http://www.microsoft.com/danmark/products/families/windows.asp
> >
> > 4: Takket være en mig ubekendt person der på trods af alle advarsler har
> > åbnet en virus vedhæftning blev samtlige mine e-mail konti overfyldt med
> > hundredvis af fup-mails indtil det lykkedes at nedlægge samtlige konti i
> > Outlook.
> >
> > --
> > mvh
> > pre
> >
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > The Outlook E-Mail Security Update (included in Office 2000

> > Service Pack 2) and Outlook 2002 block access to .exe, .com and other
> > "dangerous" files. See Attachment Security for a list of the affected
> > types. You cannot open these files from Outlook, nor can you use Outlook
> to
> > save them to your system. If you try to forward a message containing an
> .exe
> > file, Outlook does not include the attachment in the forwarded message.
> >
> > So what do you do when you receive an .exe file and must find a
> to
> > open it? There are several methods, depending on your version of
> >
> > Recent Outlook Versions | Import to Outlook Express | Outlook Web
> > Access | Tools | More Information
> >
> > Recent Outlook Versions Outlook 2003, Outlook 2002 and Outlook
> > SP3 (but not Outlook 98 or earlier Outlook 2000 versions) allow the user
> to
> > use a registry key to open up access to blocked attachments. (Always
> a
> > backup before editing the registry.) To use this key:
> > 1.. Run Regedit, and go to this key:
> >
> >
> > (change 10.0 to 9.0 for Outlook 2000 SP3 or to 11.0 for Outlook 2003`fs)
> >
> > 2.. Under that key, add a new string value named Level1Remove.
> >
> > 3.. For the value for Level1Remove, enter a semicolon-delimited
> list
> > of file extensions. For example, entering this:
> >
> > mdb;url
> >
> > would unblock Microsoft Access files and Internet shortcuts.
> >
> > If you are using this registry entry, a glance at Help | About
> > Microsoft Outlook will show Security Mode: User Controlled above the
> license
> > information.
> >
> > If you prefer not to edit the registry directly, you can use one
> > these tools to make the change; not all support both Outlook 2002 and
> 2000:
> >
> > Attachment Options COM add-in by Outlook MVP Ken Slovak that
> > adds an Attachment Security Options page to the Tools | Options dialog
> > Outlook 2002 to allow you to manage which file attachments are blocked.
> Only
> > for Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and Outlook 2003. For Also provides
> > user interface for setting two other Outlook options -- Read as Plain
> > (Outlook 2002, SP-1 or later) and Minimize to System Tray. Available in
> > English and German. Shareware.
> > DetachOL Standalone utility to change the list of blocked
> > attachments according to the level of risk you're willing to take. Free.
> > Outlook Permissions Add-in Add-in for adjusting which
> > attachments you can open under Outlook's increased security, for Outlook
> > 2003, 2002 and Outlook 2000 SP3 or later. Free
> > TweakOL Modifies the Windows registry to change the list of
> > blocked file attachments according to the level of risk you're willing
> > take, always show the Bcc field, minimize Outlook 2002 to the system
> > and disable or enable MSN Messenger. Free. Outlook 2002 only.
> > Xenos Outlook Security Extension Utility to manage file
> > attachment blocking in Outlook 2000 SP3, Outlook 2002, and later. Also
> > manages optional settings such as minimize to tray and purge data file
> > exit. New settings added in new Outlook updates are supported through
> online
> > updates to the software. (Formerly Xenos Outlook Security Extension)
> >
> > After applying this registry fix or using one of the above tools,
> the
> > user still has to save the attached file to a system drive before
> > it. In effect, the fix rolls the attachment behavior back to Outlook
> > SR-1, with its included Attachment Security Fix. An end-user cannot
> > this "save to disk" behavior and open the file directly from the mail
> > message, though an Exchange administrator can.
> >
> > Import to Outlook Express Because Microsoft has not forced
> attachment
> > blocking on Outlook Express (though it is optional in OE 6.0), you can
> > access .exe files from Outlook messages imported to OE. To make this
> process
> > easier, consider creating a separate folder in Outlook to which you copy
> > messages with attachments that you want to import. To import into OE,
> > OE's File | Import command.
> >
> > Outlook Web Access .If you work in a Microsoft Exchange Server
> > environment where Outlook Web Access is deployed, you can use OWA to
> > messages and get the attachments. OWA has no attachment security.
> >
> > Tools .If you only need to adjust the attachment restrictions, see
> the
> > Outlook 2002 add-ins above.
> >
> > Administrative Options for the Microsoft Outlook E-mail
> Security
> > Patch.
> > These options work in an Exchange Server or HP OpenMail
> > environment and allow the administrator to decide who can open what
> of
> > files. They are not applicable to end users.
> >
> > Chilton Preview .Free utility that allows you to open any
> > attachment from the preview pane. Also has the advantage of not loading
> > message content, just the plain-text version of the message. Updated to
> work
> > with Outlook 2002.
> > ExLife and CaSaveAtt from Ornic These tools allow you to
> > Outlook attachments as system files automatically or (with ExLife) on
> > demand. They do not trigger the security update's object model guard
> > prompts.
> > Express Mail@Mate
> > E-mail notification tool that provides access to attachments
> > blocked by the Outlook Email Security Update.
> >
> > MailDefense. Quarantines potentially dangerous attachments
> > incoming or outgoing messages using POP, SMTP, IMAP, or Exchange
> mailboxes.
> > The attachments are quarantined before they reach the user's Inbox, but
> can
> > be opened from the quarantine folder. Also quarantines active content
> > as scripts in HTML messages or macros in Office documents.
> > MHMS EXE Grabber Extracts .exe attachments from Outlook
> messages
> > that have been saved as .msg files. Free.
> > Watch Your Back. Allows you to save blocked Outlook
> attachments
> > as system files automatically or on demand. Also filters HTML content
> > incoming messages.
> > ZoneAlarm Pro.
> > Monitor and screen potentially harmful attachments, including
> > .exe files. See ZoneAlarm Pro MailSafe for more information.
> >
> > Notes We've heard of some other approaches:
> >
> > a.. Editing the Outllib.dll file with a hex editor to overwrite
> the
> > extensions listed for "dangerous" files (e.g. the method used at Is
> > any way to work around the Outlook security update? or
> > http://members.tripodnet.nl/lcroft/)
> >
> > b.. If you installed Office 2000 Service Pack 2, substituting
> > Outllib.dll and Outllibr.dll files from Service Release 1.
> >
> > c.. For Office 2000 SP2, downloading the administrative version
> > SP2 and deleting the .msp file that contains the Outlook updates, then
> > installing SP2.
> >
> > However, these methods put Outlook into an unsupported,
> > unstable configuration, and we don't recommend them. In particular, the
> last
> > two ensure that you do not get any of the Outlook in Office 2000 SP2
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > --
> > mvh
> > pre
> >
> >
> > "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> > news:3f75ff8f$0$83042$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > > er det noget problem med hackerne når der er en firewall på ?
> > > måske der er nogen der kan forklare en vejledning på dansk om hvad man
> > skal
> > > gøre, hvordan man piller i registry ?
> > >
> > > mvh mikael
> > >
> > > "pre" <skrivtilgruppen@bredalsparken.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> > > news:3f75f21c$0$24729$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> > > > Zip dem, indtil videre kan hackerne ikke håndtere zippede filer - og
> de
> > > > fylder mindre.
> > > > Hvis du er stædig kan der pilles i registry, det vil glæde hackerne.
> > > > Vejledning kan findes på www.slipstick.com
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > mvh
> > > > pre
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "Mikael Hansen" <mikael.hansen@pc.dk> wrote in message
> > > > news:3f75e48e$0$83055$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
> > > > > hejsa
> > > > >
> > > > > hvad skal jeg gøre for at få lov til at sende .exe filer i
> > > > >
> > > > > mvh
> > > > >
> > > > > mikael
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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