"jkolding" <jkolding@post6.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> Skulle der mon være en som ved hvilket program som kan åbne en fil med
> navnet *.fsc
....."Open Listmode File
Purpose: Manually associates a listmode file with a Tube.
In the proper routine use of the program, this dialog box is never
displayed. The only time the system will present this dialog box is when a
Tube that has no associated listmode file is edited or analyzed. The Edit
Files dialog is the proper way of associating Tubes with listmode files.
Files: Displays all the files of selected type. Note that this control can
be scrolled horizontally to see the date last modified and the size.
Show files in: This control enables the navigation to specific Data Folders.
Double-click on the nodes to alternatively expand or contract.
List Files of Type: Changes the type of files to display. On PC/NT platforms
the choices are "*.*" for all files or "*.FCS" for FCS listmode files that
have a suffix of "FCS". On the Macintosh platforms the choices are "****"
for all files or "BDLM" for BD listmode files.
Note: FCS stands for Flow Cytometry Standard. QuantiCALC only reads FCS
listmode files.
Open: Opens the FCS listmode file. If an error occurs in the reading of the
listmode file, the system will display something similar to: "Tube 1 does
not have a listmode file associated with it. Navigate to the file and Open."
After you enter OK, the Open Listmode File dialog box is displayed again.
If you are not successful in opening a listmode file, the exact reason for
the problem can be found in the Edit Tube dialog box. If you scroll
horizontally you will see an Error column. The exact reason for the file
opening problem will be presented underneath this column for the Listmode
File item row. Note that this is a general way in which the program stores
error conditions. For example, if there is some specific error in reading
the listmode parameters, the Error column for the Parameters row will
explain the precise nature of the problem.
Cancel: Cancels from trying to open a valid listmode file."
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