Anyone who has got a simple way for setting up the keyboard for a Powerbook
G3 Wallstreet.
I am running Yellow Dog Linux 3.0, booting through OS 9.2.2. I am using
Gnome, and it really made into a "POWERBOOK", even OpenOffice runs speedy.
Installation went smooth, not a hitch, but there are some keys missing. I
have no "@" and some others are missing too.
Isn't there a way of setting the keyboard up, without braking everything
apart. It seems like quite some people use the Wallstreet with Linux (not
that I know any), but they can't hardly use it without being able to send
emails. Therefore I expect, that there is an easy way to solve the problem.
Please help me out, so I can throw my new "i386 AMD XP2000 linux box" out,
and live inside the Wallstreet.