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Great-grandfather from Gunderup Sogn, Denm~
Fra : Michael Allen Hall

Dato : 03-07-03 02:55

Hello All,
I am looking for any information on my Great-grandfather and his Danish
family. His name was Andrew Jensen Hall and he was from Gunderup Sogn, which
I understand to mean parish. We were told that his surname was originally
Haal and it was anglicized into Hall (not sure if that is true, although
there is a village nearby Gunderup Sogn named Haals, which could be where
the name comes from). He was born September 26, 1874 and left Denmark for
America in 1891. He also had an older brother named James Hall. My
Great-grandfather and his Danish family should be listed in the Gunderup
Sogn Kirke registry. Also, my Great-great-grandmother was supposedly the
Florence Nightingale of Denmark and there is supposed to be a statue of her
in Copenhagen that the Danish queen had erected in remembrance of her. I do
not know her name, just the story. Does this story sound familiar to someone
out there?

Is there anyone that could help me find some information on my
Great-grandfather or about my Great-great-grandmother? I would surely
appreciate it. Unfortunately, I do not speak or read a bit of the Danish

Mike Hall
California USA

Helmer Christiansen (03-07-2003)
Fra : Helmer Christiansen

Dato : 03-07-03 07:07

"Michael Allen Hall" <beowulf2@ix.netcom.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Hello All,
> I am looking for any information on my Great-grandfather and his Danish
> family. His name was Andrew Jensen Hall and he was from Gunderup Sogn,
> I understand to mean parish. We were told that his surname was originally
> Haal and it was anglicized into Hall (not sure if that is true, although
> there is a village nearby Gunderup Sogn named Haals, which could be where
> the name comes from). He was born September 26, 1874 and left Denmark for
> America in 1891. He also had an older brother named James Hall.

Andrew would be Anders in Danish.

You can search the Danish censuses online at http://ddd.dda.dk/ddd_en.htm

In the 1880 census there are 4 Anders Jensen in Gunderup parish. One of them
is a boy of the right age:

= = = search result begin = = = =
All persons in the household
Aalborg, Fleskum, Gunderup, , , Et Hus, Nr.26, FT-1880
Following fields are shown:
Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place

Lars Jensen, 62, Gift, Husfæster lever af sin jordlod, , Her i Sognet
Ane Jensen, 58, Gift, Hans Kone, , Her i Sognet
Ane Larsen, 27, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Jens Larsen, 25, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Jens Nielsen, 45, Gift, Husfader Arbeidsmand, , Her i Sognet
Marie Nielsen, 40, Gift, Husfader Arbeidsmand, , Horsens Sogn Aalborg Amt
Jens Jensen, 11, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Karen Jensen, 9, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Anders Jensen, 6, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Nielsine Jensen, 4, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
Jens Marinus Jensen, 1, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
= = = search result end = = = =

It looks like two families living in the same house. The second family, Jens
Nielsen/Marie Nielsen would then be your GreatGreatGreat Grandparents. Jens
Nielsen is born i the parish around 1835 and his wife is from Horsens parish
in Kær district, Aalborg county born around 1840. The older brother Jens
Jensen could be James Hall.

You can see that the family still followed the old tradition using the
patronym as last name for their children. That was supposed to have ended in
1828 but it took severel generations to die out.

In the 1880 census the wifes last name could either be that of her husbands
or the old patronym.

On www.familysearch.org you can find an Anders Jensen born i Gunderup 29 Sep
1873 and christened 03 May 1874 as the son of a Jens Nielsen and Maria

Helmer Christiansen

Krabsen (03-07-2003)
Fra : Krabsen

Dato : 03-07-03 07:59

"Helmer Christiansen" <helmer.christiansen@oncable.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> "Michael Allen Hall" <beowulf2@ix.netcom.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:be02cu$8lb$1@slb6.atl.mindspring.net...
> > Hello All,
> > I am looking for any information on my Great-grandfather and his Danish
> > family. His name was Andrew Jensen Hall and he was from Gunderup Sogn,
> > I understand to mean parish. We were told that his surname was
> > Haal and it was anglicized into Hall (not sure if that is true, although
> > there is a village nearby Gunderup Sogn named Haals, which could be
> > the name comes from).

Probably right. The danish pronounciation (spelling?) og Haals is quite
similar to the english do. of Hall

> = = = search result begin = = = =
> All persons in the household
> Aalborg, Fleskum, Gunderup, , , Et Hus, Nr.26, FT-1880
> Following fields are shown:
> Name, Age, Marital status, Position in household, Occupation , Birth place
> Lars Jensen, 62, Gift, Husfæster lever af sin jordlod, , Her i Sognet
> Ane Jensen, 58, Gift, Hans Kone, , Her i Sognet
> Ane Larsen, 27, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Jens Larsen, 25, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Jens Nielsen, 45, Gift, Husfader Arbeidsmand, , Her i Sognet
> Marie Nielsen, 40, Gift, Husfader Arbeidsmand, , Horsens Sogn Aalborg Amt
> Jens Jensen, 11, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Karen Jensen, 9, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Anders Jensen, 6, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Nielsine Jensen, 4, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> Jens Marinus Jensen, 1, Ugift, deres Barn, , Her i Sognet
> = = = search result end = = = =
> It looks like two families living in the same house. The second family,
> Nielsen/Marie Nielsen would then be your GreatGreatGreat Grandparents.
> Nielsen is born i the parish around 1835 and his wife is from Horsens
> in Kær district, Aalborg county born around 1840. The older brother Jens
> Jensen could be James Hall.

Please be aware, that there is a small village, named Horsens, in Blenstrup
parish just south of Gunderup. There is a small chance of an mistake in the



Niels Nybo Jakobsen (03-07-2003)
Fra : Niels Nybo Jakobsen

Dato : 03-07-03 19:23

A good answer; but to my knowledge the tradition of patronyms was intended
to stop by a regulation in 1852.

best regards
Niels Nybo jakobsen

> You can see that the family still followed the old tradition using the
> patronym as last name for their children. That was supposed to have ended
> 1828 but it took severel generations to die out.

Lars J. Helbo (03-07-2003)
Fra : Lars J. Helbo

Dato : 03-07-03 19:42

On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 20:23:06 +0200, "Niels Nybo Jakobsen"
<nybo.jakobsen@email.dk> wrote:

>A good answer; but to my knowledge the tradition of patronyms was intended
>to stop by a regulation in 1852.

Yes, but it did not - I have a clear example as late as 1882

>best regards
>Niels Nybo jakobsen
>> You can see that the family still followed the old tradition using the
>> patronym as last name for their children. That was supposed to have ended
>> 1828 but it took severel generations to die out.

Lars J. Helbo

Hugh Watkins (03-07-2003)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 03-07-03 21:31

"Niels Nybo Jakobsen" <nybo.jakobsen@email.dk> wrote in message news:3f047373$0$13225$edfadb0f@dread15.news.tele.dk...
> A good answer; but to my knowledge the tradition of patronyms was intended
> to stop by a regulation in 1852.
> best regards
> Niels Nybo jakobsen
> > You can see that the family still followed the old tradition using the
> > patronym as last name for their children. That was supposed to have ended
> in
> > 1828 but it took severel generations to die out.

it continued well into the twentieth cntury and in Iceland to this day

the villagers ignored the laws when it suited them

Hugh W

Bodil Grove Christen~ (03-07-2003)
Fra : Bodil Grove Christen~

Dato : 03-07-03 21:38

"Helmer Christiansen" <helmer.christiansen@oncable.dk> skrev i en meddelelse
> On www.familysearch.org you can find an Anders Jensen born i Gunderup 29
> 1873 and christened 03 May 1874 as the son of a Jens Nielsen and Maria
> Andersen.

It does say: Sept 26th 1873, in Familysearch.
I think, this is likely to be the right person.
But since you live in the US, you could easily go
to one of the Familyhistory Centers in your
own area. You will find this center inside or close
to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints.
The people working in these centers can help
you see, if this is the right person or not, and
they can order these records for you to see on the
center - for only small amount of money.

Best regards,

Norma Nielsen (03-07-2003)
Fra : Norma Nielsen

Dato : 03-07-03 22:28

I Gunderup sogn har man meget længe holdt ved den oprindelige navneskik.
Hvorfor kan jeg ikke sige. Jeg har svaret mr. Hall personligt, idet jeg er i
besiddelse af mikrokort fra Gunderup sogn og nogle fra Blenstrup sogn, hvor
Horsens hører til. med venlig hilsen norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk

"Bodil Grove Christensen" <grovebgc@fjerndettetdcadsl.dk> skrev i en
meddelelse news:3f049437$0$24726$edfadb0f@dread14.news.tele.dk...
> "Helmer Christiansen" <helmer.christiansen@oncable.dk> skrev i en
> > On www.familysearch.org you can find an Anders Jensen born i Gunderup 29
> Sep
> > 1873 and christened 03 May 1874 as the son of a Jens Nielsen and Maria
> > Andersen.
> It does say: Sept 26th 1873, in Familysearch.
> I think, this is likely to be the right person.
> But since you live in the US, you could easily go
> to one of the Familyhistory Centers in your
> own area. You will find this center inside or close
> to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints.
> The people working in these centers can help
> you see, if this is the right person or not, and
> they can order these records for you to see on the
> center - for only small amount of money.
> Best regards,
> Bodil.

K. Thidemann (03-07-2003)
Fra : K. Thidemann

Dato : 03-07-03 22:35

On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 23:28:00 +0200, "Norma Nielsen"
<norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk> wrote:

>I Gunderup sogn har man meget længe holdt ved den oprindelige navneskik.
>Hvorfor kan jeg ikke sige. Jeg har svaret mr. Hall personligt, idet jeg er i
>besiddelse af mikrokort fra Gunderup sogn og nogle fra Blenstrup sogn, hvor
>Horsens hører til. med venlig hilsen norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk

Hej Norma

Jeg er da lidt nysgerrig.
Hvem var hans forældre. ?

Kender du noget til den historie ham hentyder til. ?

Ketty Thidemann

Michael Allen Hall (04-07-2003)
Fra : Michael Allen Hall

Dato : 04-07-03 01:57

Hello All,

Anders Jensen was my Great-grandfather. I also found his brother Jens Jensen
who left Haals, Denmark several years before my Great-grandfather and
settled in Dell Rapids, South Dakota. We were always hung up on the surname
of "Hall" or "Haal" and that Gunderup was spelled wrong, which is why we had
trouble getting this far.

I and my family give thanks to everyone for responding. By the way could
someone tell me what the occupation of Tyende (m/k land) means? I know that
my Great-grandfather became a prosperous farmer and store owner in Norge,
Virginia. However, that was after spending several years in Dell Rapids,
South Dakota.

Thanks Again,

Mike Hall
Tustin, California

"K. Thidemann" <k.thidemannFJERNDETTE@mail1.stofanet.dk> wrote in message
> On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 23:28:00 +0200, "Norma Nielsen"
> <norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
> >I Gunderup sogn har man meget længe holdt ved den oprindelige navneskik.
> >Hvorfor kan jeg ikke sige. Jeg har svaret mr. Hall personligt, idet jeg
er i
> >besiddelse af mikrokort fra Gunderup sogn og nogle fra Blenstrup sogn,
> >Horsens hører til. med venlig hilsen norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk
> Hej Norma
> Jeg er da lidt nysgerrig.
> Hvem var hans forældre. ?
> Kender du noget til den historie ham hentyder til. ?
> Ketty Thidemann
> Aalborg
> k.thidemann@mail1.stofanet.dk

Helmer Christiansen (04-07-2003)
Fra : Helmer Christiansen

Dato : 04-07-03 06:30

"Michael Allen Hall" <beowulf2@ix.netcom.com> skrev i en meddelelse

>. By the way could
> someone tell me what the occupation of Tyende (m/k land) means?

Tyende is a servant.

m/k = mand/kvinde = male/female

land in this context probably refers to "out in the country", on a farm as
opposed to domestic servents like parlour-maids.

So your ancester was a farmhand.

Helmer Christiansen

Hugh Watkins (04-07-2003)
Fra : Hugh Watkins

Dato : 04-07-03 02:33

"K. Thidemann" <k.thidemannFJERNDETTE@mail1.stofanet.dk> wrote in message news:s789gvo8bfndc54juv4606i1tgtomfieog@4ax.com...
> On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 23:28:00 +0200, "Norma Nielsen"
> <norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk> wrote:
> >I Gunderup sogn har man meget længe holdt ved den oprindelige navneskik.
> >Hvorfor kan jeg ikke sige. Jeg har svaret mr. Hall personligt, idet jeg er i
> >besiddelse af mikrokort fra Gunderup sogn og nogle fra Blenstrup sogn, hvor
> >Horsens hører til. med venlig hilsen norma@nielsen.tdcadsl.dk
> Hej Norma
> Jeg er da lidt nysgerrig.
> Hvem var hans forældre. ?
> Kender du noget til den historie ham hentyder til. ?

det er godt at ligge det her

fordi hvis alt er tabt
det er gent i google groups


Hugh W

K. Thidemann (03-07-2003)
Fra : K. Thidemann

Dato : 03-07-03 12:44

On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 18:54:38 -0700, "Michael Allen Hall"
<beowulf2@ix.netcom.com> wrote:

>Hello All,
>I am looking for any information on my Great-grandfather and his Danish
>family. His name was Andrew Jensen Hall and he was from Gunderup Sogn, which
>I understand to mean parish. We were told that his surname was originally
>Haal and it was anglicized into Hall (not sure if that is true, although
>there is a village nearby Gunderup Sogn named Haals, which could be where
>the name comes from). He was born September 26, 1874 and left Denmark for
>America in 1891.


Name: Jensen, Anders Occupation: Tyende (m/k land)
Age: 18 Destination: NY.
Contract no.: 654300 Registration date: 11/5/1891
Birth place: ? Birth place: ?
Last res. parish: Gunderup Last res. county: Aalborg
Last residence: Haals, Aalborg Destination country: USA
Destination city: New York City Destination state: New York State
Name of ship: Indirekte
IDcode: I9192J2309

Med venlig hilsen
K. Thidemann

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