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Mac Poesi
Fra : Finn Poulsen

Dato : 28-03-01 22:13

Jeg så dette digt på Macfixit,-til eftertanke

If you are an early adopter with a Beige G3
You know that Apple OS-X is a tragedy
You see this whole thing is really just beta ware
But they took my money anyway - without a care
Now imagine how you and your friends would feel
If someone sold you a new car without a steering wheel
If you say the release was early - the first
They should have led us all to expect the worst
They didn't place a disclaimer on the box or web site
Now you tell me if what they did was right
The thing needed more testing and time to mature
they sold us an OS - but we got manure.
But Apple made it all and in them we trust
I think a better OS should be given to us.


Thomas Boelskifte (01-04-2001)
Fra : Thomas Boelskifte

Dato : 01-04-01 02:41

Finn Poulsen <finnpoulsen@cool.dk> wrote:

> Jeg så dette digt på Macfixit,-til eftertanke
> If you are an early adopter with a Beige G3
> You know that Apple OS-X is a tragedy
> You see this whole thing is really just beta ware
> But they took my money anyway - without a care
> Now imagine how you and your friends would feel
> If someone sold you a new car without a steering wheel
> If you say the release was early - the first
> They should have led us all to expect the worst
> They didn't place a disclaimer on the box or web site
> Now you tell me if what they did was right
> The thing needed more testing and time to mature
> they sold us an OS - but we got manure.
> But Apple made it all and in them we trust
> I think a better OS should be given to us.

I think den person har brug for en hel masse poesi kurser.


Mojn, Thomas

"Mac users prefer the one-button mouse for one simple reason: They
click the mouse with their index finger; they reserve the next finger
over for when people tell them they should be using Windows."

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