> Kort og præcist spørgsmål: Har refresh rate noget at sige for en lcd
> monitor? Vil man f.eks. kunne se forskel på 60Hz og 85Hz?
Ok, snakker lige lidt med mig selv... :)
Sakset fra
Q: What does "refresh rate" mean to me in an LCD monitor?
A: For LCD monitors, the refresh rate is much less relevant. LCD monitors
display a stable, flicker-free image at 60Hz. There are no visible
differences between 85Hz and 60Hz.
Q: What does Refresh Rate mean for LCDs?
A: Unlike CRT display technology in which the speed the electron beam is
swept from the top to the bottom of the screen determines flicker, an active
matrix display uses an active element (TFT) to control each individual pixel
and thus refresh rate is not really applicable to LCD technology.
Altså har refresh rate ingen reel betydning. Hvad betyder de tal, der er
opgivet ved nogle skærme mon så?