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Dommedag ?
Fra : Steen Hjortsoe

Dato : 16-05-03 05:41

Doomsday ?

Now, suddenly, matters were complicated by a new breakthrough in theoretical
physics. Actually, this discovery had probably been debated since 1962-63,
but a couple of years later, I believe unanimous agreement had been reached.

Satellite radar scientists and neuropsychologists, including some who had
grave doubts about the prospect of elite groups harnessed to global
satellite networks controlling the rest of humanity, were now confronted
with the following, unexpected postulate, namely that:

A comprehensive nuclear war will not (necessarily) lead to a definitive,
irreversible destruction of our global civilization with an ensuing nuclear

The globe as a whole will instead experience a time reversal !!

The physicists employed by the American and Russian military were even
capable of specifying the entire course of events by the following
realistically thought out experiment:

An evenly distributed detonation of 30,000 - 60,000 nuclear units over the
entire surface of the globe within the same 24 hours will revert the arrow
of time.

Superluminal light speeds will be achieved, but as events progress, the
arrow of time will (slowly) resume its normal direction.

In this second phase, the subluminal speed of light will fall precisely as
much below the ordinary speed of light (186,000 miles per second) as the
superluminal light speed exceeded the ordinary speed of light in the first

Hence the total calculation gives a resultant, 'constant' light speed of
186,000 miles per second. However, a couple of events have undeniably
occurred/not occurred during the superluminal and subluminal amplitudes
which cancel each other out in the final analysis.

Hardly had the heated discussions about this physical scenario been
concluded by the experts, before the physicists became positive of another,
even more epoch-making discovery: reading and interpreting the Bible, with
the idea at the back of their minds that for the first time in history we
can actually initiate and conclude our own global destruction within 24
hours, it appears, as you can judge yourself from the quotations from the
Bible below, that the predictions of Doomsday in the Bible are too realistic
to be considered a mere fantasy separable from a probable scenario of the
Third World War.

And then the day is dawning:

God is God some thousand and still some hundred years ago, but in the latter
third of the Twentieth Century, concurrently with the speedy development
towards coalescence of our own global civilization - and the bend of its
growth layer from history to geography - God suddenly pops out as an ETI (an
extraterrestrial intelligence!).

This Blitz vom Himmel at the same time hit the solution to the Fermi
paradox and the 'puberty crisis' of the Danish physicist Tor Nørretranders.

The Fermi paradox arose at a conference discussing the probability of
extraterrestrial life in the Milky Way, a probability which astronomer
Francis Drake has summarised in the famous Drake equation:

N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L

N = the number of observable civilizations existing in the Milky Way;
R = the rate at which stars have been born in the Milky Way per year;
fp = the fraction of these stars that have solar systems of planets;
ne = the average number of 'earthlike' planets potentially suitable for
fl = the fraction of those planets on which life actually forms;
fi = the fraction of life-bearing planets where biological evolution
produces an intelligent species;
fc = the fraction of intelligent species that become capable of interstellar
radio communication (!), (my exclamation mark, S.H.);
L = the average lifetime of a communicating civilization in years.

When the learned gathering at the conference had agreed that there was a
high probability of quite a large number of intelligent civilizations in our
Milky Way, physicist Enrico Fermi exclaimed: "Then, where is everyone ?".

In an article about the Fermi paradox from July 2000, Ian Crawford suggests
that there can be only four possible ways of reconciling the absence of ETI'
s with the presumed existence of numerous intelligent civilizations in the
Milky Way Galaxy:

* Interstellar spaceflight may be infeasible.
* ETI's may be actively exploring the Galaxy, but may not yet have reached
our place.
* Interstellar travel may be feasible, but for some reason ETI's have chosen
not to undertake it.
* ETI's know we are here but have decided not to interfere with us.

Ian Crawford even believes that it is possible to conclude that we are the
most advanced life forms in the Galaxy if we can eliminate each of the above
explanations of the Fermi paradox. This shows how difficult a subject ETI
search is and was, and illustrates, while still clinging to the
'one-and-only theory', that we have reached the end of the ETI search

The solution to the Fermi paradox, which will appear in more detail later in
the book, can be summarised as follows:

The existence of other extraterrestrial civilizations similar to our own is
concealed with a purpose and will be revealed with a purpose at a certain
developmental stage of our own civilization and on a definite day, Doomsday.

The solution to the Fermi paradox is analogous to the Greek 'Parousia'
meaning presence as well as coming. In ancient Christianity, 'Parousia'
referred to the Second Coming (of Messiah) coinciding with the coming of the
(latently always present) Kingdom of God. Let it be mentioned, just in
passing, that Jesus never said that he would return but always referred to
the coming of 'the Son of Man'.

The 'puberty crisis' of Tor Nørretranders relates exactly to this probably
more- often- than- not- realised self-destruction in a nuclear disaster of a
youthful, irresponsible civilization when, apparently, only a merciful
miracle can save the day. The 'miracle' happens, and behind appearances, an
experienced ETI intervenes.

Our ancestors considered the Doomsday message a religious message from God
before the time of modern science.
Then at the beginning of the 1960's, when we had to realise that we had now
become capable of implementing a Doomsday / Third World War ourselves, a new
interpretation of this message almost automatically surged forward. Now it
looked very much as if it was a communication from an ETI to our now almost
coalescent global community.

Steen Hjortsø

Andreas Falck (16-05-2003)
Fra : Andreas Falck

Dato : 16-05-03 09:00

Steen Hjortsoe contra@tdcspace.dk skrev dette:

> Doomsday ?

Hej steen - kunne du ikke lokkes til at lave et lille dansk
sammendrag. Mine mangelfulde defragmentariske engelskkundskaber
antyder at der nok ligger en del interessante ting i artiklen!

Med venlig hilsen Andreas Falck - ICQ 108 480 093
http://sdanet.dk/ + http://syndflod.dk/
http://bibeltro.dk/ + http://bibel-skole.dk/
*** Alle med debatforum ***

Steen Hjortsoe (16-05-2003)
Fra : Steen Hjortsoe

Dato : 16-05-03 17:32

"Andreas Falck" <dewnull@invalid.invalid> wrote in message news:<PT0xa.66943$y3.4605528@news010.worldonline.dk>...
> Steen Hjortsoe contra@tdcspace.dk skrev dette:
> > Doomsday ?
> Hej steen - kunne du ikke lokkes til at lave et lille dansk
> sammendrag. Mine mangelfulde defragmentariske engelskkundskaber
> antyder at der nok ligger en del interessante ting i artiklen!

I mit svar på indlægget: "Verdens ende er for i dag" kan man læse en
kortere, dansk version af de tanker, jeg også har forsøgt at formulere
på engelsk.

Steen Hjortsø

Vidal (16-05-2003)
Fra : Vidal

Dato : 16-05-03 22:49

In news:37cec683.0305160832.5cbe200d@posting.google.com,
Steen Hjortsoe <contra@tdcspace.dk> typed:

> de tanker, jeg også har forsøgt at formulere
> på engelsk.

Hvorfor skriver du på engelsk?

Venlig hilsen
Villy Dalsgaard

Hent biblen her - og læs den selv. Er Gud død - læs hvad Nietzsche
mener. Siger Darwin, vi nedstammer fra aberne? Siger den moderne fysik
noget om Gud? Find ud af det her: http://home.tiscali.dk/vidal

kjaer (17-05-2003)
Fra : kjaer

Dato : 17-05-03 11:34

"Andreas Falck" <dewnull@invalid.invalid> skrev i en meddelelse
> Steen Hjortsoe contra@tdcspace.dk skrev dette:
> > Doomsday ?
> Hej steen - kunne du ikke lokkes til at lave et lille dansk
> sammendrag. Mine mangelfulde defragmentariske engelskkundskaber
> antyder at der nok ligger en del interessante ting i artiklen!
Den extreme højrefløj har fundet på, at bruge kristendommen politisk, som
modvægt mod islam og jødedom. Et af deres martyrer er McWeigh, ham der blev
henrettet for masse mord i Colorado.
Nu bruger de betegnelser som "kultur kristen" om sig selv. Et forsøg på at
retfærdiggøre forfølgelse af andre kulturer og religioner.

TBC (17-05-2003)
Fra : TBC

Dato : 17-05-03 12:12

"kjaer" <vno@spam.gl> skrev i en meddelelse

> Den extreme højrefløj har fundet på, at bruge kristendommen politisk, som
> modvægt mod islam og jødedom. Et af deres martyrer er McWeigh, ham der
> henrettet for masse mord i Colorado.
> Nu bruger de betegnelser som "kultur kristen" om sig selv. Et forsøg på
> retfærdiggøre forfølgelse af andre kulturer og religioner.

Suk! ...Er der noget at sige til at folks opfattelse af religion bliver
negativt, og at (som nogle læser og forstår Bibelen/Åbenbaringen) guds
domme, når de som iflg bibelen skulle komme, skulle begynde med dommen over
falsk udøvelse af religion ?

....Nej vel ?


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