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os x på beige G3... hrmm...
Fra : Jesper

Dato : 25-03-01 21:03

Det ser ud til at mange ejere (som jeg) må til at spare til en ny
(lækker) mac for at få rigtig glæde af OS X. På macfixit's forum har jeg
læst om en del frustrede beige-brugere der har brugt døgn på at
installere OS X bare for at finde ud af at det kører ad h... til...

Her er tre af de negative...:

"I have it installed on a G3 beige and believe me, you are not missing a
thing if you cannot install it. There are too many incompatibilities and
items that are not supported."

"I would have to agree that Apple didn't really give a lot of
consideration to beige G3 owners.

First problem was with having two monitors connected -- turning off one
monitor got the CD to boot.
Second problem is that the OSX CD is unreadable in my drive under OS9
Third problem is that my printer port and Epson printer are not
supported -- won't be able to use the system until they are.
Fourth - I still can't get classic mode to run (it is at 9.1). I get a
message that the version is incompatible -- still working on this one.

Looking under the hood, this is going to be an incredible operating
system, but it will take a while to get the bugs worked out. I remember
my SE with system 6.x on it and the major changes that went through
(remember the switcher). As with a good wine, OS X will improve with

"Got it working on my Beige G3. No SCSI support at all. Kind of a bummer
since I have a SCSI scanner that I use all the time. Oh well, I'll
pilfer my wifes USB scanner for now."

Og en enkelt positiv:

"I hope this is not a repeat of something already said, but Apple tech
support solved my problem of OS X not installing yesterday on my beige
G3 266 tower and my PowerBook G3 series 266 Wallstreet II.

They said that not only must OS X install on the FRONT end of the the
first 8 GB of the hard drive, but that the partition itself could not
exceed 8 GB! I read all the TILs, and I totally misunderstood that the
actual partition size could not be over 8 GB. I must be loosing my mind.

My partition size on the PB, for example, was actually 8.44 GBs, and it
would not allow me to select a destination volume during the
installation process.

This information is inconsistent with what some of you experienced here.
So I hope this did not confuse the issue too much. But it solved my

Se mere her:

Er der evt. nogen her i gruppen der har prøvet OS X på en Beige G3?

mvh Jesper

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