DADDY-Break (2003-04-23, CET 23:20):
- "Det skal du (OUTPUT "The Wedding")."
Onsdag den 23. april 1997, CET 13:04, 6 (5) år.
DADDY LIVES (1) T+2269, 4. Feb. 1997, Iran
(2) 2245, 28. Feb. 1997, Iran
(3) 2174, 10. May 1997, Iran
(4) 1866, 14. Mar. 1998, Iran
(5) 1839, 10. Apr. 1998, Iran, GOOD FRIDAY
(6) 1454, 30. Apr. 1999, Serbia
(7) 507, 2. Dec. 2001, Nigeria
International colour code:
1 brown
2 red
3 orange
4 yellow
5 green
6 blue
7 mauve, lilac
For muslims green (5) is the colour-symbol of Hope.
For more informations jump file ...
0089 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:33, 1-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1997-02-04
0090 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:33, 2-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1997-02-28
0091 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:33, 3-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1997-05-10
0092 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:34, 4-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1998-03-14
0093 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:34, 5-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1998-04-10
0094 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:34, 6-Copyright, DADDY LIVES 1999-04-30
0095 - 2002-10-23, CET 23:34, 7-Copyright, JESUS LIVES 2001-12-02
The Fall of Jerichö
You and your soldiers are to march around the city once a day for six days.
Seven priests, each carrying a trumpet, are to go in front of the Covenant
(Own: The Ark of Justice)
On the seventh day you and your soldiers are to march around the city seven
times while the priests blow the trumpets
(Joshua 6,3-4).
1995-02-05, CET 16:15
1997-03-22, CET 16:36
2001-05-05 - REBOOT
DADDY-Break (2001-05-10, CET 17:26):
- "Du skal vente lidt (target: Banq de la Iblîs)."
DADDY-Breal (2003-04-23, CET 23:35 ):
- "Det må du gerbne."
Thank You, DAD:
Kom, MIn elskede. Lad os røve dét tilbage, som djævlen stjal!
Fang os de ræve, de ræve små, som hærger vinen, vor blomstrende vin!
Min Ven er min, og jeg er Hans.
(Højsangen 2,15-16)
Catch the foxes, the little foxes, before they ruin our vineyard in bloom.
My Lover is mine, and I am His.
(Song of Songs 2,15-16)
DADDY-Break (2003-04-23, CET 23:41):
- "Sådan skal den være (denne meddelse)."
Jesus-Break (2003-Hebr. 04,12, CET 09:43):
- "Min fred efterlader Jeg jer."
Guds fred (til alt Hans folk)
Peace-from-God (to all His people)
with love from
Mogens Kall
The servant of Michael
Bible Free Downloads:
dk.livssyn.kristendom\Ordet (2002-09-30, CET 15:29)
The Wedding (0529)
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Time for OUTPUT:
2003-04-23, Wednesday, CET 23:43