Peter Andersen skrev:
> Nej, ideen er som jeg skrev. Jeg har fx. 16 A5 sider i Indesign.
> Dem vil jeg ha udskrevet som en publication der kan hæftes i
> ryggen på et A4. Dvs. med 2 stk A5 på et A4. Det kræver at
> Indesign kan gå ind og lægge for og bag side på et stykke, med
> såde 2 og 15 på den anden side af samme papir. Det kan Pagemaker
> gøre.
Hvad med:
| TwoUp builds simple booklets for saddle-stitch printing.
| It's similar to PageMaker's BuildBooklet plug-in--it rearranges
| items on InDesign pages to create the imposition. All objects
| remain editable, and all text links are maintained. This script
| does not yet convert section names to static text, and does not
| duplicate objects that cross page boundaries to both pages.
| It also does not take into account master pages that are based
| on other master pages.
I Goodies-mappen på CD 1 til InDesign 2.0 findes der også en
Build Booklet-funktion.
| The Build Booklet script for Adobe® InDesign® 2.0 automates the
| process of making booklets by imposing the pages of a document.
| This technical guide describes the Build Booklet script and how
| to install, use, and modify it.
| Imposition is the arrangement of pages into a sheet or signature
| so they are in the correct sequence after printing, folding, and
| binding. For example, an entire four-page newsletter made of
| letter-sized (8.5" x 11") pages can be printed on one tabloid-
| sized (11" x 17") sheet of paper when printed 2-up and double-
| sided. The printed tabloid page can then be folded in half to
| make a booklet. Without imposition, the pages of the booklet
| would not be in the correct order after the sheet is folded.
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