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Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 20-12-02 16:22

Einstein never contributed to the a-bomb

E = m c2 tell that a little mass can give a lot of energy, when
a nuclear fission (or fusion) proces takes place and therefore atomic
bombs and hydrogen bombs may in certain cases be advantageous to normal
chemical explosives

The fission has after WW2 been profitable for power plants.

The information that double mass give double energy, is as
commonplace for nuclear fuels as for oil or wood.

Without the Einstein having ever been written , said or thought ,
the bomb would have been developed just as fast. Revisionism is needed
on this ridiculous lie, that the theoretical , mathematic science helped
taming the new energy of the atomic nucleus.(only in the engineering of
the design of the reactor, you need advanced math - the rest is about
counting to 238 and adding and subtracting such numbers!)

The important science benefitting mankind and military was done by
Madame Curie and her husbond, Becquerel, Rutherford, Hahn, Otto, Meitner
and Frisch

The rest was engineering, in which Nazis never thought worthwhile
investing heavily.

Allthough the essential breakthrough was done in Berlin 1931 by
Hahn and Meitner, concerning the uran isotope fission, used in the
Hiroshima bomb.

As soon as Curie had isolated Radium from a tonn of pitch mineral,
and the high energy radiation was studied electrically, the bomb
potential was evident, e.g. to Edison(who ensured even before the Hahn
and Meitner results, that taming the new energy was a matter of time
i.e. engineering.).

The theory of relativity was all about philosophy and math, and
helped no practical purpose.

Einstein designed no important laboratory experiments. The
research of Niels Bohr might have had inspirational value, but was
probably not essential either.

The Nazis understood correctly that the socalled
(theoretical-philosophical) "Jew physics" was not likely to benefit the
short war, that they knew that they were forced into - a long war they
would loose - they put priority in tanks and propel planes - gradually
understanding that jet planes and rockets could become advantageous too,
and their science was much more clever than that of USA, but was too
little and too late to influence the outcome of the war.

Therefore they sacked Einstein from the Berlin University as
being incompetent to their purposes,

He had friends at Princeton and got a job there, leaving Germany
1932, (making a short and unimportant visit to Germany 1933 , possibly
to create a myth, that he was in danger, being a Jew - was a "refugee"
escaping to USA!.)

The billions of $ used on Manhattan and Chicago projects was far
beyond what Germans had resources for.

When tecknology was in place, it was used against Japan - nothing
was speeded up because of the PR-letters written to the President of USA
by Einstein.

Playing violin and being clever in humanistic small talk, he was
a great asset to the US governmental marketing of the military
research - adding the stamp of " preferring peace".

It has been written in Danish media, that "Revenge against the
Nazis" was a great talkshow, interview and collumn subject in the end of
WW2 and Einstein suggested killing all Germans - I would be curious
about reliable information about this. The serious governmental plans
about sterilizing all Germans or making them into a stone age
agriculture people with no industry, are well documented(Kauffmann,

The quotes below show a media personality with a talent.

Perhaps the wife of Einstein in Europe made the important math of
the Theory of Relativity.

In education he is still being marketed as being as great as
Edison or Faraday - and that "cars would not move without his theory"!

Nobody has ever been able to point out a practical use of any
"research" of his - which is more like philosophy - entertaining to some

GPS is about getting satelites in place by the good old Wernher
von Braun rockets and then good old math. Corrective adjustments because
of Theory of Relativity are not important - and whether the many
adjustments are linked to Relativity-math small talk is not important,

You adjust according to trial and error, and the research in the
deeper reasons of the need of the corrections has made little progress,
nor use..

Albert Einstein German-American mathmatician-philosopher linked
to Physics (1879-1955)

"Does New York stop at this train"Einstein

The most evil is what we DON'T do. Albert Einstein

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age
eighteen.Albert Einstein

I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.Albert Einstein

The witty head, who defined upbringing like this, was not wrong:
whatever is left, when you have forgotten everything you have learned in
school.Albert Einstein

A hundred time every day I remind myself that my inner and outer
life depend on the labours of other men, living and dead, and that I
must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have rec
eived.Albert Einstein

Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions
which differ from the prejudices of their social environment.Albert

The man who regards his own life and that of his fellow creatures
as meaningless is not merely unhappy but hardly fit for life.Albert

If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is
x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.Albert Einstein

The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual
flight from wonder.Albert Einstein

Never did Mozart write for eternity, and it is for precisely that
reason that much of what he wrote is for eternity.Albert Einstein

It is impossible to get anywhere ` without sinning against
reason.Albert Einstein

The important thing is not to stop questioning.Albert Einstein

Science is the attempt to make the chaotic diversity of our
sense-experience correspond to a logically uniform system of
thought.Albert Einstein

`I do not believe that civilization will be wiped out in a war
fought with the atomic bomb. Perhaps two-thirds of the people of the
earthwill be killed.'- Albert Einstein

`I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but
World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.Albert Einstein

"God is subtle but he is not malicios" Einstein

"God does not play dice"Einstein

"Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the
present, but an equation is for eternity" Einstein

"Nationalism is an infantile sickness, it is the measels of the
human race. Einstein.

"The unleashed power of the atom has changed everyting save our
modes of thinking and we thus drift towards a human catastrophe"

Bo Warming
Bjelkes Alle 46, 2200 København N
Tel: 3586 1000, Fax: 001 815 364 4235

Magnus Rohde (20-12-2002)
Fra : Magnus Rohde

Dato : 20-12-02 17:41

Bo Warming <XUMPEYFQNLVX@spammotel.com> wrote:

> .....snip......
/| /| | |
||__|| | Please do |
/ O O\__ NOT |
/ \ feed the |
/ \ \ trolls |
/ _ \ \ ______________|
/ |\____\ \ ||
/ | | | |\____/ ||
/ \|_|_|/ \ __||
/ / \ |____| ||
/ | | /| | --|
| | |// |____ --|
* _ | |_|_|_| | \-/
*-- _--\ _ \ // |
/ _ \\ _ // | /
* / \_ /- | - | |
* ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________


Ulrik Jensen (21-12-2002)
Fra : Ulrik Jensen

Dato : 21-12-02 11:02

magnus-marius@mail.tele.dk (Magnus Rohde) writes:
> ___________________
> /| /| | |
> ||__|| | Please do |
> / O O\__ NOT |
> / \ feed the |
> / \ \ trolls |
> / _ \ \ ______________|
> / |\____\ \ ||
> / | | | |\____/ ||
> / \|_|_|/ \ __||
> / / \ |____| ||
> / | | /| | --|
> | | |// |____ --|
> * _ | |_|_|_| | \-/
> *-- _--\ _ \ // |
> / _ \\ _ // | /
> * / \_ /- | - | |
> * ___ c_c_c_C/ \C_c_c_c____________


Ulrik Jensen
ulrik@qcom.dk - http://www.minefilm.tk
"It's only a movie, and, after all, we're all grossly overpaid."

Bertel Lund Hansen (21-12-2002)
Fra : Bertel Lund Hansen

Dato : 21-12-02 12:33

Ulrik Jensen skrev:


Ja, det gjorde jeg også for 8 år siden da jeg så den første gang.

http://bertel.lundhansen.dk/   FIDUSO: http://fiduso.dk/

Ulrik Jensen (21-12-2002)
Fra : Ulrik Jensen

Dato : 21-12-02 15:09


Bertel Lund Hansen <nospam@lundhansen.dk> writes:
> Ja, det gjorde jeg også for 8 år siden da jeg så den første gang.

Hovhov, ikke så sarkastisk, jeg havde ikke set den før :)

Ulrik Jensen
ulrik@qcom.dk - http://www.minefilm.tk
"It's only a movie, and, after all, we're all grossly overpaid."

Jesper Sørensen (21-12-2002)
Fra : Jesper Sørensen

Dato : 21-12-02 16:18

me heller not.

"Ulrik Jensen" <ulrik@qcom.dk> wrote in message
> Hej
> Bertel Lund Hansen <nospam@lundhansen.dk> writes:
> > Ja, det gjorde jeg også for 8 år siden da jeg så den første gang.
> Hovhov, ikke så sarkastisk, jeg havde ikke set den før :)
> --
> Ulrik Jensen
> ulrik@qcom.dk - http://www.minefilm.tk
> "It's only a movie, and, after all, we're all grossly overpaid."

Bo Warming (21-12-2002)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 21-12-02 18:35

Der er stor ærefrygt for Einstein og Bohr

Men kan nogen argumentere logisk for at de har givet skatteyderne noget
for deres penge?

Jo, Bohr smukkeserede på Max Plancks kvanteteori og drejede Mendelejefs
periodiske system 90 grader . men hvilke produkter er opstået eller
blevet billigere eller æstetisk skønne naturindsigter?

" Hypotesere er vuggesange, som læreren dysser sine elever i
søvn med.Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Som kemiker er jeg godt ind i lettelser opnået ved MASSESPEKTROSKOPI
(altså ingeniørkunst) - men kvante-sjovet er vel ikke rigtig blevet til
sådant praktisk, omend man nu kan udtrykke "oktetreglen" lidt smartere
og tro at man ved noget.

Og akraft eller GPS - er det gavnet af relativitetsteori el lign

"Jesper Sørensen" <m_burns@XXXkampsax.k-net.dk> wrote in message
> mvh
> JS
> me heller not.
> "Ulrik Jensen" <ulrik@qcom.dk> wrote in message
> news:un0mz79c0.fsf@qcom.dk...
> > Hej
> >
> > Bertel Lund Hansen <nospam@lundhansen.dk> writes:
> > > Ja, det gjorde jeg også for 8 år siden da jeg så den første gang.
> >
> > Hovhov, ikke så sarkastisk, jeg havde ikke set den før :)
> >
> > --
> > Ulrik Jensen
> > ulrik@qcom.dk - http://www.minefilm.tk
> > "It's only a movie, and, after all, we're all grossly overpaid."

Kim Hansen (22-12-2002)
Fra : Kim Hansen

Dato : 22-12-02 14:08

"Bo Warming" <XUMPEYFQNLVX@spammotel.com> writes:

> Der er stor ærefrygt for Einstein og Bohr
> Men kan nogen argumentere logisk for at de har givet skatteyderne noget
> for deres penge?
> Jo, Bohr smukkeserede på Max Plancks kvanteteori og drejede Mendelejefs
> periodiske system 90 grader . men hvilke produkter er opstået eller
> blevet billigere eller æstetisk skønne naturindsigter?

Halvledere, computere, internettet og dine mulighed for at trolle er
altsammen produkter af kvantemekanikken.

Kim Hansen | |\ _,,,---,,_ | Det er ikke
Dalslandsgade 8, A708 | /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ | Jeopardy.
2300 København S | |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' | Svar _efter_
Phone: 32 88 60 86 | '---''(_/--' `-'\_) | spørgsmålet.

Bo Warming (27-12-2002)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 27-12-02 05:30

"Kim Hansen" <k-tahf.qvxh@oek.dk> wrote in message
> Halvledere, computere, internettet og dine mulighed for at trolle er
> altsammen produkter af kvantemekanikken.

Transistor teknologi opstod sideløbende med Einstein-fup men der er
ingen sammenhæng. Læs evt følgende uddybning og FORKLAR HVIS DU KAN,
hvordan ligning om at dobbelt energi kræver dobbelt brændstof har
revolutioneret. Så er du troldmand. Jeg troller aldrig.
Ingen af de fysiklærdeste har i 5 år kunne forsvare Einstein og Bohr og
Newton mod undertegnede Dreng i Kejserens Ny Klær, men prøv nu du.

The Einstein ambition was insane

Touching on the taboo - the Einstein fame - has made superficial writers
call me "antisemit" or "offtopic". Both are wrong. The uproar shows,
that it is much needed revisionism to cut Einstein(+Bohr++) down to

Since 1997 I have pointed out the uselessness of his theories AND THE
NEWTON THEORIES - which goes to show that etnic preferences are not my

Newton was Christian and wanted fame by simplifying the universe into
being governed by a few math equations. The atheist aspect of his
objectvive of simplification, he probably did not grasp himself.

Backed up by media, Einstein saw great beauty in "E=mc2" and claimed
that his "theory of relativity" contained all other physics laws. Wrong.

Backed up by media, Newton saw great beauty in "Force=mass X
acceleration" and thought his equations to contain and simplify "the
earlier mess of science". Wrong to the extent that the simplification
was small beer and produced no obvious results.

You can determine where you are, if you know angles to 3 points. This
was done by satelites and we got GPS once German-American rocket
tecknology got those points in place. The tools chosen include atomic
clocks (which makes superficial readers think, that the word "atomic"
makes them Einsteinian. Wrong. Atoms are more handy than other
pendulums - that is all.)

Max Planc discovered how emission of rays is discontinuous with "quants"
as the mysterious fixed energy gap(electron-jump model). It simplified
the theories and might have been important in inspiring the electronic
and atomic physics, that was the result of USA industrial resources and
challenges of WW2 - microvave, radar and transistors etc. But important
was the $ available to trial and error, "the old Edison perspiration
way". Even the Newtonian interpretation of old well known spectral
dissolution of light cannot be said to have been essential in the
marvels of filters, fluorescence, spectrometry, solaria and various ray
gadgets sold today. Röntgen's X-rays were not found because of his
"looking at radiation as not particles" - it was done by practical
sense and intuitive inspiration.

Nature is complicated. Simple theories always are proven to be more
misleading than helpful. This was understood and sloganed by Goethe and
it is still true - we should stop wasting governmental research on
fundamental science competing with religion and philosophy (as has been
the only use of the black holes, big bang and new elementary particles
talked about after WW2)

The term "Jew physics", that Hitler (/assistants) joked about concering
useless Einsteinian physics, certainly expressed espicable racism. But
their describing the math/philosophy as useless was OK. It was and is.

All religion is insanity, fighting rationality. Simplifying nature with
no engineering purpose is daydreaming, religious and insane. although
the psychiatrists are too cautious = political correct,
to dare point out the irrationality of the scientists ambitious
"boiling all laws into one".

"Progress has not followed a straight ascending line, but a spiral with
rhythms of progress and retrogression, of evolution and dissolution"

"Both nature and art are too great to have a purpose". Goethe

"We may say that hysteria is a caricature of an artistic creation, a
compulsion neurosis a caricature of a religion, and a paranoiac delusion
a caricature of a philosophic system.Sigmund Freud

"Every society has a tendency to reduce its opponents to caricatures.

Mathness (27-12-2002)
Fra : Mathness

Dato : 27-12-02 11:44

On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 05:30:13 +0100, Bo Warming wrote:

> Transistor teknologi opstod sideløbende med Einstein-fup men der er
> ingen sammenhæng. Læs evt følgende uddybning og FORKLAR HVIS DU KAN,
> hvordan ligning om at dobbelt energi kræver dobbelt brændstof har
> revolutioneret. Så er du troldmand. Jeg troller aldrig. Ingen af de
> fysiklærdeste har i 5 år kunne forsvare Einstein og Bohr og Newton mod
> undertegnede Dreng i Kejserens Ny Klær, men prøv nu du.

Det har revolutioneret fordi det adskiller dem der kan
matematik/fysik/logik/etc. fra dem der ikke kan dette. Derved kan det ses
hvem der har evner inden for videnskab, og hvem der bare har lallet

Det var da ikke så svært. ;p

PS. Wheeee, I'm a wizard :)

Thomas Klietsch m a t h n e s s @ z 4 2 . d k

Only a Sofa-Wrestler would dare attack The Mighty FurNiTaur.

Bo Warming (31-12-2002)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 31-12-02 06:14

"Mathness" <mathness@z42.NO.SPAM.dk> wrote in message
> On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 05:30:13 +0100, Bo Warming wrote:
> > Transistor teknologi opstod sideløbende med Einstein-fup men der er
> > ingen sammenhæng. Læs evt følgende uddybning og FORKLAR HVIS DU KAN,
> > hvordan ligning om at dobbelt energi kræver dobbelt brændstof har
> > revolutioneret. Så er du troldmand. Jeg troller aldrig. Ingen af de
> > fysiklærdeste har i 5 år kunne forsvare Einstein og Bohr og Newton
> > undertegnede Dreng i Kejserens Ny Klær, men prøv nu du.
> Det har revolutioneret fordi det adskiller dem der kan
> matematik/fysik/logik/etc. fra dem der ikke kan dette. Derved kan det
> hvem der har evner inden for videnskab, og hvem der bare har lallet
> teorier.

Alle mennesker evner logik osv - men på forskellig måde.
At adskille folk i under og overmennesker er selvfølgelig hvad mange
math-freaks gerne vil, men det gavner intet - ren apartheid.
Arbejdsgiver kan på jobbet se hvem er værd at give lønforhøjelse - og
det er sjældent teoretisk logik af math-fys type der er vigtig idag.

Hvis nogen her er gode til de fine science discipliner, så bevis at
Einstein har gavnet GPS eller abombe.

Eller at flaskehalsen i udviklingen fra
Babbagecomputer+Schokley-transistor var andet end investeringer altså
trial and error, hard work.

At kodebryderne og de andre math-hjerner var afgørende for de skønne små
computere vi idag har, er ikke sandsynliggjort.

Har nogen bevist at kvantekryptering virker og bruges?

Selv vedr Bbombe der sku have ført til fusions-kraftværker har jeg mine
tvivl om journalisterne taler sandt.

Kim Hansen (22-12-2002)
Fra : Kim Hansen

Dato : 22-12-02 15:10

"Bo Warming" <XUMPEYFQNLVX@spammotel.com> writes:

> Der er stor ærefrygt for Einstein og Bohr
> Men kan nogen argumentere logisk for at de har givet skatteyderne noget
> for deres penge?
> Jo, Bohr smukkeserede på Max Plancks kvanteteori og drejede Mendelejefs
> periodiske system 90 grader . men hvilke produkter er opstået eller
> blevet billigere eller æstetisk skønne naturindsigter?

Halvledere, computere, internettet og dine muligheder for at trolle er
altsammen produkter af kvantemekanikken.

Kim Hansen | |\ _,,,---,,_ | Det er ikke
Dalslandsgade 8, A708 | /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ | Jeopardy.
2300 København S | |,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' | Svar _efter_
Phone: 32 88 60 86 | '---''(_/--' `-'\_) | spørgsmålet.

Henning Makholm (22-12-2002)
Fra : Henning Makholm

Dato : 22-12-02 17:26

Scripsit Kim Hansen <k-tahf.qvxh@oek.dk>

> Halvledere, computere, internettet og dine muligheder for at trolle er
> altsammen produkter af kvantemekanikken.

Det har gode folk i årevis forsøgt at fortælle ham, uden nogen målbar
effekt. Lad nu være med at fodre trolden, ikke?

Henning Makholm "Nemo enim fere saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit."

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